C My brothers best friend

Kyle kissed his head gently “Hi Rose” he said to the baby

(Want to start the new couple?)


Steve smiles and yawns softly.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Name: Adam ‘Blaze’ Blazer
Age: 22
Looks: Blonde hair and brown eyes, pale with freckles across his nose and medium height quite slim build.

Blaze was nervous. He sat in the little room that was his trailer for the time being, it was his first day on set and he was about to go to film his first scene with his ‘love interest’ who he had met once when he auditioned, he was a big deal with the show being extremely popular the first two seasons and Blaze was a little nervous that he was going to be hated for being the man’s love interest. He headed to the set and followed the assistant to the set looking around a little excitedly

Name: Miles Foxx
Age: 21
Looks: Short and wavy blonde hair with bangs that swept off to the left, pale blue eyes, average build, slim with toned limbs, lightly tanned skin and a small scar that left a gap through his right eyebrow.

Miles is already on set practicing his lines for that day's episode, standing in the middle of the setup room they would be filming in "Oh, hey Blaze" He smiles at the other man "Excited for your first day filming?" He asks.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Blaze smiled gently at him “Hey Miles” he said softly “Um, both excited and terrified, you play such a beloved character that being a potential love interest in just thinking of the hate coming” he laughed a little nervously

"Don't worry about that, I'm sure the viewers will love ya" Miles shoots Blaze a reassuring smile "You'll do fine, you got this role over the other candidates for a reason"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Blaze laughed gently “You have to say that to me” he winked playfully before the director came over to them to discuss the scene. The gist of the scene was that they were college students that had been paired up on a project and they were a little of the “opposites attract” with one being a bit bookish and the other being a bit bad-boyish.

(You can choose if you’re the bookish or bad boy lol)

(Blaze seems more likely to be the bookish kind so I think he should actually be the bad boy lol)

Miles laughs and wishes Blaze good luck before they take their places on set and the cameras start filming.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Lol, okay, hahaha)

Blaze shook himself out a little and pulled on the leather jacket they had him in before sitting in the spot and started to fiddle with a pen he had grinning boyishly at Miles “So, partners huh?” He grinned leaning forward “At least you’re cute” he winked

(I thought it would be a good display of his acting skills lol)

"Y-Yeah, partners" Miles says in an anxious voice, easily slipping into character "You think I'm cute?" He squeaks out, peering out over the top of the book he had been given.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Blaze chuckled quietly “Yes, you’re cute but I’m sure you know that to some regard, I don’t think you would have dated Chad if you didn’t know that a little” he smirked a little “Don’t act all shocked, news travels in this college like wildfire, it’s like a high school” he rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat crossing his arms a little “Anyway, what do you want me to do with this assignment” he asked, acting bored with the conversation

"That's true" Miles chuckles "You'd think that college students would have grown out of petty gossip and spreading rumors but noooo everyone has to know everything about everyone else" He laughs bashfully "O-Oh um...I was thinking that you could help take notes while I mix the chemicals and perform the experiment?"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Blaze smirked a little at the nervous man “Sure” he said grabbing a book out of the bag and flipped it open “Go ahead” he said tapping his pen on the desk waiting patiently

Miles starts carefully pouring the containers full of chemicals into each other while explaining what they were and the reaction they were intended to create.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Blaze smirked a little “You think I don’t know what reactions they’re supposed to make? Just because I don’t have my face buried in a book doesn’t mean I’m not smart” he wrote down in the book as it went along “You need to add more hydrochloride in that one, that’s why it’s not reacting the way it should”

"I was just explaining so our notes are thorough" Miles grins as he adjusts the amounts of each chemical accordingly.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Blaze smirked and shook his head “Mmhmm” he muttered righting their process down as they went. He stood and stretched “Well I think this is good for today. I’ll type it up and bring it next class cutie” he winked grabbing his bag and his motorcycle helmet

"O-Okay, sounds good!" Miles grins shyly as he starts gathering up his things.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Blaze grinned and walked off the set. They called cut and they repeated the scene several times, Blaze feeling more relaxed each time before they were told the scene was good by the director and ushered away.

"You did a great job" Miles smiles at Blaze "Wanna go grab a coffee and rehearse our lines for the next episode?"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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