03-21-2020, 08:44 PM
Allanna had been putting out their equipment savs small tech portable untrasound as they nodded listening and stopped as they mentioned wanting to keep theor babies in forever. Then again at their secret as interesting as it was Allana liked the idea and that's why midwife appealed to them. "Their not wrong the babies will just keep growing and it would put too much strain on every part of your body. Though if you got pregnant once im assuming you could again as some couples can't if you dodnt want to keep your twins some of my clients have been choosing adoptions. I do have one way of delivering that isnt c section and isn't exactly approved by all medical staff yet but with my robotics ive been able to do it a few times now with patients successfully but it takes a little time to heal and the larger the baby or in your case babies the longer and harder the birthing process is. Though i did have patient get pregnant again right away after knowing this option was there." Allanna says as they watch you on the phone and finish the table set up in the room.