C The Musician's Heart

"Does that show even exist anymore? If so, it certainly wouldn't have me on it. I couldn't fathom being in a place where it's often a pity party and needs someone like me, who has a little more recognition than they do at this point, to celebrate those former famous lives because nobody else will."

And she could take that any sort of way she wanted. It was pure honesty. As he awaited her next question before the camera, he sported a warm smile. Naturally, she choked up. A newcomer in the game of media. A newcomer when it came to dealing with the celebrity known as Ryan Chance. Johnny as most would have it for his stage name.

He was cocky with confidence, someone who knew his music would sell and in spite of it all, the mass would still play his records and watch his films. Toxic, some would dare to call it. Nonsense, as he would have it. He wasn't forcing his opinion on anyone that didn't want to hear it and at the end of the day, he was certainly hashing out cash to various organizations across the world than he was keeping it to himself. At this point in his twenty-seven years of living, to make it this far and not falter was an accomplishment. To make it out from a former boy band and break out into his path, that was an even better accomplishment. His contemporaries could never.

"Well," she stammered. "I guess I can ask you this."

She pushed up her glasses, regaining her composure. When will the infamous Johnny settle down? A good question indeed.

"Depends. I have to be looking for starters and someone has to want to contend to this ego of mine to even get that far."

That's why he was exploring his options as a result. As a man who was raised up with certain ethics, getting him to just truly change at this slightly late in the game was quite impossible. Best to focus on his good traits and hope he scores someone who was in it for him and not the money itself. Dating apps with an incognito profile tended to be just that. Imagine the surprise of them encountering a famous stud on their date? Speaking of such a social outing.

"Tonight, there's a charity event of sorts at the infamous Hearst Castle. Anyone who's someone plays a game out among the "Maze of love." It's not really a maze, but you have to play a few games to find that person you've been guessing at the end of it all. Not saying it's impossible. Just saying someone might score something tonight. If you're game for it, come on by and do a few interviews. You might like it. All profits are going towards a great cause, of course."

Once everything was said and done, he rolled his blue eyes and let out a deep sigh. Boy, how he hated doing those things all the time. He might have to take a page from some of the other celebrities and just stop having interviews. If it wasn't to promote the new album, a soundtrack for an upcoming film and just a catch up on his life in general, he would have done just that.

"Hey," he called out to one of his Bodyguards. "Which one has my coffee and which one has my phone."

He had to text his virtual significant other the good news about tonight.

Messages In This Thread
The Musician's Heart - by Klayko - 03-24-2020, 11:16 PM
RE: The Musician's Heart (Closed w/SazzyP260) - by Sam260 - 03-24-2020, 11:53 PM
RE: The Musician's Heart (Closed w/SazzyP260) - by Klayko - 04-08-2020, 03:54 AM

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