O The Institute (open to anyone)

Alexis pulls out the infant and then begins to slice open the sutures on his asshole so he could remove the final child. There's no point in being slow since Mark passed out. He leaves the other nurse to stitch Mark's cock and asshole back together--or at least, what can be salvaged. He didn't want to waste too much time on a breeder who couldn't breed.

Mark woke up hours later in pain he look around

Blood soaked bandages are wrapped around his pelvis, hiding the carnage of his ruined penis and asshole. He has received no pain medication and his children are nowhere in sight. Blood still smears the tile floors and stains the tub's water pink.

Mark trys to move but couldn't "where's my kids Alex he screams

There's no one in the room, and the door is locked. Mark's screams echo back at him, unheard. At about noon, a nurse arrives with a cart with food.

"How are you feeling, dear?" she asks.

Mark trys to keep his eyes open as his wounds reopened "a guy nurse took my kids I need them he trys to stand

"Oh, Alexis?" the nurse asked. "Don't worry, your children are in good hands. Right now, you need to focus on healing. Let me tend to your wounds. You had quite the hard labor."

She takes off the bandages and cleans the wounds with alcohol without any anesthetic or pain medication. Then, she redoes the stitches that he tore out, ignoring his screams.

Mark scream in pain he trys to move

"If you keep moving, you'll keep tearing out your stitches," the nurse informs him. She continues repairing the damage. "You sustained very grave injuries, so it is imperative you listen to our instructions."

Mark getting angry "I called for another nurse but he kept hurting me and now I can't see my kids I didn't even hold them yet

"Your children were triplets," the nurse replies. "That means they were probably smaller than they should be, so they're being kept in the NICU until they're strong enough to go home with you. And you truly must be mistaken about Alexis. You had a difficult birth, which is always going to be painful. The nurses here are trained to deal with such procedures."

As she finished up the stitches, she took a vial out of her pocket. It was a concoction Alexis has been working on for some time: a type of sperm that initiates a rapid pregnancy ending in bursting. What better patient to experiment on than one who can no longer push a child out of his holes? As quickly as possible, she squirts the liquid into his gorey asshole and completes the last suture. It should fertilize in no time at all.

She gets up and places his lunch on the tray by his bed. "Just press the assistance button if you need a nurse to help you, okay, honey?" And she leaves through the same locked door.

Mark trys to stands up didn't even touch his lunch he can't trust no one at the hospital

His abdomen begins to gurgle. Something presses up against his stomach, making it look swollen and bloated.

Mark pushed the button for the nurse

Alexis watches Mark from the computer at his desk. The security camera in Mark's room shows his slowly growing stomach clearly, but Alexis decides he's going to wait until Mark is more pregnant before going to "assist" him. He makes a note in the system letting the other nurses know that the alert for room 107 is for him.

Mark groans in pain "please I need help don't send Alex

His stomach balloons about, appearing about three months pregnant. The growth pulls at his stitches and strains his pelvis.

Mark screams in pain he hits the door for help "please help I can't take the pain anymore

Alexis leaves for Mark's room. He opens the door without warning and Mark falls against him. He grabs Mark by the waist, nails digging into his agonized belly, and pulls him close. "My, my, look at how you've grown."

Mark try to get away seeing the girl nurse "ma'am please help he will hurt me again

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