The Twist of a Fin ( Closed with shiro08)

( I need someone to play the dominant merman. Please put description of your character.)

The ocean was bright, as the sun streamed through the wter. The sand white and teeming with sealife. In the shallows, about sixty feet deep, there was a  ship, wooden and old, thriving with tropical fish, though that was not all.

The heavy chain and netting of the ship was tangled, a most exotic creature trapped inside. A small submissive merman, with longish black hair with light blue streaks.  His eyes, a mix of turquoise and dark blue, where half closed as he was loosing consiousness from being trapped for so long. His body was thin, with slight muscle, and streamline with a long tail, blue that faded to purple then red as it went out into the fins. Bangles of gold were at the base of his tail. His skin was like ivory and his features angled and soft with slightly pointed ears.

He had been trapped in the chain and netting, wrapped around and over has body, for a couple days now, and the merman, Wake, was swiftly loosing his strength.

(Can I be the dominant male?)

Name: Danias
Appearance: Long brown hair with lavender streaks tied in a ponytail, tail is mostly violet with a tinge of silver, eyes are lavender mixed with sky blue, upper body is firm and muscular.
Others: He works as a mer-soldier of Atlantis.

The young mer-soldier saw the ship he was looking for. Information came into the office about exotic fishes held captive at a sunken ship, and he was the lucky one chosen to investigate this. He hid behind a huge rock near the sight and observed. He was there hiding and observing for about two hours and so far nothing suspicious had happened. The ship looked nothing special; just the usual old, grimy broken ships that he often sees in patrol. He decided that a closer look must be done.

Danias was vigilant as he swam closer to an entrance. What he saw inside made his eyes widen. In front of him was hundreds of exotic fishes and other sea creatures trapped inside a huge net. His eyes wondered trying to identify the different species, then out of the corner of his eye, he saw a ... mermaid! He quickly rushed to where the civilian was, and saw that the man was beautiful. He was at awe of his beauty at first but then he noticed that the man was slowly losing consciousness. He slightly panicked.

"Sir, can you hear me?" Danias shook him once. "Sir, I'm a mer-soldier. I'm here to help just please stick with me." then he shook him twice. The beautiful man he found was not responding and he feared that he might lose the man's life. "This won't do. I have to get him out of there." was his whisper to himself. He has to get that man out of there no matter what.

( Sure. )

Wake thought he heard a voice through the dark cloud that filled his head. To be honest, even as the voice grew louder as it called to him, he passed it off as another stray though in his haze.

Then strong arms took hold and shook him, causing him to grimace as he shifted slightly under the heavy weight of the netting. He had gotten trapped when he swam by and the side of the ship collapsed.

A weak grown left his as he forced his eyes open to see a much larger merman seeming to hover over him," What?" He tried to sit up, only to be stopped by netting, and his hands, tipped with sharp blue nails, grabbed hold of the thick course rope. He then said, as he was disoriented and confused," What's going on?"

'The metal chains are thin enough to cut and...'Danias was speculatng how to get the civilian and other creatures free safely. A voice was heard and saw that it came from the small merman.

'He's awake.' and again he rushed to the side of the man.

"Don't move. I'll get you out of here." He gazed at the man's eyes and tried his best not to get too captivated with the alluring ocean colored eyes of the man. He coughed then continued. "My name is Danias, a soldier of Atlantis. You're in good hands, sir. May I know your name?"

Wake shook his head as he gathered more of his thoughts. He shifted under the weight of the net and grimaced as he settled back against the sand," My name?... It's Wake." His stomach then growled and he huffed as he swished his tail, causing the chains to jingle as they were forced to shift. He was only about six feet long from head to tail fin.

"Wake is it? What a beautiful name." He smiled at the man, relieved that he was fine enough to be responding and moving about. Then his thoughts were brought back to the situation. The smile turned into a frown. It's time to get serious.

"What happened? How did you become trapped? How long have you been here?" His frowned deepened when he heard Wake's stomach rumble. 'He must've been here for days.'

Wake thought a moment," I've been here a few days, tow maybe." He shifted, trying to get up and off the sand. The sand was starting to get under his scales. He graced as he used his arms to hold himself up," He then looked around at the old chains and net," I... I was gather shells and the side of the ship collapsed. I was cut in the ruble and trapped in the netting. No one was near when it happened."

