09-07-2013, 08:41 AM
"What's going on here." said David as he forced himself to a standing position, barely getting his balance with his larger center of gravity. "Iggy, let's get the battery lanterns from the closet. Using Iggy's phone, the two slowly made their way to the closet, taking out the six lamps and putting them strategically around the ground floor of the house: two in the kitchen, one in the bathroom, and three in the living room. It wasn't as much as full electricity, but it was enough light to keep the room to a comfortable level visibility. "This is interesting." he said waddling back to the table with the bowl of popcorn. David stuffed a large handful into his mouth, and then another. "It's just the wind, the power always goes out when its too windy around here. Plus the weather service always overreacts, we'll be fine. He could some increased movement within his gargantuan stomach, and his penis get harder with the added pressure on his prostate. David took another handful of popcorn and slowly waddled towards the couch again, mildly struggling to do so. "Can you bring the popcorn over here, Iggy?"