C A forgotten prince (Closed with bhdire8)

Carlos leans against him though he could barley hear what he had said. Though he was wandering how he was suppose to do that when he was in front of him. Being careful he did so.

Lennox lowered his head feeling the weight in front of him, and smiled seeing how the little slave twisted his body trying to do so. With a free hand, he swept the boy to sit sideways on the horseback so he could be more comfortable.

They remained in that position until they reached his mansion 30 minutes later. He leapt off the horse first and turned around to heave the slave down from the tall stallion. He patted the horse gently before turning to lead the slave into the house.

Carlos sighed that was a lot better. He started to go sleep with the motion of the horse it was relaxing and calming as well though he didn't fall asleep.

Carlos moved a bit when they stop he looked to see where they were at. His went wide when he saw the mansion it was huge a lot bigger then some he had been to and seen. It looked nice and big he waited beside the horse when he was sat down next to the horse looking up at the place. He followed next to him.

Dave noticed the delay of Carlos and turned around to extend his hand, urging Carlos on by taking his hand in his much larger and calloused ones. "Come on Carlos, I wanted to get you a shower and freshen you up. You would have plenty of time to marvel the place later." He said with a tease as he tugged slightly on the slave. The entrance hall was magnificent and taking Carlos behind him, he waved at the bowing servants and went straight to the curved staricase leading up to the first floor. "The master bedroom is on the 2nd floor, and I am taking you to it. I will show you around the house later, so do not trouble your little mind iwth remembering your way yet, I am pretty sure you would get yourself confused." He ruffled his hari as he said.

Carlos took his hand that he held out to him. He was just amazed at the fact that that he lived there well so do he know with his new owner and the other slaves. Shaking his head bringing himself back to the present at the moment he nods bushing he had forgotten that he needed to that before he did anything else. He started to follow his master towards mansion he walked behind him and was able to keep up with him when they entered the mansion the entrance hall took his breath away with was beautiful. Carlo continued to follow him to the staircase "OK", he said.

Dave watched on as the little slave took the stairs with care, holding tightly on the handrail and remmeber with one eye getting bandaged, he probably had difficulty determining the height of each step. Without saying anything, the lord once again lifted up the much smaller figure and took the stairs in large strides.

Starting from the stairs to the seocond floor, the entire ground was covered with carpets, an indication that this was private area to guests. Dave took Carlos into his own bedroom and went into the conjoining bathroom. Switchig on the taps, thr tub started getting filled while Dave set Carlos down on the stool beside and got hg hands on the cap, ready to undress Carlos entirely.

Carlos sighed as soon as the reached the stairs. He would have to be careful going up the at the moment on a few of the stairs he had stepped down to hard he hated going up and down stairs with one eye. Closing his eye when he was picked that was something he would have to get used to now.

Carlos stayed still as they went up them since he didn't want to be dropped. Opening his eye again when they reached the next floor looking around it was nice. All he could say was "Wow'',when they had gone into the bathroom when he was sat on the he reached up and started to undo the bandage since it needed to be changed.

The Lord looked on as the scrawny slave's body slowly appeared when the clothes were removed. Starting from his collar bones, his skeleton was almost cleraly visible with a minimal layer of fat on him. The slave had ovbiously suffered multiple beatings, his bruises were healing at different levels, making his body colorful with colors. Dave took over the bandages and rolled them down Carlos gently, careful not to tug on his wounds any further. "YOu would need to put on a lot of weight, I do not like my slaves look like they were starved."

Carlos knew that he was under weight since he was often not fed. Letting his hands fall when the Lord took over undoing the bandages. This was something he was going to have to get used to a owner like this. "Yes sir",he said that would probably take awhile. When the bandages came off he rubbed his eye he let his hand dropped after a bit.

