Tasha pulled her hand away from James’ small bump and held out her hand for him to take, and so they left together, hand in hand. As they made their way back towards the holiday house, Tasha smiled and said,” I can’t wait for all their other milestones”.
James looked down at her and smiled softly,” me too” he murmured,” me too”.
When they finally got back, they lounged on the couch infront of the tv for a while, Tasha had her head on James’ bump and had lifted up his shirt.
“You know, skin to skin contact is for when the babies are already born” he joked whilst holding her head there, it was a comfortable feeling for him.
James looked down at her and smiled softly,” me too” he murmured,” me too”.
When they finally got back, they lounged on the couch infront of the tv for a while, Tasha had her head on James’ bump and had lifted up his shirt.
“You know, skin to skin contact is for when the babies are already born” he joked whilst holding her head there, it was a comfortable feeling for him.