C The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8)

"Sorry love.... I just find this.... " Parris once again bit down his snickering. He forced himself to move his mind off of the awkward scene and kissed Raven instead. His lover always had the power to pull his mind away. "Hmm I hope we didn't look as hilarious when you gave birth. And absolutely not as panicky for our next one." He slipped a hand down to the flat belly of Raven and added.

Alex immediately followed Alcove's direction and put her palms back on. The water had been continuously filling and had now reached their waistllines. She looked around and pleadingly asked with her eyes for her master and his consort for help in fetching the towel. She scaped open the full cheeks of Alcove's bottom and felt around for the sign of the eggs coming down but was disappointed to find nothing yet.

Raven rubbd his lovers back kissing him in return . He smiled looking up towards him silently giggling at the thought of them being this chaotic with the vamplings , and placed his hand over his lovers purring . he caressed his hand kissing his chin."let's hope for the best then"He giggled

Alcove was getting flustered trying to figure out how to get better results with the progression into his labor. He took a deep breath pushing harder feeling something press against the walls of his cervix cracking a smile ,and beaded down even harder grabbing Alex's hand ." Finally!!! hrgh nm.. Ahh..." He muttered , face turning a warm pink from the pushing. ."STOP LAUGHING OVER THERE!" Alcove quickly snapped his head to the side over hearing his brother talking about Alex and him.

"hey sorry bro! Anything you want from us?" Parris looked back up and managed to look a little bit apologetic. He wrapped Raven up in his arms and turned to sit down on the chair beside, his lover on his lap. "Let's make sure you are rested. Vamplings could be fragile at first, better not stand for too long now." He whispered to Raven who most definitely is carrying again now.

Alex rubbed Alcove's shoulders as a silent gesture to calm him down, she then rubbed around his opening, hoping it would stretch him emough for the next part when the eggs finally decide to make an appearnce. She couldn't feel it, but from how Alcove was exclaiming she guessed there's some changes deep within Alcove. She was a little anxious seeing the first egg taking so long to crown, though she convinced herself she should believe in the superhuman strenght of vampires as well.

Raven watched the two of them talk for a few minutes smiling when parris clung to his waist being so nurturing and careful of his body and the little vamplings growing inside .Happily sat down in parris lap , and leaned back against his lovers shoulder. Raven giggled from the ticklish sensation of his lovers lips brushing against his ear feeling safe . "does this mean no more garden walks until they've settled " He pouted , making the cutest face begging him not to put him on bed rest yet.

Alcove reached up resting his face in the palm of his hands breathing heavily . He waved Parris away gesturing him to stay back feeling less manly and shamfule of his appearnce."..Your lucky enough to have raven going through natural child birth instead of you... nnm! Crap!!" He pushed even harder gritting his teeth , his eyes glowed crimson red from the effort he put into each contraction . Aclove turned over clutching onto the towl pushing harder with small growls and grunts. The first egg slid into place making its way down slowly the more alcove pushed getting close to existing but not close enough to touch or see .

"Hmm if you would let me carry you to and from the garden, then yes the walks could continue. Ah Raven, you always know how to get your way. You know i couldnt resst this face.... cheater! This is so unfair!" Parris said already kissing his love. "With your body fully transitioning to vampire, the vamplings this time could be a little bigger..." he was cut off by Alcove's threat and smiled. "Yes I feel extremely lucky to have Raven as my mate, though that had nothing to do with him goin through childbirth for me. I love him no matter our role." He kissed Raven again, showing him his love.

Alex look at the towel that's being squeezed so tight she was sure it would get ripped apart. She monitored the eggs by attempting to communicate with them but the eggs werent aware of the situation as well being completely n the dark. She could only massage the openin of Alcove, hoping desperaely to at least feel the upcoming egg so she could locate them. She could feel the exertion by Alcove, his power radiating as he pushed,but the pushes were less effective than she wamted. "Alcove how about you try squatting? Would open the hips wider...." she suggested durin the precious little break between contractions.

Raven thought about it smiling when he got his way, And hugged him giggling when he was showered with kisses fondling with Parrises hair blushing ."I can't help it babe I love to walk around the garden.." He admitted burying his face in his lovers chest when Alcove shouted . "oh dear..." He said in a shocked tone.

Alcove Pushed harder butting the towl ,and screamed from the egg slowly making its way down towards the anal cavity , and gasped placing his hand against is belly trying to get up and onto his feet to squat. He did so with a lot of effort pushing once more and soon the egg dropped down pressing against his entrance .Alcove didn't give up, swaying from side to side relaxing with how good this position feels now that gravity is helping.

