12-15-2017, 04:38 AM
He noticed the tummy and smiled. "I was a pet but for reason my own gave me a strange drink then every things a blank. I have a feeling i was dumped. I dont know what i did wrong my master loved me." He started to cry. He took the water and drank a couple small sips then handed it back. Tears were welling and spillimg.
He was sure this kind anthro wouldnt hurt him. He was pregnant and he seemed quiet nice. He teary jade hues scaned the antbro. He seemed to be a rat. He gussed by his appetence hed been on the streets a while ir his whole life. He hugged one of his fluffy taails to his chest. His mind was reeling. The pain in his body was nothing compeared to thr pain in his heart.
He was sure this kind anthro wouldnt hurt him. He was pregnant and he seemed quiet nice. He teary jade hues scaned the antbro. He seemed to be a rat. He gussed by his appetence hed been on the streets a while ir his whole life. He hugged one of his fluffy taails to his chest. His mind was reeling. The pain in his body was nothing compeared to thr pain in his heart.