Rps obviously

So, would anyone be interested in any of the following ideas to do with me?

Idea #1: Young boys who are stolen and chained up as they are forced to have sex with centaurs then are given a potion that knocks them out for three months and are then given a potion reviving them just as they reach labour point where they are still chained up to give birth (probably around 3-5 babies each) To continue this after the births the centaurs may feel they have exceeded their expectation and want to make them have more

Idea 2# A young human man and her partner want to have a child so he gets pregnant and goes into labour on a cruise so his partner has to coax him through it (twins possibly). To continue we could swap roles, the partner could become pregnant to 'experience' birthing and pregnancy

Idea 3# Two young men are stolen and forced to have sex with large half wolves half humans who impregnated them with pups(4-8 pups) To continue they could be pleased with their pups and wish to do it again(like Idea #1)

Idea 4# Aliens So, anyone want to do any of these? :)

I would love to :)

So which idea would you like to do? :)

Hmm I like idea 3

Cool :)

My character:
Gets pregnant with 6 pups

Jace and his best friend(you) were walking through the forest as they did every Saturday morning, but today felt different, like someone was watching them, Jace frowned looking around and shivered at the feeling. He heard a growling noise and turned in shock before being tackled by some sort of beast and knocked out. He awoke chained facing the floor

So, I've moved each idea to its own thread, just go into the one you want to do and join in! :)

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