07-04-2017, 11:06 PM
Alex couldn't help but scream as the live snake babies were moving in his tight canal wanting to be free. Feeling his lovers hand inside him, Alex groaned when he felt the first live one being forced from him. Watching his love kill the baby was good to him since he didn't want to see it anymore. Knowing he was halfway done, Alex could only move on the bed wanting it to be over. He could feel the egg was next as he bared down pushing. However the live snake baby was behind it causing him pain when the egg wasn't moving fast enough. Gripping the covers, Alex screamed as he felt the egg forced down the canal and into his lovers hands as he helped him free it. Feeling the live creature inside him, Alex bared down pushing and screaming as it moved inside him. Looking up at his lover, Alex pleaded him to get it out as he felt Kaden reach inside him grabbing the last remaining snake baby. As it was pulled from him, Alex gave one last scream before he collapsed on the bed realizing he was truly free from the snake man. Looking at his love, Alex soon passed out from exhaustion of childbirth not waking until days later when his strength had returned as his lovers had. It was now that Alex knew he had to tell his lover about his past and ask him the question that had been on his mind since he first saw him.