(Wow welcome back. Sorry to be so slow to respond, had been busy irl. Would be good afterwards)

The Lord was slightly displeased by how passive his slave appeared to be, but he knew there's no reason for Carlos to believe him or trust him at all. He tilted his head up a little to inspect his injuries, frowning hard when he saw the extend of the blow to his eye. He stood up without uttering a word, leaving the room to fetch some suitable soothing balms that he knew was in his bedroom. He had never been taking care of someone, and didn't know how his sudden disappearance would affect the naked slave.

Thanks it is fine though. Sorry it took me long so long to reply I've been busy in real life))

Carlos sighed he didn't know what his new master would do when he was his injury. He looked up when his head titled upwards though his he couldn't see that well out of one eye. Carlos was confused wandering why he had left so suddenly. Now knowing what to do he sat down on the floor since he wasn't sure if he should on the toilet seat or the edge of the tub. He laid his head on his knees as he waited for him for him to return.

(That makes us even ;))

The lord returned with a bottle of balm.in his hands. He was a little startled seeing Carlos on the floor that's cold with porcelain tiles. He lifted the slave up and put him.on the toilet seat. Sighing, he dabbed the affected area with unsure hands. It was his first time tending to wounds and he wasnt sure how much strength he should use.

Carlos blinked when he was moved off of the floor and back onto the toilet seat. He sat still as he did this not wanting to be punished for moving. Bitting his touge to keep from making a noise from it was uncomfortable but it wasn't hurting him to much. Carlos let him tend to his wounds he was used to it.

(Oh wow it's been very long… welcome back?)

"Dont you find it cold on the floor?" Dave tried to strike up some.conversation. carlos almost felt like a puppet more than a real person, and somehow he felt for the small man. He couldnt start to imagine what he went through to get all these injury, and to become so.indifferent when it obviously should hurt when they were tended. "We should bath before i apply any balm.on these... it could hurt a little but the water shouldnt be too hot now." He lifted the young man up and took him to the filled tub beside.

(I know sorry I've been busy with family matters the past few months )

"I did I just wasn't sure if I was aloud to sit on the toliet",Carlos said. He had been beaten down for so long and told that he was worthless he had just stopped caring. Though with his new masters he tended to do what he was told since he had no idea how they were going to treat him. This one though Dave confused him a lot he still wasn't sure what to think of him. Carlos winced when he was set in the water it was warm at least.

(sure no problem! I guses that's more or less resolved...? i am glad to see you :))

"was that too hot?" Dave asked feeling the flinch. The temperature was fine for him but it could be too warm for his open wounds. "Should i add in a little more cold water?" He prompted, for he saw Carlos had settled soon enough. The smaller human was small, he fitted onto his lap like he belonged there. Taking a sponge he handed him it. "Go ahead and wash yourself, i would wash your hair."

(It is resolved now and thanks)

"A bit but not to hot",Carlos said he shook his head no he would eventually get use to it. Moving a bit so he could get comfortable in the tub and sat still. Taking the sponge that was held out to him nodding he started washing himself.

Dave felt like dealing with something delicate like glass. The hair was entangled together, but even with all the dirt, it appeared like it would be smooht and fluffy when cleaned. The Lord hadn't ever washed someone else, so he was ginger in his move. He remembered how his nanny once washed his hair and tried to mimick her actions, even though it was too long ago, and he gently rubbed circles on him as the bubbles built up.

As Carlos cleaned himself the water started to become dirty. He was starting to feel better feeling more like himself as he cleaned the dirt and grime away. Once he was done Carlos set the sponge on the side of the tub he rubbed his hand over his face carefully to clean it. "Do you need some help master?",he asked once he was done wiping his face.

"No I just have to rinse your hair.... wait what do you mean by help?" Dave answered distractedly as he tried to not let bubble leak into Carlos' wound on his eye, before realising Carlos could be referring to another kind of help. He wasn't planning on a bath himself, but he suspected that was what Carlos was used to. "Close your eyes and lay back your head when you're done with your face." He said deciding he could finish the coversation after he had rinsed him clean thoroughly.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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