03-21-2020, 08:09 PM
Cael left quickly after other humans had started arriving, careful to make sure he wasn't noticed as he took the the skies. The air was crisper and cold so far up but it did nothing to provide answers as to why he felt so interested or drawn to the mortal cop. Cael had been around this area of the world for longer than he cared to remember, time passed differently for him and human lifespans were so short he felt it pointless to involve himself aside from doing the job he was created for. Today, however, he'd abandoned everything he'd been created to do and saved a life that he should have escorted home to Heaven. It was a confusing and admittedly mortal thing for him to do and the curiosity of it only made the pull to the cop that much stronger. After their parting he had tried to continue on with his duty, following the pull within him. Yet every time he did, he found not a soul in need of help but simply the young cop he'd rescued that day. The pull led him to random moments in the cop's daily life, though he hadn't seen him in his uniform so Cael could only assume he had been given some time off due to the incident.
This particular afternoon, following the pull as if it would lead him to something other than what it had been recently, Cael found himself on a set of old wooden stairs leading down a small banking and onto a warm sandy beach. There were some houses scattered about, a bit more expensive for humans considering they were so close to the water, but nice and organized. A warm wind wrapped around him and ruffled his feathers as it passed, the appendages flicking behind him when his eyes spotted the source of the pull. Of course it was him. It was always him these days.
This particular afternoon, following the pull as if it would lead him to something other than what it had been recently, Cael found himself on a set of old wooden stairs leading down a small banking and onto a warm sandy beach. There were some houses scattered about, a bit more expensive for humans considering they were so close to the water, but nice and organized. A warm wind wrapped around him and ruffled his feathers as it passed, the appendages flicking behind him when his eyes spotted the source of the pull. Of course it was him. It was always him these days.
“By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"