C Seducing your neighbor (w/ littleittyboy)

"It would be best if you could stand up. How about I tend to.your wounds first. Did that bastare touch you anywhere else?" He asked and wasnt surpsied when Jace hissed when he touched his shoulder. "I think you better take off your shirt for that.... there really wasnt anywhere that I hadnt seen right?"

Jace bit his lip and nodded gently before sliding his shirt up a bit awkwardly pulling it over his head and tossing it to the floor, he shivered lightly as the coolness in the room touched his skin. He gently pushed himself off the counter to stand in front of Max, almost stumbling in surprise as his stomach had knocked off his sense of balance as it had moved lower

It almost looked.like Jace did it on purpose for he ended up stumbling into Max's chest. Max smiled and held his position. "Woah, this is the way that I like for you to be saying your thank you. And lucky the trainings i got from the gyms paid off. I would be able to hold you otherwise." He smiled at how blushed Jace appeared to be. He helped him back up and turned him around first, showing his cute butt by pressing him forward. "Since I am getting to your shoulder wounds, this would be the best position."

Jace blushed a little and nodded biting his lip lightly, he nervously twiddled his fingers. He whimpered a little as Max went at his shoulder, he must have hit the wall at some stage while Simon was hitting him. He rubbed his active belly, trying to calm the child down

Max groaned when he foumd himself imapptopriately reacting to Jace's whimper. He had pressed Jace forward, and naturally Jace perked up his butt in that position, arching his back down with how heavy the belly was. When he finished tending to his bruises, Max leaned over Jace, covering the smaller man with his own frame and reached low for.his belly. It had dropped indeed, with Jace bendng over, it appeared to be even larger.

Jace breathes heavily feeling how close Max was to him, he turned his head a little towards Max with their faces only about an inch apart, he felt his cheeks redden again. He turned a little awkwardly to face Max completely. He leant up almost on his tippy toes and brushed his lips against Max's before pulling back and smiling gently at him. A moment later his face scrunched up in pain as another pain took hold of his body.

Max would have returned the kiss, smothering Jace with a deep one. The pregnant man.looked absoluely adorable.with his shy display of fondness. The pain returning.made it not quite possible yet. Max instead held Jace steady, holding his body close to his own, hugging him and.offering his support for.him.while he panted in.pain. max sneaked.his hand.down and press against the side of.the belly, confirming it's another contraction.

Jace breathed heavily through it, it didn't last long and he looked up at Max, fear on his face "My midwife is away, I can't have this baby yet" he said shaking a little terrified holding onto Max tightly, afraid if he let go he might collapse or something.

"Dont worry you would be fine. You are gonna be ok.... let's just time these contractions. You are going to be having them.closer and closer together. At this stage it's still far apart and not really alarmingly close together. Babe, can you tell me how's the pain? Ljke where do they start, how did they spread?" Maz sensed his fear and kept.his voice calm and confident. All in all, he's more excited and feared

Jace couldn't help but blush a little when Max called him babe and bit his lip a little "It's just like an intense cramp across my stomach..." He said biting his lip again, he was so scared to do this, he still wasn't even sure what he was going to do after this, he hadn't made the proper decisions yet.

Max smiled at the blush and took the young man into his arms, sitting down on the side of the tub and dragged Jace down on his lap. He circled Jace securely in his arms and held his heavy belly gently. "You are not in this alone. Jace, I would be here with you all along. Right maybe i am not a midwife, midhusband, whatever, but that's not the problem. Dont worry, trust me. I am going to get you through this fine." He said while.his hands move over his belly, drawing soothint.circles on it.

Jace laid his head on Max's shoulder taking deep breaths "Okay, I trust you" he said quietly and hummed in appreciation as his sensitive stomach was soothed slightly for the time being. "Can we please move to a bedroom or something? I just want to lie down for a while, if that's okay?"

Max chuckled. "Of course that's fine." He stood up still holding Jace in his arms, lifting him.up.bridal style as he went out of the bathroom. His house was larger and decently decorated, compared with Jace's, or, Simon's. He had built this house with the mind of eventually housing a large, happy family. He brought Jace into his own masterbedroom, putting him.on the 4-poled bed and smiled loooking at him, his face just inches apart from Jace's. "Lovely, do.you wantt o remove your pants as well?"

Jace laid his head on the pillow and smiled gently at Max "You're house is really breathtaking" he said softly and rubbed his stomach gently. He scrunched up his face and breathes heavily through another shirt contraction, he whimpered quietly and his fingers grabbed onto the sheets tightly

Max marked the time as he saww another contraction hitting, and got into bed to stay close to Jace, hugging him while he endured the pain. He patted his shoulder as he relaxed and panted in his arms, their legs tangled together. "I think i coild check you in a few minutes, when you feel ready. Let's see how you are progressing, if at all. Afterall thsse still could be braxtons, right?"

Jace nodded and looked up at him biting his lip a little "Will you be okay helping me? If not, we can go to the hospital" he said softly "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything. And I'm fairly sure they are actual contractions, I've had braxton hicks for weeks, these aren't the same"

"I am perfectly alright with helping you... don't forget about hte merchandize that i bought, which I am quite sure you have enjoyed the content as well... though I would also understand if you prefer the hospital over here. Afterall you are the one facing the risk more than I do. All i could say was, despite not haivng handson experience, I have read extensively in the field. If you feel like you could put you, and the baby's life in my hands, I am more than happy to help you." Max caressed his belly while saying so, admiring Jace's body.

Jace bit his lip looking at how gentle Max was with him and his belly "Okay, i trust you can help me through this" he said softly and smiled gently at him. He whimpered as another contraction rolled through his body, he clenched his teeth a little, this one being a more intense pain than the last few. He sighed in relief as it passed, he bit his lip looking at Max "I'm scared" he whispered quietly

"if it's any consolation, it's perfectly normal... I am not without my fear, but this would be a beautiful process. You are finally going to meet this little guy... .any names yet?" Max asked in an attempt to distract Jace. he couldn't quite take his hands off Jace and his belly, rubbing with a focus on his lower belly, where it felt the firmest with how the baby was presssing low.

Jace shook his head a little, smiling softly at the distraction "Not really, I've tossed up between a few but I think I need to see the baby before I can choose the perfect name" he said softly and hummed in appreciation as his lower belly was rubbed.

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11-06-2015, 07:24 AM

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