C Dream a Little Dream of Me with KrocodileKrew

"Just tell them where you're at." Roxas said.

Kylie answered her phone. After enduring the initial recriminations of her angry mother and father, she told them about her pregnancy and how it had suddenly appeared a night and a day ago. After that they had been more sympathetic, but reinforced that she should have told them where she was going to spare them worrying about her. Eventually she hung up. "Well, that was awful," she mumbled.

"What did they say?" Roxas asked as he sat beside Kylie.

"Nothing horrible," Kylie admitted, "But I had to admit I was pregnant to them and had no idea how it happened. I was expecting them to judge me. Fortunately, they understood."

"That's good. So, what are we gonna do today, Kylie?" Roxas asked.

Kylie shrugged. "I don't know, Roxas. Our conditions make it difficult to go outside, so we're kind of stuck."

"Aything you wanna do here since we cant go out side?" Roxas asked as he rubbed Kyie's back.

"Not sure," Kylie mused. "This late in my pregnancy, I can't do very much except eat and..." She slapped her head. "Of course, we haven't eaten today."

"What do you want for breakfast, Kylie?" Roxas asked as he went to the kitchen.

"Cereal of some kind," Kylie said, "And lots of fruit. I'm eating for two now, after all."
Big Grin 

Roxas nodded and headed to the kitchen. He fixed Kylie and himself some Frosted Flakes and some fruit for Kylie. Roxas brought their breakfast to his bedroom.

Kylie smiled as he brought the food into the room. "Thank you, Roxas," she said appreciatively.

"You're welcome, Kylie." Roxas smiled as he hand Kylie her breakfast.

Kylie gratefully accepted her cereal and fruit and started eating. "You know Roxas, I get the feeling this baby is yours, somehow," she said between bites.

"How do you that, Kylie." Rxas asked. "We had sex one time and it was at that party."

"I know," Kylie said, "But once is all it takes. Besides, the night I got pregnant, I dreamed you and I were having sex in a field." She finished her cereal and moved onto her fruit, cramming the food into her mouth.

"I had the same dream too." Roxas replied. "Why are we having the same dreams?"

Kylie shrugged. "Whatever the reason, I'm sure it's connected. That and the increase in the size of your junk."

"Good point." Roxas said as he finished his breakfast.

( Let's say the reason for their dreams is because they were abducted by aliens.)

(Okay, lol. Doesn't trouble me much what caused it.)

As she finished eating her fruit, Kylie felt nudging her as the little one moved around, getting itself comfortable. "I guess the baby liked the food," she said, putting her bowl and plates aside and relaxing on her side with an arm curling around her belly.

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