C Star-Crossed

The Council that governed the intergalactic community had recently gained an interest in humanity. Even though there was a monitoring station hidden behind Pluto which was watching the countries and people of Earth at all times, recording what happened, they felt that it was necessary to send some of their own agents down there, to live among the humans and provide first-hand reports of the happenings on Earth.

And so Neziiv Tel'Kora was sent to Earth to live alongside humans and report back. Thanks to the advanced technology of the galactic community he came from, Neziiv was easily able to disguise himself as a normal, everyday, no need to look twice human. Getting used to living on Earth was quite a challenge, especially since they weren't as technologically advanced as the rest of the galaxy, but Neziiv shouldered the burden as best he could. 

And so, after another day of reporting back to government officials, Neziiv was sitting in a bar, enjoying some Earth alcohol and keeping to himself. Not that he had anyone to talk with. Three months on this planet, and he still didn't have anyone he could call a friend. He was hardly the only agent sent to Earth, obviously, but those agents were in other countries, other continents, far away from Neziiv. He knew them about as well as the humans he was currently surrounded by anyway, making it a moot point. Considering that he would eventually be leaving, not making friends here on Earth was fine. Still, the loneliness could be overwhelming sometimes, especially when he looked around and saw humans with their friends and lovers. Those moments only drove it further home that Neziiv was truly alone on this planet. If nothing else, he wished he didn't have to be in his disguise right now, a disguise he had carefully constructed to be that of a handsome human man. Aesthetically pleasing or not, it would be much nicer if Neziiv could simply be himself. Alas, it seemed that wouldn't be happening for quite a while to come.

I'm just here for a laugh

It was getting late, yet, people continued to walk the streets. Alex Graham was among those that still wandered the twilit streets of the city. He was average height and had dark hair he had smoothed back for the time being. He wore black framed glasses and was sharply dressed for the day. He didn't have any set job, but had earned one today. He worked as a free lance artist, though he was really just starting out. He thought he would celebrate for getting this job by heading out to one of the bars in the city. It wasn't too far from his own home, which was currently a decent apartment building that he shared with someone else. He was aiming to get something better within the year though.

Entering the bar, his gaze quickly scanned the place for a seat. It was quaint, but there were still quite a few people and hardly anywhere to sit. This particular hour was usually when people ventured out to go to restaurants and the like with friends, family, or even just to go on dates. Of course, he was only doing this as a gift to himself for getting this job. He moved to take a seat, of course, he didn't know the person he sat near. He ordered his drink as soon as someone came by to ask him what he wanted.

While sitting there, he wasn't one to start small talk, but he was feeling pretty good today. Besides, it would probably be better than just sitting here in silence. "So..." It was a bit drawn out, awkward even... But he couldn't go back on it now. "Nice weather we're having this evening, huh?" He mentally cursed himself for making such awkward small talk in the end though. He hadn't minded at first, but now what if they were one of those guys who didn't like it? He didn't particularly mind people starting conversations with him, but he didn't normally do it himself. Upon getting a proper look at him though, he was honestly surprised he was still one of the few that sat alone. In the eyes of most he'd be handsome and that alone would attract attention from others seeking a good-looking partner.

Neziiv turned his head and noticed the man sitting next to him. "I, uh, I suppose so. I'm not from around here; I don't know what the weather here is normally like." Neziiv turned back to his drink, though still looking at the human out of the corner of his eye, wondering if he would continue conversing with him.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Ahh.." Alex turned away, still feeling a little awkward. He supposed he'd started a conversation though and it'd be even more awkward if he just went quiet and said nothing else... Or at least he felt it would be anyway. "So.. Where are you from, originally?"

By now, his drink had been brought to him ad he took a sip of it, pleased with the taste. He just waited for the stranger to respond.

"Ontario." Neziiv lied, sipping his drink. "I'm down here in the states on a contract. What about you?" He asked. If this human wanted to converse, he'd oblige him. He didn't exactly have much in the way of conversation partners these days anyway.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Really?" He was at least a little interested in the fact that he was from outside of the states. He'd never been anywhere outside of the country so far, though he'd always planned on going elsewhere someday. "I'm uh.. Kinda from a simpler place." He admitted. "I grew up in Laurinburg, North Carolina..." It was quaint, but it had been home for years until he went off to college.

"I moved here partly to get a better taste of city life." Which had really been a few years back when he had first arrived to go to college. He fell silent for a moment before he spoke again. "How was Ontario then?" He had been curious the moment he mentioned that was where he was from. He felt like he was prying at this point, but he really did want to know a little more about the place than what he currently did.

Neziiv hadn't been entirely lying. He'd spent some time in Canada before being relocated to the USA. "Pretty cold this time of year, but that's just Canada. As for how it was... I don't know. It was home. I never saw it in some special way. A tourist might, but to me, it was just Ontario." It was easier to answer the question if he pretended they were talking about his real hometown of Borena, on the dirherian homeword,  Aveen. 

"I'm not really sure how else to describe it." Neziiv concluded. 

I'm just here for a laugh

"Ah.." He supposed he could understand how he felt about his home. He hadn't been particularly impressed with his own home town either. He just couldn't see himself being very amused by it anyway. He sat forward in his seat, going for his phone to check the time right quick. He saw that his roommate had sent a message, requesting that he pick up some milk on the way back. He was a bit irked by this, but he supposed he would do it. He was already out, so he might as well.

"So, tell me a little about yourself." Neziiv requested. "My name's Amir, by the way." He extended his hand to shake with the human's. "So, where are you from? Some place a little more interesting, maybe?" He said with a smile.

I'm just here for a laugh

Alex had put his phone away in time to see the other man holding his hand out to shake his. He did in fact return the greeting by shaking his hand. "I'm Alex... Though I can't say I'm from a particularly interesting place. I grew up in a small town so you can probably imagine how I felt when I first got to a big city like this one." He smirked a little. He wasn't entirely sure what all to say about himself. He didn't feel like he had much that was incredibly interesting about himself. "I actually came here to go to college and I ended up staying here in the end... I figured I'd have an easier time finding work than I would at home." He explained, assuming this was really all that was worth mentioning.

"I should probably be going soon though... My roommate wants me to pick up some milk.." Of course he could wait, Alex just didn't want to stay out too late tonight. Today had been long after all so he'd be glad to return home and rest up.

Neziiv nodded. "Alright. Well, I suppose I gotta get going too." Neziiz said. "Who knows, maybe I'll see you around here again some time." He said. With that, he paid his tab, and left the bar, wondering if he'd indeed see Alex again.

I'm just here for a laugh

Alex rose to his feet, leaving his glass at the table as he went to pay for his drink. He looked back and nodded. "Yeah, maybe we will." He hadn't expected to meet someone new as well here, but he really didn't mind it. Today had been a long day and it had been a much needed moment of peace. He didn't know if he'd see Amir again, cause this was a big city. What were the odds really? Anyway... he still needed to go and get the milk for his roommate.

Neziiv watched the human depart the bar before turning back to his own drink, spending some more time there before deciding it was time to get going himself. 

The following evening, Neziiv returned to the bar, for another evening of drinks and some time alone, though he found himself thinking back to the man from yesterday, replaying their conversation in his head and wondering in the back of his mind if someone else tonight would come to him for conversation. 

I'm just here for a laugh

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