C The villianous plots (Littleshadow)

Name: JOnes
Codename: Nightwolf
Age: 25

It seemed like just a normal night where he had to fight his enemies. HOwever it seemed he was quite wrong on that. Somewhere along the night, he had been knocked out by his enemy and taken prisoner. Now in his human form and his mortal face revealed, Nightwolf was slowly coming to. His emerald green eyes slowly opened and took in the room around him though he tried to break free of his chains. Sadly his werewolf strength wouldn't lend itself to him in his current state.

"Alright, I know you're here so what are you plotting now?" Nightwolf questioned, his emerald green eyes glaring at the empty place.

Name: Alex
Codename: Silvershadow
Species: Kitsune
Age: 26

Silvershadow had been watching Nightwolf for most of the night. He had been waiting for an opportunity to catch him unawares. Halfway through the night he was able to and took Nightwolf back to his hideout placing him the dungeons. He was watching and waiting for him to wake up he was back to his human self though he still had one of his tails.

Stepping out of the shadows he smirked at him "What makes you think am planning something?",he said.

"Because you always are up to something. If you're in jail you're either plotting your escape or some scheme to send the city in a panic." Nightwolf answered as he stared at the Kitsune. "So spill the beans already. What are you planning?"

Nightwolf knew that something was up, it almost always was. The fox before him was a tricky bugger like they all were. It was just a matter of figuring out what was going on before it was going to happen. His stare remained on the kitsune. Showing he was serious and not going to accept no as a answer.

Silvershadow chucked he had a point but it was always fun to do that. "True but it is always fun to do so",he said moving over to the bars of the cell. "I'll be using you to bred myself a army",Silvershadow told him his tail moved back and forth. Leaning against the bars wandering what his reaction would be to that.

A look of utter shock came to Nightwolf's face. Breed an army?! FOr this whack?! How he hell would that work?

"You've really lost your head, I ain't doing that!!! No way!!" Night wolf barked back. "How would you even try to accomplish such a thing? Even if you got a army, they would still have to mature."

Silvershadow smirked at his expression at what he had just told him.

"No I haven't and you have no choice in the matter",he told Nightwolf unlocking the door to the cell he went inside. "Magic for the most part",Silvershadow said to the second part his magical abilities were enough to help him with it.

"Do you honestly think this'll go your way without it backfiring somehow?" Nightwolf questioned as he stared down at Silvershadow. "You're gonna bite off more than you can chew, you always have. That will never change."

Besides, he had to raise the children. Even with magic if he just poofed em to adults they wouldn't hold the knowledge of squat. They had to grow and learn after all once they were born.

Silvershadow shrugged it wouldn't matter since he would raise and teach them himself. It wouldn't take them that long to grow up though it would be a while before they got their kitsune form. "Yeah but I'm willing to wait for them to grow up",Silvershadow said going over to him he took something out of his pocket. It was something to make Nightwolf even weaker and tired so he could do what he needed to do and stuck him with the needle.

When he needle entered his skin, the stuff was very fast acting. A groan left him as he felt everything get heavy due to his strength being zapped away. He still tried to struggle but it was no use as he just wore himself out faster now. A few heavy breathes left him.

"You're not....getting away with this." Nightwolf said.

Silvershadow took out the needle and waited. That was strongest he had made and it would work quickly. Moving closer to Nightwolf he undid the chains around his legs and feet but left the ones around his wrist there not taking them off yet. Taking off Nightwolfs pants and underwear and decided to leave him hanging like that for awhile. "I already have",Silvershadow said leaving him in the cell and locking the door behind him. Going upstairs since it would be a bit longer before it would finish working in his system.

There was nothing he could do thanks to what was in that needle. The fact that his pants and underwear were stripped off just annoyed him. Great now he was just gonna leave him to dry like this. Nightwolf struggled still, trying to get free but it was beyond hopeless. He didn't want to do what Silvershadow desired and he didn't believe their words that they had gotten away with this. Still though, he wondered just how this would go. Having children inside that would inherit some of his werewolf traits as well. Oh dear...wolves and foxes both had litters, so that meant there was gonna be more than one. All he could do was wait for it to start and try to find a way out.