Parris was looking at his brother from a distant, cradling his lover and unconsciously rubbing Raven's belly. He kissed Raven occassionally, ready to step in and offer help if needed, but so far he could see that Alex seemed to be offering solid help and decided not to intrude too much into this intimate litle moment.

Alex moved towards thefront of Alcove so her mate could lean forward and hold his position with his arms on her shoulder. The eggs were really coming, evident from the slight bulging at Alcove's entrance. Alex, with her delicate fingers, gently tugged on the skin around his opening, preparing it forthe stretch that would soon come.

Raven leaned his head back quietly giggling from the kisses and looked down seeing Parris 'hands slowly rubbing his belly very proud to be in such good hands . He watched Alex and Alcove get into the spring of things relived that the eggs are starting to make an appearance ."I wonder how many he's carrying.." Raven whispered before receiving a kiss on his nose . He giggled turning around and burying his face in parris shoulder.

Alcove took a deep breath relaxing feeling something soft and warm in front of him, and clung to it getting ready to push again . His face looked focused preparing himself mentally and physically. Alcove started bearing down with so much force he gritted his teeth from the pain of being stretched ,and more of the egg was appearing the harder he pushed." f-#% f-&%$!! Ah crap....Nm" he held his tongue and gripped Alex's shoulder flashing his red crimson eyes again. The first egg slide down just a few inches more almost completely out.

Parris ruffled Raven's hair and lovingly nudged his head. "From thr size of him... i think could be 4 to 5. Wouldnt be more than half a dozen. Which is a small litter for Sirens." He enjoyed the slightly warmer body of Raven, which was because of him being a human originally. He hugged him close and revelled in his scent, looking quietly at tbe couple in the tub.

Alex exclaimed excitedly as Alcove managed to push through the egg. "Alcove that's amazing, the first one's almost out. This is the hard part where the widest part is coming. Rest a bit and store your energy before heaving down as hard as you can." She encouraged Alcove to breath through the next few moments so the skin around the egg could have time to stretch. It was so tight around the egg it didnt feel like it would hold if Alcove was to continue pushing immediately.

Ravens eyes widened and felt some compassion towards alcove he covered his mouth . He looked towards Alex hugging him close and then noticed parris intranced with his scent and smiled rubbing his back again."You seem distracted Mr. man.." He teased using a finger to turn his head to face the couple.

Alcove swayed his hips bearing down at the same time he felt Hus entrance stretching wide and cringed pushing through it. When he heard Alex talk with a soft voice he nodded and took a deep breath relaxing before pushing one more time, he flinched burying his face against Alex."Ahh! crap ..nm.."

"YOu shouldn't blame me when you're the reason why..." Parris murmurred nuzzlig Raven's head with his chin. He was reassured by Alex to have kept her stance at this peak of the birth and was sure his brother would make it through with his gentle mate.

Alex hugged Alcove tight, her eyes watering witnessing the struggle her mate was undergoing. She wasn't without her thrill though when she could see the egg slowly moving forward. "That's it Alcove, that's brilliant. Keep going.... and yes!" She quickly caught the egg slipping through with a bout of mucus. "THat's our first eggling Alcove... thank you." She kissed wherever she could reach Alcove.

Raven giggled then booped his nose giving a stern look not to complain." Come on Jun don't be mean alco e is going through a difficult stage right now. If anything he just needs moral support from Hus brother right now ." He said smiling when he felt parris nuzzle him

Alcove was going through the painful aftermath of birthing the first egg his rear anal cavity was burning and felt very uncomfortable. Alcove looked at Alex seeing the egg in her hands "Too bad theres more.. if only that was the only ...One!" He grunted placing his hand against his own belly feeling the eggs get cforced down into his birth canal making alcove gasp loudly .

Parris smiled and acknowleged Raven's observation and held his mate securedly in his arms while watching his brother's pushing. The first birth of Raven was still a fresh memory and somehow, he thought Alcove was going through a harder time than Raven. "Tell me, are you also in this much pain at the time? Did i overlook your suffering? Perhaps i shouldn't have impregnated you so soon after our last..... it looked horrendous, now that I am a third person." He said slightly frowning.

Alex was quick to put the egg down in the water, which was where the eggs would feel safest and more at ease with a strong resemblance to within Alcove' womb. She knew the second one's in position by the pained gasp of Alcove and returned to her mate to support him for the next one. "Take as muhc time as you need, the pushing would be hard because of your opening getting hurt from the first one, so perhaps taking it slower this time would be better." she could feel the anal cavity of Alcove swellings lightly from the abuse it suffered from earlier, the area was warm to the touch.

