07-01-2021, 03:04 AM
Dale got up and went to Steve grabbing his hand gently “Hey, I’m sorry, I must have misread the situation, I’m sorry. I just, I was so excited to see you and I forgot how much you make me feel” he said softly “I forgot how much my crush on you affected me” he said and reached up gently touching his cheek softly.
Liam came out of the bathroom and saw how soft and tender Dale was being with Steve and he swallowed roughly his heart twisting in his chest a bit before he quietly, avoiding them, snuck out of the restaurant and headed back to the room.
Liam came out of the bathroom and saw how soft and tender Dale was being with Steve and he swallowed roughly his heart twisting in his chest a bit before he quietly, avoiding them, snuck out of the restaurant and headed back to the room.