05-07-2020, 10:05 PM
Edward was very moved by her husband's attitude. He got up unsteadily and called him.
- Sweetheart! - Ansgard ran to him, and the omega stole a juicy kiss on his lips - Just take care!
After a while, the man disappeared behind the door, and the dark man at that time slowly came to the closet and took out the first t-shirt that caught his eye. It was much too big, but he thought it was cute.
When he turned around, he saw blood droplets on the floor and sighed in exasperation. In addition to being troublesome, he has also made a mess.
He grabbed the towel he had received from his partner and began to clean it. When he finished, he sat on the bed and waited for his husband to return.
- Sweetheart! - Ansgard ran to him, and the omega stole a juicy kiss on his lips - Just take care!
After a while, the man disappeared behind the door, and the dark man at that time slowly came to the closet and took out the first t-shirt that caught his eye. It was much too big, but he thought it was cute.
When he turned around, he saw blood droplets on the floor and sighed in exasperation. In addition to being troublesome, he has also made a mess.
He grabbed the towel he had received from his partner and began to clean it. When he finished, he sat on the bed and waited for his husband to return.