The Cult

You are kidnapped from your village by a secret cult. To be given to their god as a male virgin bride. Please give me your character's appearance and name and what creature you would like to impregnate you.

Name: Kevin

Age: 23

Appearance: Short black hair, blue eyes, good natured and friendly to other people, yet can get suspicious of people I don't trust.

As for the type of creature, uh, a merman or something.

Name: Echo

Age: 5000

Appearance: 7 feet tall from his head to tail. He has pale skin, icy blue eyes with slitted pupils, sharp nails, shoulder length medium brown hair, and his tail is covered in dark green scales with touches of gold in them. He is dominating, used to getting what he wants, strict but not quite evil.

Did you want to start or me?

You can start, I don't care.

Echo growled with boredom. As he sat in the special room created for him by his followers. He looked around the room it was covered with silks, golds, jewels, furs and other treasures offered to him by his followers. He was relaxing in the special warming pool that was made specialty for him. As nice as it was having all that treasures. It seemed like he was missing something. "Yes, a warm body to bear me children". He smirked to himself at the thought of filling a virgin with his eggs that would hatch into his children." He looked for one of his followers and saw the leader. "Come here". The head leader approached him and bow. "Yes my lord?". Echo looked at him. "I believe it's time for me to take a bride. I require a male virgin. Go and find me one. He must be a virgin and handsome. I wish to have beautiful strong children. Not ugly weak ones. When you find one. You are to have him dressed up in the proper wedding clothing and brought before me in my chambers. Now go and do not return until you have found one!". The leader bowed to him before leaving. "Yes, my lord. I shall not fail you".

I sighed slightly with boredom as I moseyed my way around my village, having cleaned up my place after a few hours of work inside. I stretched out a little and let out a small yawn. "Man, I'm bored." I muttered as I looked around.

The cult members were outside looking around a near by village for their god's bride. Finally one of them spotted a young man with short black and blue eyes. He looked like their god would approve of him. He ran to tell the others and form a plan on luring him back to the temple. They decided they would ease the young man into a false sense of security before grabbing him and taking him back. The cult member who had seen the young man first decided to be the one to lure him. He ran up to him and bumped into him. "Please you have to help me!. My brother...he's...he's...hurt!. I need you help me carry him to healers. I can't carry him myself. Please no one else will help me. He's in the forest. Please hurry he's been hurt badly!"

"What? Where is he in the forest?" I asked as I looked at the guy that was telling me this. I had a feeling that I was being lured into a trap, but I didn't think that was too much of an issue now, as I followed the guy into the forest to look for this supposedly badly hurt brother.

"Please he is right over here behind this tree." Another cult member was laying on the ground moaning and gripping his ankle. "Please someone help me!" The first cult member lure the boy closer to the second cult member. The second member stopped and smirked at the boy. "Perfect, our lord and master will be pleased with this one". Before the boy could ran away they tackled them and tied his wrists and ankles. "Yes, he is going to be perfect". They picked him up and carried him deeper into the forest to the temple that was hidden away from society.

"Oh, crap...Why didn't I not see this coming?" I asked myself once I was inside my new home. I looked around and wondered where I was.

The cult members grabbed him and dragged him to a room. Where they stripped him down and started to bathe him. "We need to get the bride ready for his wedding". They held still as he attempted to struggle. After they finished washing him clean. They dried him off and dressed him up in a white long silk robe with gold threaded patterns. Next, they dragged him to another room and knocked on the door. Echo heard the knock and responded in his deep strong voice. "Enter".

"What the heck is going on here?" I mused to myself as I was taken into a dark room, wondering what would happen to me.

Echo chuckled as he watched the boy's confusion. "Come here my bride. Walk straight towards my voice. I wish to see a closer look at you."

"Wait a minute...I think I'm familiar with whoever is speaking to me..." I thought to myself as I made my way deeper into the room.

Echo purred at the boy's respond. "That's it keep coming closer towards my voice my bride".

"Bride? What are you talking about, buddy?" i asked as I kept walking forward.

Echo purred softly as he saw his soon to be bride come closer. "Come closer and you will find out. Come now don't be shy my bride. That's it just a few more steps." Echo smirked as he watched the boy closer to the pool where was waiting. He intended to grab the boy and drag him into the pool so they could get started on their wedding night.

I continued to walk down this hall until I saw a big pool. "Whoa. That's a pretty large sized pool." I thought to myself as I got closer and closer to it.

Echo smirked as he watched his soon to be bride get closer to the pool. He ducked under the water and swan towards the edge close to the boy. "Yes, it my bride. Now please look into the pool so you may see the owner of the voice. Echo waited until he was leaning over the pool and grabbed him. He pulled him into pool and wrapped his arms around him tightly and had positioned him so that they were face to face. Echo looked into his eyes and smirked. "My you're a cute one aren't you?".

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