C A Demon's Pet (Closed 018Luxio and Lovebite)

Ed knew what was happening, at least he thought that he did, he reached to grab onto Jacob's arm tightly,"It's coming too fast. I can't... It hurts."He whimpered into the couch, back arching and a groan escaping his mouth as he beared down again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jacob moves to check Ed's progress, slipping his fingers into Ed's undialated hole to see if he could feel anything.

Eddie grimaced as Jacob pushed his fingers into him and hissed out at the burning that radiated from the place, shaking his head quickly and whimpering softly. The horn of the baby had scraped his insides with how hurried the labor had begun, he was bleeding but it wasn't that horrible of a bleed. Compared to how it felt.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jacob isn't able to feel anything just yet so he removes his fingers. "Come on, let's see about getting you somewhere else." Jacob helps Ed to his feet before helping Ed into his bathroom and down onto the toilet.

Eddie moaned when he was sat down on the toliet, the pressure between his hips was intense and he could barely speak as he suffered through the tight cramps gripping his entire body. He shifted his weight and leant his head back, hands grasping onto his belly, he felt liquid still seeping out of him and squeezed his eyes shut.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jacob kneels down infront of him, moving to unbutton Ed's shirt to expose his tightening stomach. Jacob knew enough to know that Ed wasn't dilated enough yet to even hope about deleviering the first baby.

Ed whined and turned his head to one side and then the other as he groaned, gritting his teeth and gripping onto the sink. He curled forwards and whimpered as he tried bearing down again, working up a sweat, he sat back again panting breathlessly after the most recent pain. The man shook his head,"Get me out of here... Somethings not right."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"And where am I supposed to take you? Home? It's not like he's going to be any help and all the hospital will want to do is experiment on you."

He sobbed softly and buried his face in his arm,"Yes. Just... Take me anywhere."He tilted his head back and glanced around the small bathroom,"I can't give birth here again."He said, reaching to run his hand over his inner thigh then pull his hand away, seeing the blood and other whitish fluid there and frowning. "Fuck..."He groaned and leant back, curling his hand into a fist and biting into his knuckle as he curled forwards.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jacob watches him for a minute or two before eventually getting Ed up and down to the lobby. They had taken the time to slide Ed's pants back on for some reason that neither of them knew at the moment. They get in Jacob's care once again before Jacob proceeds to take Ed home.

The storm had gotten worse, now close to hailing as his secretary drove him out of the parking garage, he was reclined as far as the passenger seat could go. Curled onto his side with his teeth grit together as he groaned out with every tiny bump and turn the car made. His hand grasping onto the seatbelt tightly, he couldn't speak with the pain of just existing while this labor progressed. He couldn't help but hope to God that this was it, that these were the last births he had to suffer through. "Nhh.... Ohh..."He curled his toes, leaning into the car door and moving his other hand to grip onto his tight belly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jacob eventually manages to make it to Ed's but with the storm and everything he decides on leaving the laboring male in the car before he gets up and slowly makes his way toward the door, knocking as hard as he could.

The sound of crying children grew closer to the door even before Aaron managed to open it with a pair of squirming and whining babies in his arms. "Yes? What do you want?"He answered rudely, then looked towards the car that sat parked in the driveway, he sensed Eddie within it. Then stepped away from the door,"Tell him to come in. I can't quiet these bastards down myself."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jacob turns back toward the car then, working his way back before opening Eddie's door. "Come on, let's get you inside." He manages to get Ed into a sitting position before wrapping an arm around Ed's waist and Ed's arm around his neck as they work their way back to the house.

Eddie let Jacob help him up, he forced himself to stay upright as he stumbled along with him towards the porch, almost collapsing onto the first step. Though catching himself with a cry of pain, he hissed softly and buried his face in the others shoulder with a loud groan. Aaron had put the children down in the crib as they wailed loudly, shutting the door behind the two when the human dragged the man in the last few feet.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jacob helps Ed over to the couch to sit down, turning his attention to Aaron afterward. "Do something."

Eddie fell back onto the couch and held his belly as he frowned up in pain, Aaron looked to the both of them and rose an eyebrow,"What is it you want me to do?"He asked and folded his arms, the man was gripped in another contraction during their conversation and couldn't manage to speak.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Something to get those things out of him, now."

"I can't."Aaron replied, moving towards Eddie and tilting his head slightly as he looked at him then the other human who had brought him in,"Why would I anyway?" The middle aged man was almost brought to tears by the complete distress this labor was bringing upon him. No matter how much he tried not to cry out or bear down he always ended up bearing down, curling forwards and reaching to grasp onto Jacob.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Bullshit, you know damn well that you can, but your just too much of an ass to do it. Those are your freaking spawn that he's carrying and that are probably going to kill him if you don't."

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