O Really been missing my belly during lockdown

Gosh one of the biggest things I have missed during the months of lockdown is the ability to dress up pregnant with my huge balloon belly and maternity wear.  There just hasn't been any opportunity to do that with the house occupied all the time so it must be over 12 months since I have been able to be ripe!

Anyway there's going to be some opportunities in the weeks ahead I am sure and then I will be able to dress up full term and savour the delicious roundness of my belly.  I love my EMS/Tens and its ability to start with some gentle twinges in my tummy, those early tell tale signs of labour starting.  The anticipation and fear of what is to come, the fact that my contractions keep getting longer and stronger until all I can do is groan and breathe through them as I walk around the house trying to encourage progress in my labour.  Eventually they become relentless, some lasting 90 seconds and coming every couple of minutes.  I lean over chair backs or sway in your arms, my short t shirt style maternity nightie sways sensually around my hips as I gently rock to and fro breathing through each contraction.

As I near transition I feel the sudden gush of my waters which break through my tiny G string and splatter down my legs soaking my knees and thighs.  How I long to be caressed and touched and kissed as those surges intensify.  I can no longer stay upright but have to take up a position on the bed.  At this point my inflating butt plug is inserted and pumped up gradually increasing the feeling of rectal pressure.  It feels like my ass is about to blow, that I can't take much more and I struggle with resisting the urge to bear down until you say I can.  I do my best to breathe away the pains, panting and blowing as another contraction and huge surge grips me.  Minutes go by, wave after wave of intense labour pain until finally I am allowed to start pushing.  The pressure feels immense in my anal birth canal but slowly I feel the butt plug moving down as I push.  The pushing is actually largely involuntary anyway, my poor stretched canal wants our baby out by the only means possible even if it feels like I might tear.  You try to reassure me but I am consumed by the fear it is just too big.  I start to wish I was in a delivery room with trained medical personnel, strapped into stirrups on a delivery table with its bright lights not trying to birth naturally.

I alternate between the knee chest position with my bottom high in the air and my sweat drenched thighs rocking to and fro and the more conventional delivery position laying on my back with my knees parted and drawn up.  These positions are a good one for you to examine me and to feel the head bulging at my anal opening.  I feel your fingers probing around my anal canal helping those lips to part and stretch to accomodate the head.  A few more pumps on the butt plug and the pressure grows even more intense and I groan as another contraction rises and falls.  I push down again and again obeying your instructions and feeling myself stretching wider than I ever thought possible as you apply counter-pressure to reduce my risk of tearing.  My anal canal is moist with birth fluids and the lube you applied earlier.  You squirt a little olive oil there and massage it into the taut opening.  You hold my legs firmly between contractions and then in between sensually stroke the insides of my thighs to soothe me, occasionally running your fingertips over my large ball sack and kneading them.   I open my eyes as I feel you gently running your hands up and down my manhood which begins to respond until another contraction hits.  

Slowly I feel the great opening and stretching, there's huge pressure and the force is unstoppable.  My belly hurts so much but there's huge relief as you encourage me - my mangina now gaping with the plug at full crown.  Inch by inch it slips out between my thighs as I give a massive push, I can't help it and you order me to pant, pant, pant.  I'm trying but it's an unstoppable wave of pleasure and pain.  

I would love to find a female midwife/girlfriend interesting in roleplaying this scenario over voice privately in the next few weeks.  It will be a UK daytime birth when I have the place to myself and I can confirm dates nearer the time - just let me know if you are interested below.  


Messages In This Thread
Really been missing my belly during lockdown - by joshlg_uk - 04-16-2021, 07:56 AM

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