03-19-2020, 08:04 AM
Akira nodded as Allanna talked “yes that would be great. I’d appreciate your help” Akira blushed and as Allanna mentioned delivery “I should tell you Allanna that while I’d like to deliver via C-section and I’ve been researching and talking to doctors on ways I could deliver. There is a secret that I have and sooner or later, you will find out” Akira rubs his pregnant belly “The fact is I’m happy to be eternally pregnant with a big pregnant belly. I’ve talked to the doctors if I could live the rest of my life 9months pregnant with twins. The doctors said it is possible but the weight of the belly could cause havoc on my lungs and heart. The doctors are still researching ways for delivery with no results yet. That’s why the doctors recommended I hired a midwife to keep track of my pregnancy and health” Akira smiles “basically my secret is I have a pregnant belly fetish” As they talked the vidphone rings and Akira gets up slowly and waddles to the vidphone and answers.