C Otherworldly (with Lovebite)

Chris looked down at the newborn before he wrapped it in another towel and carefully laid it down before making his way over to Peter. He ran his hand along his back, Peter's hands automatically latching onto him when he was close enough.

Peter hadn't been expecting this intense shift from the first birth to the second, something must've gone wrong, what did he do to deserve this? He cried into Chris's pants leg and sobbed for mercy as his stomach contracted and misshapened with the force of the onslaught of labor. "Stop it! Stop it please! Chris!"His voice was horse and riddled with cracks as his tone failed him, his legs spread widely as far as they could go and even then the burning grew worse like his entire lower body was on fire. He screamed then, just begging for it to stop as he heaved in breaths that got choaked in his throat and he felt like he could vomit. The human man's toes curled and he broke a nail as he clawed for some sort of hold as his body turned against him, he had bit his tongue from the writhing. A black, tar like substance spilled out of his anus then and he screeched, head comeing back sharply,"Burns! Burns! Please! Please, stop it! S-Stop...."He was incoherent now, almost comatose if it wasn't for his mouth still moving, speaking in a low tone of a language different than anything that was on earth.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris moves him from the floor of the bathroom to the floor of the shower, turning on the water to help wash the black substance down the drain. He wasn't entirely sure how to help, or if he even could.

Peter laid where Chris had dragged him and stared up blankly, his skin had gone pale but he was still breathing at least. His belly was heaving with the movement of the offspring and his own breath and the small breasts that had formed wiggled some what on top of his chest. As he groaned, legs bending wider and the black tar came slower when finally, something came forwards from inside of him. "Chris..."He whimpered quietly, turning his head to look at the other man,"Please... Don't let it come out... Don t let it-"He arched his back and cried out again, fists clinching and veins in his neck and forehead popping out from the strain, a guttural groan escaping him as he pushed. Unable to not do so as his body tensed up, every muscle coming together to work whatever it was inside of him out, his anus tore almost instantly at the size and he sobbed brokenly. "Kill me! Kill me! Please... Just do something-"He screamed and collapsed again, grasping at Chris's leg and almost trying to crawl away from his own body as he struggled.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris moves between Peter's legs, trying to get a look at what was making his way out of the man's body.

Peter kicked Chris away as he curled himself up in the corner of the shower, sobbing to himself and blubbering, tears staining his cheeks while more ooze poured out of him like a well. He whined and tilted his head back, anus gaping more, the black sludge mixing with his blood as his ass tore more to fit whatever was trying to come out. His jaw clinched and he cried out again, shaking from the force of his yelling and the tensity of his entire body. A large, dark orb, like a head was emerging from him, it's head covered in matted, wet white hair, a face coming into view with a few more deep pushes from Peter.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris simply watches, unable to do much more. There was really nothing he could do to help Peter now, not until after the creature was born.

This took the entire cake for something he could handle, it wasn't anything like delivering the eggs, he thought he was dying and Chris wasn't doing anything to help him. Not even trying... His trust and heart was broken as he sobbed out dryly, screeching again when another pain clinched his entire body,"Hnnn..."He tilted his head back against the wall, hitting it with his fist and breaking the skin on his lip as he sank his teeth into it, whining. The infant was large, the size of a heavy human baby and his body wasn't made for it, not at all, even with his widened gait. He screamed and curled his toes, arching his back and sinking to the floor again , more fluids spurted out from between his legs and the head came out finally, emerging from his anus fully. Leaving the human crosseyed and tense on his back beneath the shower.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

When the head popped free Chris moves between Peter's legs again. It he could help to ease the shoulders out, maybe it wouldn't be quite so painful. He slips his fingers into Peter, finding the first shoulder before attempting to turn the infant at an angle to work the first one free.

"Argh!"He couldn't speak for the life of him as he panted, Peter kicked at him again and tried pushing himself against the wall one more time. Though moving had become nearly as impossible as breathing as he cried out, eyes red and nose running when finally Chris had come to him. His subconscious just wanted to be left alone, though he was eternally grateful for what he was doing. "Ghaaa...!"He let his mouth hang open, head falling back again as he cried out the loudest he could, voice cracking once more. Until finally, he was relieved, the thing came out of him in a flood of liquid, covered in black sludge, though it's skin was the purest white beneath it all, as well as It's hair when it heaved in it's first breath.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris grabs a towel, cleaning the sludge away from the infants body. As he cleared it away, he began to finally get a good look at what it actually was.

The infant looked as much like a human as any other baby born on earth did, though it's teeth was sharp as it yawned and finally opened up it's bright, red eyes. Not crying though, as if it had no need to while the little boy, reached up to clutch onto Chris's shirt, looking around disinterested with the predicament. Peter had collapsed onto the floor, his eyes gazed over though his chest taking in deep breaths of air finally, tears still seeped over his cheeks.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris looks the infant over for a minute or two longer before wrapping it in a towel and laying it next to the other one. He then moved to see about cleaning Peter up and checking him over.

Peter flinched at the touch from Chris and shifted away,"Don t... Don t touch me..."He said, there was a tone to his voice that the other had never heard before, as the man curled up against the corner of the shower. Turning his face away and crossing his arms over his chest, muttering something in the language from before and shaking his head, twitching a bit and closing his eyes tightly. "Get them away from me."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I've got to get you cleaned up, then you can rest."

Peter looked away from him for a long moment, then turned his head again slightly when he noticed he wasn't leaving him alone as he wanted. The man was backed into a corner and all he had was hope that the other man would just leave with the things that had came out of him. He looked to them as he noticed them moving slightly and one of them was whimpering, Peter curled his toes so they weren't so out in the open as they were. Then said,"I can do it..."He moved slowly to drag himself up, though even getting to his knees was an ordeal and he collapsed again before he could, whimpering weakly. Whatever had come over him, whatever personality had faded when he noticed how much agony he was still in.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris continues to clean him up, eventually picking Peter up and carrying him back into the bedroom and laying him down.

Peter allowed him to without much fight, though he did end up giving him the cold shoulder as he simply turned so his back faced the room while he laid on the cot. Squeezing his eyes shut to try and ignore the burning still between his legs,it worked for a while and he even managed to sink into a light sleep.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris goes to see about cleaning up the bathroom then, glancing over to the infant who were laid in a laundry basket with some towels.

The infant with red eyes stared at the human and it's older brother seemed a bit more out of it as he tried eating his own toes, tail wagging between his legs after wiggling out of his towel. The oldest one though, stayed how he was placed, wrapped up in the fabric, a slight frown on his face, almost as if he was older than how he looked in his mind.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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