Donation privacy

This is likely a better question for PayPal or my credit card company, but I was just wondering how anonymous our donations to the site are. Has anyone donated yet that would know? Does anyone know what the charge would show up as on a bank, paypal, or credit card statement? Thanks!

We've had one donation as of now. The donation showed up as "PayPal Transfer" within the bank account I use to fund the website but it could show up differently for you. It'll definitely show up as "PayPal ____" and not "Mpreg Central".

PayPal is a really safe way to make donations and I feel really good about using them for Mpreg Central. It took me several days to actually get the account verified which shows me that they care about security.


We've had one donation as of now.

Only ONE ?,,,,,come on lets keep this site going guys...

Uh huh! You're right Kiera, we will I promise!

We have two now! It's very appreciated y'all <3

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