C The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky

It was almost like a natural response that, at the slightest of touches, Steve always found himself leaning into Bucky. Ever since they were practically in diapers, they'd always found ways to stay as connected as the hip as (literally) possible; shared the same bed for sleepovers until they moved into their own shitty shoe box of a place at nineteen. Steve still vividly remembered working his skinny ass off in high school, getting into any AP class he could only for the sake of actually spending more time with his Bucky — since Bucky was a year older than him, it's not like they had many shared classes. He took Russian, Steve took French, but they both shared the same history and advanced algebra classes.

Another, overly, vivid memory of Steve's was his familiarity with Sister Mary's wooden ruler. It's not like religion was ever forced on him, but coming from a strong heritage of... Irish immigrants who still spoke Gaelic even when company wasn't around, they naturally held onto their faith as well. Steve was raised Catholic, and that probably lead into the reason why he never outright told his mom how he felt about Bucky. Or they'd been sneakily sleeping around and double-dating constantly in the attempts of trying to have a normal relationship or whatever, which each other.

He got caught kissing his "best friend" in a utility closet in one of the empty activity rooms at his church. Though Bucky came from a completely different faith, he still dropped by every Sunday after service to get an ice cream with Steve and chat. Steve always had that spark in him, of wanting to rebel and act out, sometimes only for the shock value and urge to spite others. So, naturally, after an hour of being explained to ten different reasons homosexuality was a sin he found himself more than a bit pent up with anger.

Took Bucky's hand into his own and dragged him down the hall. When Sister found them, it was a blessing she didn't tell their parents, or report them to the cops even.

Steve tried clearing his thoughts. Some memories were still coming back to him as well. His mind wasn't as muddled and played with as Bucky's, but he could feel his body's age from time to time.

"Whether or not?" he questioned, rubbing small circles down Bucky's thigh.

my heart belongs to bucky
my ass belongs to him too

Messages In This Thread
The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 04:12 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 04:54 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 05:05 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 05:19 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 05:37 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 05:53 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 06:00 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 06:14 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 06:20 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 06:30 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 06:37 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 06:46 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 07:00 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 10:28 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 10:39 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 11:10 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 11:34 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 11:53 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 12:32 PM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-09-2018, 01:29 PM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-09-2018, 07:55 PM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-11-2018, 10:32 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-13-2018, 08:18 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-14-2018, 11:44 PM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-15-2018, 03:41 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by JamesBarnes_BiggestBoyAlive - 12-15-2018, 07:43 AM
RE: The Wild Wedding of Steve and Bucky - by SteveRogers_andhiseggs - 12-15-2018, 08:25 AM

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