An Elven-Human Marriage (Closed with DragonKnight)

Jerned smiled and placed his daughter's hand on Ryne's belly, feeling the babies stir and kick.

Madison smiled as she rubbed her mother's belly. Ryne remained blissfully asleep as the babies kicked. "Papa? Where do babies come from?" Madison asked.

Jerned shook his head and laughed, "I'm afraid my dear, that you are far too young for that." He said as he ruffled her hair.

**Hey, is it okay if I play Shiina?**


Madison tilted her head in wonder. She was curious of where her new siblings came from. "but how did they get in mama's tummy?"

Jerned's face turned red and he shook his head, "Madison, you're still far too young for that." He stammered as he looked everywhere at the room except for his daughter.

Madison tilted her head in confusion. "Papa? Mama's tummy is too blank. Can I paint it?" She asked.

"No, your mother's face is not a canvas." Jerned said, smiling at his daughter, "Why don't we just go and paint in your room for awhile?"

"But mama's belly is so plain. Please?" Madison asked with a cute pout.

"No." Jerned said firmly before picking her up and kissing her chubby cheeks.

Madison puffed her cheeks and looked away. "I don't want to talk to you anymore papa." She stated.

"Okay, then I'll just play dress up with your sisters and then I'll swordfight with your brother.' Jerned said with a smirk as he set his daughter down and he began walking out the bedroom, calling his other children and swinging them over his shoulder, running around the castle halls to emphasize the fun Madison was missing.

Madison gave sad eyes as she watched Jerned play with her siblings. She went to a Ryne and gently shook him. "Mama?" She asked as Ryne slowly woke up. "Madison? What are you doing?" He asked. "Daddy won't play with me." Madison explained.

Jerned entered the room as the three children got off him, Venus, Sapphire, and Shiina laughing as Jerned ruffled their hair.

"Not my fault, she was the one who wanted to turn you into a canvas." He said as he defended his case.
"Also, I was very patient with her but she threatened she won't talk to me so I decided to play hardball with her."

"I don't know. My baby girl loves her art. I guess she could." Ryne reason as Madison smiled. "Yay!" Madison cheered.

Shiina puller a fave before he shook his head and looked at his two other siblings, "Mother, you forgot that a princess must act accordingly in order to prove to the subjects that she is a worthy possible heir to the throne." Sapphire, the eldest and brightest among the four stated, her eyes flashing at the youngest, Madison, "Madison would of course know that had she paid to father's lessons instead of coming up with these informal drivel." She added before Jerned shook his head, "What Sapphire means is that you should not be so lenient on her, after all, she's not our only child and our children after all yearns for their mother." He said as he rubbed Ryne's belly.

"I'm well aware of all of that. But if im aware, you three also tend to forget your manners too. Besides, it's only once and I have to wash it off later." Ryne stated.

Sapphire shook her head, "As the eldest, I have to be as civil mother, but it is quite well to know that I am a terrible child." She snapped before she turned on her heep and walked away, her silver haired head held high, Jerned dogged, "Ryne, please explain to me how the children are not following manners, last I checked it was only our youngest, Madison that has yet to learn anything. Sapphire is becoming a promising heiress, Shiina is starting to prove himself a powerful warrior at an age of four and Venus is well known for her courteous attitude and talent for music and the arts, Ryne, tell me, in what way does our children displease you, sewing as you favour Madison more and ignore the rest."

"Last time I checked they forgot some of their studies too. Studying to be children. I love all of my babies equally. But I want them to enjoy their time as children before they become adults. I didn't get that chance when I was younger. I practically ran the kingdom when I was six." Ryne explained.

"I think you forget that I'm the one helping them be children and as the future rulers of the kingdom, I'd hate to add this my dear, but they all have to learn that there is time and play for everything." He said as he got up, Shiina and Venus looked at him and Ryne before shrugging as they left the room to spend time together, "I believe you should spend more time with the three others rather than just Madison, perhaps then you'll learn something about your own children." He muttered before he got up and left.

**Sorry bout the family drama. >_<**

(No this is good! I'm loving it!)

Ryne sighed as he slowly got up and went to Jerned. "Fine. Let me spend time with our children."

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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