"Oh" was all Danias could say as he saw too the bag of shells near Wake. He smiled at him to assure the man that all will be okay, and can't help but blush a bit when he saw the merman smile back. 'Beautiful. No what's up with me? I should be professional.'

He swam towards his spear that he dropped earlier rushing to the man. The spear was held high. "I'm gonna cut the chains and set you free." He said with a smirk before swishing the weapon down, slicing the chains and net apart. He smiled in triumph.

Suddenly, creaks and groans were heard and pieces of the ship began falling above them. "The ship is collapsing!" His eyes went to the weak figure of his companion. "We must get out of here." He observed the man, frowning as he shook his head. 'He's too weak. he won't make it on his own.'

Strong arms lifted the smaller merman, earning a gasp of surprise from Wake. Feeling that the man was settled and balanced well in his arms, Danias made a dash to the entrance he went in before. As soon as they were out, the ship collapsed. Danias sighed in relief and again smiled at the merman he's carrying.

"Are you okay?" the smile he displayed was dreamy and could set off any submissive to fall in love with him.

Wake felt his body rise slightly when the chain and net was cut away and he went to grab his shells when he heard a sound and was suddenly grabbed, making him gasp in surprise as he clung to the solider, watching the ship collapse more as they sped away.

He blinked several times as they swam swiftly through the water, and when they came to a stop, he leaned back to looked at the bigger merman face, a blush spreading over his face as the other, Danias, held his body.

He stuttered over his words as he looked away, his tail curling and flicking bashfully," I-I'm fine..."

Danias was blushing too, though he was unaware. It didn't help that he find the merman in his arms cute with being bashful. He coughed a bit. He didn't know why he suddenly felt awkward.

"Good to know." He paused attracted by the smaller's beautiful tail that seems to shimmer with movement. "I'm taking you to the hospital to really make sure you're fine." He then started swimming towards the city. As he swam he kept glancing at the body in his arms and everytime he did so he'll blush. 'What's wrong with me?' He asked, confused of his feelings for the man.

"Um, Wake, sir. Do you have any relatives that we can report about your condition?" He hoped to release his tension by putting up a conversation.

(Will their relationship be sweet and romantic? I'm heading for this but I'm not sure if this is what you have in mind for the plot.)

( I just go with the flow, so that's fine unless you wanna change it.)

Wake frowned at the idea of going to the hospital but sighed and nodded," Alright." He was to tired to argue with the soldier anyway.

As they moved, he relaxed against the other, just enjoying being in the strong arms of a, very dominant, merman. He has been starved for physical contact for so long now, living alone and all.

He the. Registered the question he was asked," Relatives? No, none close enough to matter anyway. "

His stomach then growled again and he huffed," This is the worst. My stomach feels like it's trying to eat itself."

"No relatives?" he frowned at the thought of this man living alone. 'Alone...' There was suddenly the need to protect the small merman and his arms slightly tighten its hold on Wake's body.

He then heard again the familiar growl coming from Wake's stomach. He chuckled at the comment of the merman. "Trying to eat itself, ey? Well, let's not let that happen."

They made a detour to a nearby cave, and Danias gently placed the smaller on the sandy seabed. "I'll hunt for some food. Just stay here and rest. I'll be back soon." Then with one last smile, he left the cave to hunt.

As he was swimming, hunting, his thoughts went back to the smaller merman. 'Why do I feel this way about that civilian. I never even knew I can feel this way towards another merman. Unless...'

'Son, before I die promise me you'll find your mate. I don't want you spend your life alone'
'But pa, how did you know that mama was the one? Like how there are many fishes in the sea yet you chose him?'
'You'll know, Danny boy, you'll feel all attracted and sweet like nothing else matters when you meet him. That's how it is for us dominants.'  

'...Wake's my mate'

(So I was planning a kissing scene soon that will seal the deal that they are mates because a mark will then appear and make Wake fertile for Danias, is that okay? If not then its okay Blush )

( Yeah, that's fine by me.)

When the merman laughed, Wake blushed and looked away a moment," Yeah..." He relaxed as  they started swimming, blinking in confusion when they swam into a cave.

Being placed on a bed of seaweed he tilted his head as Dani's set him down and said that he was going to go hunting.

