03-18-2017, 08:28 PM
Greyson was slightly embarrassed hearing Emmet had chosen the dress himself, though it fitted him ill. The greyish fabric looked bad on him and somehow the king wanted only teh best for Emmet---Emily. "I.. I didn't mean to criticize your taste. IT's just... the color doesn't appeal to me i guess." he released a sigh of relief hearing Emmet's promise on not leaving, and chuckled a little at Emmet's obvious hate on his queen. "Indeed, I would be taking care of our child myself if I had to. I would try my best to eliminate Flora's interference. But I have to admit, it would be a great relief if you are willing to stay.... I don't think i could handle raising a kid myself." He said as he turned yet another corner down another long corridor. He saw Emmet supporting his back with his hand now, the long walking seemed to be tiring him out.