Silvershadow was doing something on the first floor. He had to make sure that he had everything he needed before moving onto the second floor. Silvershadow had several rooms that he had set up just for this he made sure that the rooms were stocked up before going back down to the cell. Unlocking the door to the cell and walked over to Nightwolf taking his pants own pants and underwear off.

Fade to black?))

(yes please)

When Silvershadow returned, emerald eyes glared down at their face. Though he was still lacking his strength and thus at the mercy of his foe. Somewhere along the way, Nightwolf had passed out and he came to a few hours later. His vision was a bit blurry though he felt hunger nagging at his stomach. He doubted there was any food and for now he merely focused on trying to get his vision unblurry.

Silvershadow had ignored the way Nightwolf was glaring at him. He used magic to do two things one make a womb in him and one to speed up the pregnancy a bit. Several hours later when he was done he finished unchaing Nightwolf from the wall and catching him before he fell since he was alseep. Taking him to a different cell this one had bed, toilet, and a desk in it Silvershadow laid him on the bed and left locking the door the behind him. Going back back upstairs he changed into his kitsune for and went out to cause mishief.

Well this was a different room, Nightwolf could tell that. Standing up, he felt rather sore though he attempted to change. Nothing happened though. Great stupid fox must've done something to either prevent him from changing or he was still too weak. A sigh left him as he wandered around the room even though it wasn't that much bigger with more things in it. His stomach though was starting to hurt a bit more and to his shock, he felt it push out. Looking down he noticed it get a bit bigger.

"Oh crap.." he muttered.

A black and silver kitsune made its way away from a sense that it had caused since there was caos there. Silvershadow had enjoyed doing that since it was fourth one he had caused before leaving again. Making his way back to his hideout in the shadows since he was a Shadow Kitsune. Once he was back at the hideout he changed back and went inside. Silvershadow went to the kitchen to make something to eat for Nightwolf but adding something extra to it.

"Oh man..." Nightwolf muttered as he watched his stomach grew.

This was going to get really old really fast. Course it would be nice if he had some pants, his legs were getting cold. Reaching for the blanket, he tied it off at his waist and folded his arms. Well it covered his legs and privates. Though the bulge was very noticable from his stomach He almost looked like he was at full term with one kid. Almost there but not quite yet.

Silvershadow finished what he was making and added the extra to it. Before heading downstairs to the new cell that he had put Nightwolf in. Making his way towards the cell with the plate of food in his hand and to check on the his progress at the moment as it had been a few hours since he had been down there. Looking through the window that was in the door to the cell to see where Nightwolf was at the moment to see that he was standing up. Unlocking the door to the cell he went inside of it "Well look who is finally up",Silvershadow when he was inside he went over to the bed and set the tray on the bed. He could see a bulge that he could see at the moment it was good since it was good.

"Bite me." Nightwolf replied bitterly.

The food smelled nice though he wasn't sure if he should trust anything that Silvershadow gave him.

"What did you put in it?" Nightwolf questioned the kitsune. "There's no way that it's a simple meal."

Despite him wanting to admit it, he was hungry at this point and his stomach was reminding him of that with a low growl. Probably due to the offspring growing inside of him. Though he didn't want to really eat it. While he doubted it was poison, he feared it was something much more...problematic to his current situation.

Silvershadow didn't say anything to that at the moment.

"I didn't put anything in it",he said with a straight face since he wasn't going to am it that he had put something in it. He didn't say anything else after that either since their wasn't anything else for him to say. Silvershadow knew that he was going to eventually going to eat it. He headed to the door of the cell thinking if he had forgotten something at the moment he would come back later to check on him and the babies but not right now.

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