05-07-2020, 09:50 PM
Edward blushed.
- Just give me a bathrobe though, I don't want to expose myself, though it's just your sister.
He did not hide that he himself was terrified of rectal blood, but he tried to think positively. He will definitely be fine.
- And please don't panic. I'm not dying for now - he said, turning to the side and instinctively placing his hand on his stomach.
He didn't even count how many times he made that gesture that day. His omega just really wanted puppies.
- Just give me a bathrobe though, I don't want to expose myself, though it's just your sister.
He did not hide that he himself was terrified of rectal blood, but he tried to think positively. He will definitely be fine.
- And please don't panic. I'm not dying for now - he said, turning to the side and instinctively placing his hand on his stomach.
He didn't even count how many times he made that gesture that day. His omega just really wanted puppies.