03-22-2020, 01:45 AM
"I promise it'll be fun. And you'll be receiving a majority of the pleasure..." He kissed Desmond again, reaching for the hair soap so he could rub suds into Desmond's hair. He levitated water over his boyfriend's head to clear the soap quickly and efficiently before he started rubbing soapy suds in his own hair, head tipped back afterward to clear them "The position would be readily available to me, tomorrow, if we still have our jobs... The condition was that I get the other employees pissed off enough that the worst of them loses his shit... He did, today, and he'll be fired, made an example of, and I'll be the new bar bouncer..." He leaned down and kissed Desmond again, smiling softly "You're cute when you're made, by the way."
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.