I am Jack's...

Have any of you seen the movie Fight Club? If you have, you probably remember the recurring joke of "I am Jack's ____" in which the narrator references an in-universe series of articles that are about human organs talking in the first person, and usually says what he feels at the moment, and it all starts with him saying "I am Jack's".

What I am trying to do here is to do something similar to word association thread, but instead of saying the word or term that pops into your head when you see the previous word or term, you can write anything, say how you feel at this moment now, or what you think you are, or even complete nonsense. Basically for fun.

For example
User 1) I am Jack's medulla oblongata.
User 2) I am Jack's colon.
User 3) I am Jack's raging bile duct.
User 4) I am Jack's cold sweat.
User 5) I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
User 6) I am Jack's smirking revenge.
User 7) I am Jack's inflamed sense of rejection.
User 8) I am Jack's broken heart.

I'll start
I am Jack's lack of self control.

I am Jack's growing self hatred.

I am Jack's kind loving heart.

I am Jack's wasted time.

I am Jack's reluctance to face the day

I am Jack's regret.

I am Jack's exhaustion.

I am Jack's sanity.

I am Jack's curious nature to all things fight related.

I am Jack's penis.

........wow!! That escalated quickly.

I am Jack's loving heart.

"Why are you walking funny?"
"Who me?"
"Yes you."
"Because those guys are a pain in my ass."

I am Jack's deaf right ear.

I am Jack's overtime.

If good things lasted forever, would we appreciate how precious they are? -Bill Watterson

I am Jack's good time!

My Stories:
     Thinking Back (NSFW): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=553
     Subscribers (NSFW, Explicit, M/M): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=627
     Subscribers, Part II (NSFW, Explicit, M/M): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=2071
     Post Partum Pain and Pregnant: http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=3328
     Adventures of an Amateur Stripper (NSFW, Explicit, M/M): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=5920

     Unexpectedly Pregnant (M/M): http://mpregcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=13548


I am Jack's fear.

I am Jack's life long friend

"Why are you walking funny?"
"Who me?"
"Yes you."
"Because those guys are a pain in my ass."

I am Jack's serenity.

I am Jack's mean streak.

I am Jack's bitchiness.

If good things lasted forever, would we appreciate how precious they are? -Bill Watterson

I am Jack's mind

"Why are you walking funny?"
"Who me?"
"Yes you."
"Because those guys are a pain in my ass."

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