C A rather unfurtunate turn of events

Tobias understood how his boyfriend was with expressing his feelings. He knew just from the way the man looked at him how he felt. It made him happy, even if Drusus wouldn't admit it.

He nodded at the other's comment, looking around with his flashlight. He couldn't explain why he was drawn further in, but he didn't think much of it. He paused as the tunnel started to widen, cautiously moving forward only to find it was a dead end. An average sized room seemed to have been carved from the stone and lived in. He looked around, then back to Drusus. "Guess this is it. We could camp here tonight. Its not too cold and its dry." He said, looking confident as he set his bag down and started to unpack his sleeping bag.

Messages In This Thread
A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Sky - 05-21-2017, 09:10 PM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Hyenadog - 05-21-2017, 11:26 PM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Sky - 05-23-2017, 03:24 AM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Hyenadog - 05-23-2017, 03:41 AM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Sky - 05-24-2017, 02:52 AM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Hyenadog - 05-24-2017, 03:37 AM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Sky - 05-24-2017, 04:14 AM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Hyenadog - 05-24-2017, 04:35 PM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Sky - 05-28-2017, 05:30 PM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Hyenadog - 05-28-2017, 07:33 PM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Sky - 05-28-2017, 08:38 PM
RE: A rather unfurtunate turn of events - by Hyenadog - 05-29-2017, 06:58 PM

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