O Mpreg Brunch

Mark nods his head rubbing his stomach

"we've got you, no matter what." jackson smiles, placing a hand on mark's belly, with a supportive smile. "now, frank, answer your phone, at this stage in dave's pregnancy, it could be anything!" jackson laughs, his belly bouncing up and down with a every chuckle, his babies incredibly active.

Mark face turns very red as his boys starting to kick Jackson hand "boys settle down in there sorry about that Jackson they love when someone rubs my stomach I think there all going to be in football when there older by the way they move around

"haha, i'm sure!" jackson says with a smile, then turning to frank "so, what's up? is everything okay?" jackson smiles, referencing the many texts and calls from franks phone

He rubs his stomach feeling lots of moving

Frank takes out his phone, thinking that is was most likely just a request for groceries. "It's fine. Dave calls for urgent stuff." He lays the phone down on the table. The first few text were request for groceries, adhesive bandages, and laundry detergent, but the next text was a picture of Dave, naked bent on all fours, butt pointed at the camera, which he took as a mirror selfie. The next text was "don't forget bring me that big baby maker of yours." The next picture was one of his erect manhood that was accompanied with "don't worry, I'll be sure that your needs are dealt with too ;)" He tries quickly to put away my phone hoping that Jackson and Mark didn't see the sexts his husband sent him, but it was very obvious. Frank's face turns beet red. He pipes up "Dave's needs get pushed up to an extreme when he gets into his third trimester. I try to satisfy him, but he's voracious right now."

Mark rubs his stomach getting his third plate of food "I'm huge as a whale and my boys are still hungry

jackson smiles, almost laughing "oh god, man, don't even worry about it! michael and i do it twice a day. MINIMUM" jackson states with a bite of his fourth plate of food. "if he doesn't satisfy me, i have to touch myself, because i'm sure you already know, that if you don't release at lease twice a day you get these terrible cramps in your belly, they totally suck for me since i'm carrying so many, haha" jackson finishes off his fourth plate, grabbing a fifth as he sits down next to mark with a smile, offering him some of his own plate, sure that mark is still plenty hungry

Mark looks up "if one of my boys have too many pickles I get gassy and if I have ice cream they be kicking me like a storm

"These little aren't upset by mush besides general being." Frank rubs his belly "But I loss my appetite quickly now." He picks at his half eaten pancakes. "Dave on the other hand lives up to eating for a party. It's the same for my other appetite; I feel like an unfuckable whale right. Sorry, I'm pretty sure that you don't want to hear about my sex life, or do you?"

No it's okay I'm used to it he rubs his very large stomach "easy guys don't kick too hard

jackson laughs, "well me and mike are sex machines, at the moment, we do it so much.. well i thought i'd never say this but, sex has gotten kind of.. boring?" jackson says, almost nervously, starting on his 6th plate, rubbing his belly

Mark started on his 4th plate "never had sex since my lover passed away

"wait are you.. are you serious? have you tried to get back out there? like get a date or something?" jackson smiles, placing a hand on mark's shoulder

He looks down sad "I tried but every time I try guys reject me and I give up

Mark wipes his eyes "sorry man these hormones made me upset lately I just want to have fun again

Name: Austin Mahone
Age: 28
Currently Along: 4 Months
Babies: 2 Babies (Twins)
Personality: Always Been Nice

Name: Jethro Grantham
Age: 28
Not Carrying: --
Personality: Always Looks Out for People including his fiance....

Austin Mahone: Hey Everybody looks around to see his friends? but they were too busy going on with their lives (Seems Upset)...
Jethro Grantham: What's Wrong Babe?
Austin Mahone: All of my friends didn't notice when i walked in? Am I really that ugly that nobody notices me?
Jethro Grantham: Austin babe you are not ugly so you want me to go in there and talk to them about hurting your feelings?
Austin Mahone: Okay but Please Don't Embarrass Me they are my friends afterall...
Jethro Grantham: Okay I will try not too....

Mark smiles gently seeing Austin and Jethro he waves to them "hey guys you made it

Austin Mahone: Hey Mark thanks for noticing Us...
Jethro Grantham: Yeah Mark thanks...
Austin Mahone: We are glad to make it too...
Jethro Grantham: Since We found out that Austin was having Twins we been too busy focusing on anything else...
Austin Mahone: So We decided to go out to Brunch with My Friends so we can finally get out and experience life...
Jethro Grantham: Yeah with Austin being 4 Months Pregnant we been busy getting everything ready so this is huge for us...
Austin Mahone: So Mark Thanks for inviting us.. Oh Yeah My Boyfriend proposed to me 3 days after I told him that i was pregnant....
Jethro Grantham: Yeah I did... Because I Love Austin and even though i can't carry a child i am so lucky that Austin can...
Jethro Grantham: When I was 19 I found out that I can NEVER be pregnant so i been sad ever since that day until I met Austin then i started to come out of my sadness...
Jethro Grantham: Then when He told me that he was pregnant I was excited....

Mark smile gently "congrats guys he sits down slowly rubbing his large stomach "boys cut it out your kicking hard

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