Babies for the Army (closed with

(08-03-2015, 06:49 PM) Wrote:  (It's okay. :) )

"So it's a boy this time."

*Anna smiled in amusment but noticed when he pushed,there wsn't a baby coming out. She reached her hands onto his belly to feel for the baby's position inside of him*

"Try and push again."

"Yes, at least is what i think." Daniel said, smiling despite the pain. As Anna told him to push again, he nodded and pushed when the next contraction hit him. "Ooooooh, this one is a hard one." He joked, rubbing his belly (this baby is a bit bigger than the birth cannal, so it would be harder for Daniel to push it out). He was worried about the babies, and was wondering if he would be able to do it to the end.

"Hmmm. Maybe we better try another position."

*Anna replied with her hands moving away from his belly and looked down at him*

"How about on fours?"

(08-06-2015, 04:53 AM) Wrote:  "Hmmm. Maybe we better try another position."

*Anna replied with her hands moving away from his belly and looked down at him*

"How about on fours?"

"I guess it won't be bad" Daniel said, smiling. He turned himself on fours. "Do you think this will help?" He asked, a bit unsure.

*She runs her hand up and down his back*

"I'm not sure. But we'll have to try."

(08-11-2015, 04:31 AM) Wrote:  *She runs her hand up and down his back*

"I'm not sure. But we'll have to try."

"I guess so" Daniel said, grinning his teeth and pushing with the contraction as he moaned. The moan became a scream as the pain got worse, and he felt blood running down his legs

"Okay. You're bleeding. I got to feel if the baby is coming out by how it looks."

*She moved her hand in between his legs to feel for the head*

(08-16-2015, 06:24 AM) Wrote:  "Okay. You're bleeding. I got to feel if the baby is coming out by how it looks."

*She moved her hand in between his legs to feel for the head*

(sorry, i didn't see you have already responded this :s )

"Ouch. Argh, he is too big." Dylan moaned as the pain got more intense "Can you see the head? Is he coming?" He asked, squeezing the sheets and biting his lips

( It's okay. XD )

"Yeah. Yeah I can definitely tell that his head is coming. Just take more deep breathes and deep pushes. I know it hurts but you can do this."

*She replied with her other hand patting his abdomen*

(08-23-2015, 06:22 AM) Wrote:  ( It's okay. XD )

"Yeah. Yeah I can definitely tell that his head is coming. Just take more deep breathes and deep pushes. I know it hurts but you can do this."

*She replied with her other hand patting his abdomen*

"It's okay" he said, more to himself than to Anna "I can do this". He took a deep breath and pushed again "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" he screamed as he felt the baby's head ripping the beggining of his birth cannal apart, and cried as he felt the blood coming out of his ass

*Anna smiled at him and back to the head that was coming right out quite nicely by his pushing. A very strong one too by his screams. She held onto the head but she noticed that he was bleeding. Dammit. He teared. But she tried to keep him calm when she ran her hand up and down his belly with her other hand*

"That was good. Well done. The shoulders will be right out in no time."

(08-24-2015, 04:20 AM) Wrote:  *Anna smiled at him and back to the head that was coming right out quite nicely by his pushing. A very strong one too by his screams. She held onto the head but she noticed that he was bleeding. Dammit. He teared. But she tried to keep him calm when she ran her hand up and down his belly with her other hand*

"That was good. Well done. The shoulders will be right out in no time."

"Ngggggh. I think i should go back to the old position" Daniel said, moaning "My back is killing me" He tried to smile despite te pain and started to change to the first position. "You look a bit worried. Don't need to worry, okay? You are doing great" he said, trying to calm her.

*Anna nodded knowing it was best and she gently laid him back down onto his back but kept her hand onto the baby's head. She smiled abit at him*

"I think I should tell that to you. Try to breathe while I can feel for the cord around the baby's neck before you push."

*She moved her fingers along the neckline to feel if the baby's neck is caught by the cord*

(08-26-2015, 05:12 AM) Wrote:  *Anna nodded knowing it was best and she gently laid him back down onto his back but kept her hand onto the baby's head. She smiled abit at him*

"I think I should tell that to you. Try to breathe while I can feel for the cord around the baby's neck before you push."

*She moved her fingers along the neckline to feel if the baby's neck is caught by the cord*

Daniel silently cried in pain as he tried not push. It was terrible, but he managed to do it. "So, is he okay? Is the cord around his neck?" he asked to Anna.

"It feels like he doesn't."

*She replied when trying to make sure that he doesn't have a cord around his neck before moving her fingers back*

"Whenever you feel the urge,try to push hard."

(08-27-2015, 02:31 AM) Wrote:  "It feels like he doesn't."

*She replied when trying to make sure that he doesn't have a cord around his neck before moving her fingers back*

"Whenever you feel the urge,try to push hard."

Daniel breathed slowly, and said "That's great. The urge is coming again, i will push" He breathed one more time and pushed with all his might, screaming as a savage. However, he felt again he was tearing, and had to stop. "Ooooof, damn, I teared, right?" He asked, crying and sobbing, because the pain was worser than he could imagine. He had saw that things for months, lots of men in painful labour, asking to die and pushing until babies, larger than they were able to push, come out of them. But he had no idea how excruciating it was. Not until now. He could feel the blood running down his ass and legs, and, for a moment, he felt sad for Anna. She was so special, and now she would probably be traumatized for the rest of her life.

"Push,Daniel! Keep going! Good! That's it! That's it!"

*Ana cried out with her hands pulling on the baby with the help of the pushes that Daniel was doing. She doesn't look traumatized since she looked like she was experienced. But she was getting worried for him because of the blood that poured right out of him*

(09-01-2015, 05:10 AM) Wrote:  "Push,Daniel! Keep going! Good! That's it! That's it!"

*Ana cried out with her hands pulling on the baby with the help of the pushes that Daniel was doing. She doesn't look traumatized since she looked like she was experienced. But she was getting worried for him because of the blood that poured right out of him*

Daniel cried in pain and pushed again. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH, damn, he is not coming out" he screamed, even though he was trying not to. He was beginning to be afraid now, he feared that he wouldn't be able to survive the birth, and that made him sad, because he wanted to take care of his babies, to see them grow up and live a happy life.

"Just breathe. Calm down and we'll think of something."

*Ana was starting to feel afraid now. He won't survive by the looks of this and the babies will be without a parent. She won't be able to save him*

(09-07-2015, 05:17 AM) Wrote:  "Just breathe. Calm down and we'll think of something."

*Ana was starting to feel afraid now. He won't survive by the looks of this and the babies will be without a parent. She won't be able to save him*

Daniel looked at Anna, and he knew what she was thinking about. And he was taken my the sadness of the moment. He would probably die, and wouldn't even see his babies grow. He didn't care with the pain, now. Nothing mattered now. However, when he was about to give up, to surrender to the darkness of the death, something inside him said 'NO' in a loud voice, a voice that he wasn't able to ignore. It was the voice of his mother, and father, and his little sister. It was the voice of the babies inside him, and a little bit of anna's voice too. It was the voice of his friends, the voice of everyone he loved. It was the voice of love, and he couldn't ignore it, not when that voice was screaming so loudly that he must go on, so he could at least save his babies. He took a deep breath and pushed again, with all his might, without making any sound this time

*Ana was glad he was pushing for the baby was now coming out by the shoulders and she guided it into the world in silence by her hands when she pulled on him. She gazed at Daniel watching him in worry if he will pass out...or even worse*

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