Raven looked at Alcove and back to parris shacking his head " not really ..I must admit the first one kinda hurt a lot but after the third one I didn't really feel a lot of pain.. just the cramps from my muscle tightening up.." He hugged parris and looked up seeing his face change to a face of concerned." Oh honey you shouldn't fell that way the pain makes it worth going through..because afterwards look what we've gained ..we have a family Now.." he carresed his cheek comforting him. His light blue eyes glistening .

Alcove Groaned and pushed heavily reaching down the pain was crippling but he refused to look like a weakling , and ft the egg pressing through the anal cavity re-stretching his entrance causing him to yell a little from the pain. he ignored Alex wanting this to be over with and pushed down , he placed his hand on the egg peeking out from his opening tearing up from the unbearable searing pain in his rear.

Parris let out a slight relieved breath as he nodded remembering their beautiful vamplings. He leaned into Raven's hand as he caressed him, his touch always calming and comforting. Pulling Raven a little closer to himself, he again turn his attention back to his brother.

Alex screwed her brows tightly together seeing how desperately Alcove was pushing. She tried to get through to him, repeatingly said to his ears telling him to slow down but it looked like the exceptional hearing of vampires was totally lost to Alcove now. She cringed seeing the egg poking out already and saw the beginning of a tear. Vampires couldnt afford for bloodlost, she acted before she could think and pressed her hand over Alcove's and forcibly pushed the egg back in slightly to remove Alcove from the immediate danger of injury.

Raven smiled and kissed him in a playful manner squishing his cheeks together forcing him to make a silly face and leaned into parris embrace giggling he quickly faced alcove looking concerned for the expecting parents . "honey look... I don't think this delivery is going smoothly as they intended for it to be..."

Alcove was sweating and jittery from the laboring pains he lifted his head up seeing Alex race over to him forcing the egg back in he moaned softly in discomfort trying to stop her. He leaned against the edge of the tub exhausted with his eyes closed he blindly reached for the towl squeezing it . "Ugh..this is hell...this is hell... ugh " Alcove scooted closer to the corner of the tub placing a hand against his belly.

"That's typical as Alcove wasn't delivery in the sea as Sirens were accustomed to. Must have had some triggering causing this. THe eggs would usually be quite eager to come out themselves, saving some energy for the bearer though strangely it didn't look the case here.... Let's see how Alex would do." Parris almost stood up seeing the extremely pained expression on hsi brother, but he held himself back when Alex started moving as well. He told himself he should have more confidence in his sister in law.

Alex sighed, relieved as Alcove didn't try to fight back. She knew it's painful but that's the only way to ensure of Alcove's wellbeing. She gently massaged on Alcove's buttocks, coaxing the egg out in a much gentler pace. She didn't say anything, just nibbed on Alocv'e lower neck to show her support.

Alcove was quiet and less vocal towards Alex from the lack of energy he had from the challenging labor . his eyes were closed swaying his hips from side to side trying to relax he groaned when a contraction started to pick up for the billionth time in a row . His stomach was forced to tighten making him bear down letting gravity assist him ."nnnmm...nmm" He shook his head wanting this to end.

Raven glanced at parris worried for alcove and saw from the corner of his eye seeing his lover worried to."maybe you should offer your help dear. ...I mean look at him he's suffering .." He said caressing parris face .

Parris was about to stand up and offer help when movements occured on their side. As Alcove pushes, Alex quickly moved to spread Alcove's bottom wider, showing the egg lodged deep inside and hummed a little siren song so the egg would be lured outside. The eggling had reacted nicely to its mother's calling and moved forward minutely within Alcove's canal to push through the layers of challenges. The song seemed to have a calming effect on Alcove as well, perhaps also from the relief of the effective movement from the egg. Alex held her breath watching the egg coming through, 2 steps out 1 step in.

Alcove grunted before relaxing and leaning against the tub rubbing his side gently . He felt the eggling ease down slowly and was heavily determined to see deliver each egg quickly so Alcove started to push hearing his mate humming. He was at peace and endured to contractions like a skilled bearer would. He gave it a few more pushed holding his legs against his chest keeping his head above water the egg slipping futher out from his body and slipping back in .

Raven looked nervouse reaching for his lovers touch placing his hand against his little belly noticing the vamplings in the first stage of growth spurt. He smiled and looked up towards parris quietly gesturing to his belly.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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