The station

Gear smiled massaging the tense muscles. "Ah, I used to have a lot of energy, I could run miles and I wouldn't even get tired. it's not so much the tired, that bothers me it's the, not being able to sleep." The babies he was carrying had always been more active towards night and so he didn't get much sleep. "Anyway, just close your eyes and relax."

Jace bit his lip feeling himself easily relax into the touch humming and moaning in pleasure without really realizing it. "Why don't you try and sleep in the day then? Or maybe I could rub your stomach to see if they calm down if you would like?" He asked pushing himself further into Gear's fingers humming softly

"Everyone's up during the day, and it's the only time the doors are unlocked I don't want to spend it sleeping." Though he had considered it a few times. "But sure, I wouldn't mind that later tonight if you think you could calm them down it's worth a shot at least." The two stayed like this for awhile Gear rubbed Jace's back for a long time and when he was done took a seat next to Jace.

Jace smiled softly at Gear "Thank you, that felt amazing" he said softly. He yawned quietly "You relaxed me so much now I'm sleepy" he chuckled softly and rubbed at his eyes a little like a child. He laid down on the bed and patted the spot next to him "Here, lay down and I'll rub your tummy to see if they can calm down and we'll have a nap" he said smiling, a little shyly, at Gear.

Gear nodded and curled up next to him, just as always it was evening now and they had become active Jace would be able to feel the movement of them under his hand. Gear was right they did happen to be very active. Gear closed his eyes, at first Jace's efforts would seem to do nothing at all but slowly the movement slowed and then seemed to stop for the moment.

Jace slowly continued rubbing Gear's stomach even after the children settled down watching as Gear's face slowly relaxed, he pulled his hand back gently and smiled at the peacefulness of Gear's face before closing his eyes and trying to get to sleep himself.

Gear awoke late the late the following day, it was the babies that woke him but at least he had managed to get some sleep, he looked over at JAce to see if he was up yet , though it had taken him a moment to remember why he wasn't asleep in his own room.

Jace had his head leant against the wall as he was crouched down breathing as every as he could, his face scrunched up in pain as he held his stomach. Everything hurt and he was terrified of what was soon to happen. He slowly slid back up the wall as a contraction passed, his breathing evening out as he laid his head back against the wall, his eyes closed

Gear's eyes went wide and he stood to his feet going over to Jace, "Hey, you could have woken me up, it's alright." He slid a hand around to Jace's back rubbing small circles. "How long has this been happening?" Gear asked softly.

Jace jumped a little at Gears voice and laid his head on his shoulder breathing slowly "Um, I don't remember, you fell asleep then I tried to and then I started getting the pains, you needed the sleep, I wasn't going to wake you-ohhhhhh" he groaned crouching down again holding onto his stomach tightly

"How far apart are they?" Gear supported Jace holding him firmly in place. "Where does hurt?" Gear wanted to help, he didn't really know how to help but he wanted to. He hated seeing Jace in pain like this.

Jace felt tears start to fall "It hurts everywhere Gear..." He said crying a little "They're very uneven, I go from not having them for twenty minutes to having three in two minutes" he sniffled a little rubbing his eyes leaning against Gear a bit. He rubbed his lower stomach whimpering at the sensitivity.

Gear tried to help supporting him he helped jace back over to the bed. "It starts out like that sometimes, it's ok. You'll be alright." Gear smiled slightly trying to act much more calm then he felt. "Hold on a sec ok? I'll be right back. Just breath."

Gear left and came back a few minutes later with some water. "Here, drink something.." He sat down next to Jace and gave him a small smile. "It's ok im right here."

Jace sat on the bed breathing deeply he went to tell Gear not to leave him for a moment but he had already disappeared. He took the water drinking it quickly, humming in appreciation. "Thank you" he mumbled quietly looking at Gear, Jace looked terrified, unsure of how he was going to be able to handle this "I'm really scared Gear..." He whispered before moaning quietly as another contraction rolled through his body, he panted a little through it

Gear rubbed his back gently. "You're doing good, just breath." he tried to remind him taking the cup of water from Jace before it spilled. He could only hope things would go smoothly for Jace. "You'll be ok I promise.." He couldn't promise that but he would do anything in his power to help Jace. "Is there anything I can do?"

Jace whimpered a little and leaned back once the contraction was over, his breathing returning to normal, he looked over at Gear "Don't lie to can't promise me that" he whispered quietly looking down at his hands sadly. He really didn't believe he was going to make it through this and he hadn't experienced anything in his life yet and he was going to die before anything remotely exciting happened to him.

Gear reached over lifting Jace's chin so that they meach each other's gaze. "I can't promise, you're right, but I won't let anything happen to you as long as I can help it that I can promise ok? you'll get thru this. It'll be hard but you're strong." Jace knew they would need to find a way to speed this up so Jace didn't become to tired. "Come on, let's walk a bit. It can help sometimes."

Jace's heart beat quickly looking into Gear's eyes as his touched his chin. He wanted to believe him, he really did, but it didn't seem like it was possible. He bit his lip and nodded lightly standing up slowly and held onto Gear a little as he started to walk around slowly breathing heavily every time a contraction passed through him. He was beginning to get really tired and knew he had a long time to go.

Gear moved with him making sure he wouldn't fall after awhile he moved Jace back to the bed so he could lay down. "Try and rest for a bit now, you'll need it. Can I do anything else to help you." He had watched for the last few hours as Jace was contracting harshly. Unfortunately thats often what happened. Their bodies adjusted to the pregnancies sure, but they weren't built for it so when it came to labor the body didn't always know how to react or make anything progress. At least, that was the way it had once been explained to gear. It made enough sense to him.

Jace laid down, a light she an of sweat now covered his body and he wasn't quite sure how he would be able to sleep at the moment. He bit his lip looking up at Gear "Could you...could you lay with me?" He asked quietly. He hit his lip lightly looking at Gear, he felt that this was somehow more than friendship but didn't want to push anything on Gear either, especially considering there current predicament.

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