As the merman left, Wake blushed and looked down. It almost felt like he and the soldier were mated. He then shook his head," Get your head out of the sand, Wake. He might already have a mate. Being a soldier and all, it wouldn't be hard for him to get any merman or mermaid he wanted."

Now a bot depressed, he flicked his many hued tail," To bad..."

Danias came back soon with two limp eels wrapped in seaweed, a triumphant smirk displayed his lips. 'This is it I'm going to impress him then make him accept me as mate.', he cheered in his mind. However the smirk was gone when he saw his merman depressed. Worried that something might be wrong, he quickly placed the eels on a rock then rushed to Wake's side.

"Wake, is there something ailing you? You look so down, why?", Slowly he sat beside the said merman, his eyes not leaving him.

Wake was startled by the voice, seeing that Dani's was concerned for him and he blushed as he realized that he was the cause of that concern. He offered a smile," Nothing is wrong, I guess my hunger has made me a bit upset is all. It has happened before."

His stomach then growled again, and he glanced at the eel before twisting his tail to hide behind his large tailfins," Um, so might we eat now, please."

There was no way that he could tell the other that the idea of not being his mate was the cause of his depression.

"If you're sure." Though Danias was still not convinced. Wake looked like he's not telling something to him and that made him concerned. Thoughts about rejection rang through his mind. 'What if he doesn't like me back.' He felt his heart clench but decided that it is still early to be having those thoughts. Wake was just hungry right?

He then noticed the longing gaze Wake had for the eels. He smiled and went to get the eels, then handed it to merman. "Eat up. It's all for you. Make sure you're filled." Hunger left him since thoughts about Wake being his mate started invading his mind. All he craving to do was just look at Wake and see him content.

Wake nodded in thanks as he took the eels and started to eat, humming in delight as the taste. He then recalled something that peaked his interest.

He recalled that unmarked carriers made their attraction know through offering some food to a dominant, and mated dominants would refuse. That was one way for him to find out if he had a chance.

He tore a pace from the eel and offered it to Danias," Would you like some as well?"

 Danias stared at the piece of food being offered to him. ' He's unmated so there's nothing wrong with this. Just accept it and somehow tell him him that you're unmated too.' He was shaking a bit when he took th food from the smaller hands; blush forming on his cheeks.
"Thanks." was all he mustered to say. before nibbling on the food he was given. With this act from Wake; his hope in being loved back increased and he can't help but laugh in happiness at the realization.

Wakes mood greatly increased when the other took the offered food, and he gave a smile as he returned to his own meal. It was reassuring to know that he did have a chance with the  merman.

He ate the eel and a few bites of the other when he stopped, dull and contwnt. He laid back on the seaweed bed with a happy sigh, looking over at Danias," Thank you. I owe you a great deal for what you have done for me."

His tail fins flared and showed off, in his contentment. Displaying all the colors within the scales.

Danias had never seen a smile as charming as Wake's and he can't help but stare and be at awe. He barely heard the thank you of the smaller merman. "Ah oh yes, y-your welcome." He said though his attention was still on the merman's smile and content look. He was a bit distracted (distracted in a good way) by the colorful tail of Wake that glistened with the light and movement. And that gesture from the merman seems to have triggered something.

 He suddenly felt very drawn to the merman lying in front of him, as if he wanted to kiss him. He was almost unconscious of his actions as he slowly came closer to the man closing the gap between them. A part of him told him that he shouldn't do this, that he might just scare the small merman away, but try as he might, he can't seem to distance himself from Wake. He came closer until his body hovered above the smaller and his nose met with Wake's. And upon closing his blissful eyes, he tilted his head then leaned further for the kiss.

A bright green light then started to glow from Wake's stomach that intensified until the whole cave was filled with green. They kept on kissing unaware that a matching mark appeared on their wrists, binding them as mates. There was another mark that appeared but only on Wake, circling around the merman's stomach. It is the mark of fertility that would remain on the submissive until he/ she conceives. Only when the light diminished did they broke apart. They were at first just smiling at one another, happy that their love have been mutual. Danias then noticed the mark on his and Wake's wrists when he tried to hold hands with the other. He also saw the mark of fertility on Wake. His eyes widened and he blushed.

"Wake did we just... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." Though he was happy that Wake loved him enough to form a mating bond with him, he was still concerned if the smaller may not have wanted this to happen.

(Is it too fast? If you want, I can re write it again and take a much slower pace. :) )

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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