C Arbitrary (Closed with 018Luxio)

Bucky was only asleep for about an hour before the contractions started again, and the subtle pain drew him from his rest. Sometimes he'd have multiples right after each other, sometimes he'd have them hours apart. He was glad this would be over soon enough - or so he hoped, he didn't want to sit here in labor for another five hours. "Startin' again," he slurred miserably, shutting his eyes and sighing. "I can't stand for this one," he said and shook his head. With his tailbone broken he didn't even want to move let alone stand.

Steve nods running a hand lightly over Bucky's stomach. "Maybe this one will be easier" He hoped it would be, for not only Bucky's sake but for his as well.

Bucky sniffled some, relaxing against Steve as he ran a hand over his still large abdomen. Every time be looked to doze off a contraction would make itself known and pull him out of his trance. He didn't want to go to any observation room after this, at least not if Steve didn't get to come with him. Maybe they'd allow it though. Bucky was in no mood to try anything funny after this, and with Steve being around that definitely topped the cake. He wouldn't risk Steve's life. "Everything hurts," he mumbled past busted lips. "I'm so tired..."

Steve continues to hold him, lightly running his fingers through Bucky's hair. "Your doing great" Steve picks up the water bottle that had rolled over to the side, opening it and allowing Bucky to drink what was left. All they could do was sit and wait. Nearly two hours in Bucky was still fighting the contractions, stronger now than before. In the silence of the room they eventually hear the intercom pick up only for them to say something that Steve doesn't understand. The only thing Steve knew is that it was Russian, but Bucky knew exactly what it meant. The words had been spoken many times, and each time had always been worse then the last.

He hoped that the stronger contractions meant that this would be over faster, but it was starting to look exactly like the last twin but just with more pain. He was fighting back tears by that point, pushing with every wave of pain but not getting anywhere. He supposed he was lucky for only having two when most omegas on average carried a litter of three to four, but the size of these ones made up for that fact.

Bucky had his eyes closed most of the time and he only opened them when he heard someone speaking over the intercom. He grit his teeth, putting his hands over his ears but the volume of the comm was loud - and as another contraction came he found himself falling victim to the words, his yells softening to mutters of 'stop' until, like a switch being flicked on, his eyes seemed to go blank and he waited patiently for further instructions.

Steve watches him, not quite being sure what was going on. He had done his best to comfort Bucky through the contractions, trying to ease the pain. As the words finally ended Steve pauses for a minute or two. Bucky's body had gone ridged, his mumbles stopping as he simply stated at the wall.

"Bucky?" Steve could barely hear his own voice, it being little more than a whisper.

He was confused when no instruction came. He was waiting for them, but the intercom had gone completely silent. Was this a test? He wasn't quite sure, but then the realization came that he was in the middle of labor and they likely wouldn't give him a task until he finished. He didn't hear Steve speak, and instead he pushed away from him, standing instead and limping his way towards the door; he thought they might open it for him but it was locked. Figured. He'd have to do this himself, and the man in the room... well, he'd deal with that afterwards. His body was struggling to push out the foreign one inside of him, and he sucked in a breath as another contraction came - stronger than the last ones, this would prove to be the one that finally pushed the second baby into position.

Frustrated Russian cursing came through as the tailbone broken previously by the last baby moved yet again to accommodate the next one. That hurt... He pushed not so lightly at his pelvis, gritting his teeth as he urged the baby further downwards with another contraction.

Steve stands not long after Bucky did, just watching him for a minute or two. This wasn't Bucky, that much was clear, this was the Winter Soldier. "Your hurt" Steve makes no move toward him, staying in his position for now, awaiting a reaction.

He didn't respond to the other voice, to Steve's voice; he was hurt? No, he was just in a predicament. He didn't take notice of his injuries from the guards before despite their current effect on him right then. He was so used to pain he didn't think twice about it. He just knew he needed to get this thing out of him now so his superiors could take it away from him like they always did and he wouldn't have to worry about this for another two years, or at least that's what it usually was.

Bucky pounded his metal fist at the door, clearly straining as another contraction came over him. Normally they would help if the baby was this big but they weren't coming. Bucky breathed heavily and tipped his head, sliding back against the door to end up on the ground again, a brief but hoarse cry of pain escaping past his lips as his broken tailbone dug into something sharply.

Steve slowly moves toward him, his hands held up in what he hoped was a non threatening manner. "They're not coming, they're not going to help you" He stops a few inches infront of Bucky, watching him warily for a minute or two.

"Don't," he says roughly, his eyes flashing angrily up at Steve as he breathes through the contraction. His whole body was covered in a sleek shine, sweat from the hours of labor that had been going on between the first birth and this one. He arches his back a little, trying to take pressure off his strained backbone; he swallows once, hard, wondering just where his handlers were because they were supposed to be here if this was difficult... but they weren't. Another not so stifled scream rips through the momentary silence as the head of the baby moves downwards again, this time crowning at his entrance. With his face stained with tears and sweat, Bucky reaches down to try to grab at the head of the baby. He'd pull it out if he had to. He couldn't stand this.

Steve continues to move toward Bucky, slowly kneeling down infront of him. "Let me help you, before you or the baby get hurt anymore" His hands slowly inch closer, hovering over Bucky's own.

Bucky's metal hand instantly lashes out to catch one of Steve's wrists. He squeezes hard, unsure if he'd even injure Steve or not. He just knew he needed him to stop where he was. He could handle it... He was doing fine. "Leave it be," he hissed madly, dropping his hand from Steve's wrist and gasping as another contraction wracked his hurt body. He continued to push, using his other hand to try to pull the head of the baby. He didn't care for the thing, he just knew he wanted it out badly.

"If you keep trying to do that your only going to hurt yourself more" He watches Bucky for a minute or two, seeing no light in his eyes at all. Steve tries once again to reach for the baby's head. "You want this over with don't you? If you let me help it will end sooner"

Bucky trusted his body knew what to do but it didn't feel like this baby was getting anywhere and he really just wanted it out of his body. He'd ignored Steve's request to let him help, not caring if he decided to try or not. Bucky turned over onto his side a little, taking shaky breaths at the pain in his back and crowning baby; he pressed a hand against his stomach, willing the baby might come out with force.

Steve continues to watch him, the baby's head becoming visible each time Bucky would push only to disappear again when he would relax. This continued for the next 10 minute or so, despite Bucky's best efforts they seemed to be at a stand still, the baby just refused to budge.

"Help," Bucky cries out in Russian, aimed at the eyes who were clearly watching from wherever they were. This one was worst than the last and he didn't trust he could push it out himself, nor that any of Steve's help would do much either. He threw his fist against the door again, a wordless plea for them to just come and do this themselves like they always did. He hated the forceps but they worked better than pushing sometimes.

"They're not coming" Steve looks at him for a minute or two, his eyes trailing to Bucky's stomach as it tightens once again with another contraction. The strangled cry that slipped past Bucky's lips absolutely broke Steve's heart, even if this was actually Bucky.

He can't remember a time that a birth had felt so painful, like his entire insides were on fire, so that's why he didn't bother trying to stop the flow of tears that had finally made their presence known as they trailed down his bruised face. "I can't push it out," he says desperately, bearing down with the next contraction as best as he could despite his past few useless attempts to at least get the head out.

"Breath through the next contraction, gather your strength, push hard with the next big one" Steve gets into position before waiting for Bucky to comply to his words. He hoped that this would be enough to at least get the head out, if Bucky listened.

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