O The Institute (open to anyone)

"Oh god, do I hope so," Alexis says. "But we can't make this too easy, now can we? You're already stretched out from your last birth."

He takes out his thread and needle and begins to suture Mark's tears. However, he doesn't stop at the wounds and sutures Mark's entire asshole closed. He closes his eyes in delight for a moment as Mark writhes in the pain of having these delicate tissues pierced through with a needle. Alexis's hands tingle with excitement, having first learned this procedure from the Institute's very own Dr. Nerine. With nowhere to go, Mark's body would force the baby through his auxiliary birth canal: his penis.

Florian groaned as another contraction caused him pain on his belly, back and pelvis. He rubbed his belly trying to soothe the pain, but it didn't seem to help. He wondered if walking would help and decided it couldn't make it worse. Thus, he got out of the bed, as slowly as he could, and started to walk around the room, eventually resting his backs on the walls

Mark groans in as Alex stitch his wounds "Alex why does my penis hurts for I gotta push soon he pants

The base of Mark's penis begins to bulge with the child's feet. Alexis's hands travel up and down his cock, urging him to continue. "Push, Mark. This is all routine, I promise."

(07-31-2017, 04:07 AM)tjopj44 Wrote:  Florian groaned as another contraction caused him pain on his belly, back and pelvis. He rubbed his belly trying to soothe the pain, but it didn't seem to help. He wondered if walking would help and decided it couldn't make it worse. Thus, he got out of the bed, as slowly as he could, and started to walk around the room, eventually resting his backs on the walls

A nurse sees Florian walking around in pain from the security camera mounted on the wall. She scrolls through his information on the computer behind the desk. Then, she goes to find Dr. Sargasso in the hallway, an amused glint to her eye.

"It appears patient Florian is in a great deal of pain," she tells the doctor. "His heart rate and blood pressure are already elevated and his contractions seem to be close together. Do you have any plans for his delivery that I can help you with?"

Mark pushes gripping the bed "Alex it's burns he trys to stand but can't

"It's about to get much worse," Alexis said, caressing the inside of Mark's thighs. He sees Mark's hips tremble as he pushes and the bulge begins to grow further up the base of his cock. "Keep pushing, and perhaps it'll be over sooner."

Mark pushes very hard tearing "dammit Alex it's really burns

The sutures at the base of Mark's cock begin to tear out, making the wound worse as the tear travels up the side of his cock. Alexis couldn't help but moan as he watched the man's penis tear apart wider with each push. "Keep trying, dear one," he said, "if it takes so long, I can always cut the hole wider. It'll hurt less if you can get the child all the way to the head of your penis. I'd hate to cut the whole thing apart. Remember you still have one more child to go."

Mark pushes with all his might gripping the bed his blond hair sticking to himself

The child slips up to the tip of Mark's cock. Blood drips out of his slit, mixed with amniotic fluid and semen. Alexis licks the fluid off the head of his dick. "Mmm, seems like you're enjoying this almost as much as I am."

Mark trys to squat on the bed "Alex I'm very sore and tired

"Well that's no good, Mark," Alexis said. "Too bad you still have two children to push out of your dick." Alexis watched as one foot pressed against the tip of Mark's cock, strained for a moment, and then popped out in a burst of blood. "I bet that felt good, didn't it," Alexis purred.

Mark grunts in pain leaning on the bed "why is it so huge for it's burning so much

"Your urethra--as in, your auxiliary birth canal--is normally about 1 cm in diameter. Even a small child would feel huge," Alexis explained. He ran his finger down Mark's torn slit, on the torn red flesh that puckered around the child's first foot. He watched Mark shudder in pleasure despite himself. "You'll need to push extra hard to get the rest of the body out, sweetie. If you let me pleasure you, it may help you push. Does that sound like something you want?"

Mark pushes very hard screaming in pain gripping the bed "it's burns holy shit it's burns

Mark's cock erupts in a spray of blood and cum as the second foot emerges from his slit. The child's entire body now sits inside his cock, making it swell to three times its original diameter. The sutures holding together Mark's asshole begin to leak more blood. Alexis's hands stroke up and down Mark's dick, feeling as each contraction makes his muscles tense like a vice.

Mark moving his hips around trying to look down to see the baby "Alex can I have a mirror I can't see the baby

Alexis wheels over a mirror and places it between Mark's legs. The mirror reflects back the image of Mark's ruined cock: leaking blood and come, literally bursting at its seams, and contracting to push out a breech child.

Mark's stomach contracts visibly and the head of his third child descends into his birth canal. Alexis grins as these abdominal contractions strain Mark's stitches. Was he about to give birth to two children at the same time? Alexis couldn't even imagine the agony of twice the contractions.

Mark leans on the bed panting fast "please I did everything you said may I please go in the tub

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