Which do you think is better, separate or same thread?

Tiny insignificant question really... But I'm still getting used to life in a forum, and I don't want to accidentally be obnoxious. I have some everyday, safe for work mpreg art, and I also have a series of birth art I've been posting, nsfw... so I thought to ask if it would be best if I posted these different kinds series in seporate threads, or should I just put all my art in the same one? ...Is that what we are doing or does it matter? If there's a tradition around here I don't want to accidentally break it lol.

Thanks a lot 'Bump! I totally get where you guys are coming from. It's not that big of a deal. :) Would I be able to edit new art into the first post so that it's in order of mild to hard content? That way all the art is in on the front page and easy to browse, too.

I don't think so. I was playing around last night and the site organizes posts from oldest to newest automatically. I couldn't find a way to reorder them, and if I can't, you won't be able to either. Would have been nice though.


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com

lol, np, it would probably make things too easily imbalanced if people had the power to do that I 'spose. ;) Thanks a lot anywhoo!

UPDATE: I can keep my art in order so far by editing my first post and just making it longer. I put the date I added the pic under the new one. This will do very well!

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