New EMS machine

Just bought an 806p electronic muscle stimulator for about £40 because my old one only did contractions up to 40 secs and this one does contractions and intervals up to 90 secs. It seems quite good and means I can go all the way to full blown transition contractions.

What's interesting is that the ramp up (over 8 secs) seems more sudden than my old machine so when a contraction bites it's genuinely scary! The contractions also seems harder and tighter than old the machine so I've only got it up to around level 4.5 (It goes to 8). Maybe it's a genuine machine difference or maybe it's related to the fresh 9 volt battery - either way it left me feeling alarmed as I felt a contraction starting in my belly! It starts slowly for 3-4 secs and then suddenly really strengthens - you can see my belly move with each contraction.

I'm off during the coming week and now have my orbeez balloon belly, the new contraction machine and my expanding butt plug. I'm also thinking of buying a 9 inch dildo/strapon so I can enjoy some anal penetration during early labour.

Will post pics if I give birth this week but am feeling hugely pregnant and ready to drop at any minute. If only I had a female birth partner to coach me over audio.


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New EMS machine - by joshlg_uk - 02-02-2019, 12:27 PM

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