O rags to royalty

the king Brown unhappily as he looked upon his beloved pet. "when are you due again?" he asked kind of concerned.

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He looks up at the king then to his belly "last week" is all he says with a sigh "then ik sure ill be filled with more"

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i better go find that farm hand. he left the room quickly in search of him.

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He watched the king go with a sigh, there wasnt much thatg could be done, till his eggs decided to come he would continue to carry them. He shifted around a bit to make himself more comfortable on the bed, gettin a strange position with his back arched and his belly sticking out more. When what he thought was a guard approached him he gave a growl in warning to stay away. He wasnt laying yet, he was just in a bad mood with the guards who kept pulling pranks on him simply because he wasnt permitted to fight back and because he is pregnant.

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"hey shush my pet" the king said softly i had no luck so i have the guards out looking for him.

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The dragon opened one eye to see it was the king approaching him and he stopped growling "sorry, you know what the guards are like... last time i woke up with my stomach painted to look like a pumpkin"

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the king smiled then quickly covered his mouth with his hand to hide it, "dear that must have been awful to get out of your scales." he said almost luaghing.

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"It took weeks... in the end i had to pluck some of them" he says rolling his eyes and he stretches a bit "time before that they moved me into the dungeons, remember that? You couldn't find me and i was bound and gaged so i couldnt answer when you called for me... if it hadnt been for one of the servants headinv down to get food from the underground larder id have been stuck there forever"

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the king snorted and disapproval knowing that his statement was completely untrue. "i would have hunted high and low till you were found." he smiled "because i love you dearly." he smiled and then whent back to doing his papper ork hed put aside.

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"You did, you just didnt thinkid bein the dungeons... you know how much i hate it down there " he says thinking back on it. He shifted and rolled so he could watch the king work, soon dozing back into a soft slumber.

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he smiled and then shook his head drakars soft snores filling the room. "you dont see how much you mean to me do you old freind?" he then sat his papers down and decided to doe off for a few as well.

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it was half an hour or so before he woke with a snort, his belly felt odd and with a quick glance he could tell that, thankfully the guards had left him alone this time. however his stomach felt tight and like he was having a cramp. with some effort and a bit of groaning he slowly stood thinking it was just hunger or thirst, he left the room quietly to let the king continue to doze while he headed to the kitchen. he did love his king, it was just the pregnancy that was grating at him at the moment, a week or so overdue, and his stomach so large he had trouble moving around. despite the fact he was the size of a horse the guards still belittled him like he was some weak puppy.

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the king awoke to find his pet gone slightly alarmed. he quickly got up to go looking for him hed never actualy been around for birth his pet always gave birth when he was away on his trips. but now that he was here he wished for him not to be alone.

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Panting and waddling he continued towards the kitchen as his belly just continued to tighten painfully. He whimpered and soon couldnt go on, he collapsed and groaned his sides heaving a bit as he panted feeling his belly continue its painful contractions.

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as the king headed to the kitchen he spotted his pet alarm rissing. he quickly came to his side eyes full of concern. he gently placed his palm on his belly. he was shocked to feel the scales move under his palm. "drakar are you alright!"

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the dragon panted sweat starting to show on some of his scales and he shook his head "M..My king... i..it hurts" he panted out. under his hand the king felt the belly Quiver and the dragon groaned "C...Cant m...move" he says before giving a soft roaring groan as his water broke

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the king had the gurads gently move him top his bed by the king in the throne room.he quickly sent them away after doing so knowing full well he didint cear or company. the king sat by his side stroking his belly and and trying to stay calm.

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the dragon was fine with the king for company, what he didnt want was the guards. the last time they had been cruel and mocked him when he was laying because the king was away on business and he couldnt go with him due to being so encumbered. "I...I should h...have r...recognised the s...sign" he says panting and growls through a contraction, claws digging into the bedding a little

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the king stayed by his side slightly concered. his child hood campanion was in pain and he was unsure of what to do. as he sat with him he begaun to feel awful for putting him though this.

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Drakar just continued through, the rubbing at least a little soothing. it took a while till he had the first of the six large eggs free. the egg was just over a foot long and about half as wide. He had made sure that the king stayed with him. whenever he went to leave he had placed his fore paw on his hand and made sure he stayed there. Now thought, seeing as he had a moment to relax he request something to drink

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