C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

LUcien strugged. "If you want, i don't mind... just be careful if there could be fleas. I thought your kind didn't like felines all that much, and to already offer your egg up to it..." lucien smirked and ruffled the still fussy feathery hair of Hitsugi. "though with your outfit.... can you bear with me and let me carry you back to my home? So that your feet wouldn't be visible and your broken robe wouldn't attract too much attention?" He tilted his head to stare at Hitsugi's overalls.

He assuemd Hitsugi would agree, even though he seemed he don't like getting touched on his wings. He would test out his limits gradually, and let the clumsy little Avian get used to his touches and close proximity. He lifted him up easily, the frame of Hitsugi, though strong, was lightweight so he would be able to fly high and long didstances. He held him by his bottom and tugged his head down on his shoulder.

"keep your wings as close to yourself as you can? can you hide your feet a little better under that robe of yours? ... yes. And hopefuly your new pet would follow us, coz it woul dbe weird if i am carrying a little guy in my arms and a cat at the same time." he explained. The feather standing up on Hitsugi was so cute he impulsively pressed a kiss on his forehead.

Hitsugi couldn't help smiling when Lucien agreed to letting him keep the cat, looking back at the feline lapping up the egg. "We don't waste. We eat our dud eggs." He nodded. "And fleas don't like the oils on our feathers." He shrugged. Just being around Hitsugi would eventually rid the cat of any fleas, as his natural oils would get transferred onto the cat's fur. "We keep cats to keep rodents out of our grain." He said, leaning down to pet the cat.

He paused when Lucien mentioned picking him up, nibbling his lip. He looked at his robe, trying to pull it around himself, but it was torn. He yelped when he was scooped up, hesitantly putting his arms around him. He pulled his legs up close, curling his toes and pulling the robe over them. Though, his wings and the long feathers of his tail would make an odd shape while he was carried.

His feathery hair and neck feathers puffed up again when Lucien kissed him, looking up at him with wide eyes as the color rose in his cheeks. "M-maybe I should just walk....The robe works well enough." He said, shrugging. The cat would follow them, already seeking more egg from Hitsugi.

"I guess I had been a little foward, but you look adorable." Lucien chuckled seeing Hitsugi all flustered with the simple kiss. "That's not your kind's way of showing affection?" He asked the innocent Avian who's blush had spread to his neck. His toes had been wriggling nervously in his arms and he held him tighter against his chest.

"I guess carrying you is more appropriate... though do bury your head on me, so they wouldn't see your lovely feathers." He said and almost giggled again seeing the few larger feathers poking out of the robe in Hitsugi's nervousness. He pressed his head down on him, and marched out to the streets again. He looked down and saw the car lingering aorund his legs as well. He liked cats, and he was quite sure they would amke good firends as well, devils were always cat's friend in mischiefs.

it wasn't a long way, but as soon as the noise of the crowd and the yelling of man reached Hitgusi, Lucien could feel the smaller body in him trembling lightly. THe tremble was worse when a group of kids passby - not the bullyin ggroup, but a group of noisy boys nonetheless, and Lucien tightened his hold on HItsugi. "Shh.. it's alright. I am here and they wouldn't hurt you anymore."

Hitsugi couldn't help blushing more when Lucien said he was adorable, nibbling at his lip and puffing his feathers more. "N-no....we do that." He muttered, glancing away slightly. He pulled the hood of the robe over his head and wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders. His wings wrapped around him as well, acting like a second set of arms. He even had a small hidden set of clawed fingers on his wings, hooking the short claws into the fabric of Lucien's top.

He whimpered when he heard the commotion beyond the alley. It was a noisy market, but that wasn't the only cause for his worry. It was the fact that he was surrounded and knew he couldn't escape into the air. He wasn't afraid of the humans, just their numbers. Though, the children did make him worry more, afraid of their laughter...

They made their way through the middle fo the market, Lucien walking quick to avoid all chitchats. Some of the people, his acquiantances, looked curiosuly on the body he was carrying, but seeing how hurried he looked, none of them approached to ask. Lucien always had that mild authoritative tone in his otherwise gentle words that no one was dumb enough to cross him.

They made their turn into a quieter alley and finally they arrived at the bookstore. He pushed open the door and went straight to the back where the living room was located. As a devil, the advantage was he coudl conceal how big his house actually was from teh public's eyes. He had occupied the whole area surrounded by several other shopfronts. He had carpets laid out instead of couches like many of his neighbors, and he sat putting Hitsugi down as well - conveniently on his lap - and removed the hood. "You are safe now... " He smiled looking into the bright eyes of Hitsugi.

Hitsugi held tightly onto Lucien as he was carried, peeking over his shoulder to see the cat following closely. Weaving between people to keep up with them. He couldn't help smiling when he saw that, helping to calm him down a little.

He lifted his head when they entered a building, looking around before Lucien sat himself down. He wiggled his way out of the robe, finally detaching it from around his neck and letting it fall over Lucien's legs. He looked around, getting up from the man's lap. Once up on his feet, his wings spread and fluttered, settling what feathers weren't damaged. His tail feathers flared as his tail wiggled and settled, all while he walked around with the calculated steps of a bird.

He paused when he spotted the cat, kneeling down to pet him again. A wide smile crossed his face, showing how cute he was when he was happy. "Is this your home?" He asked, picking the cat up and cradling it in his arms.

There had been traces of feathers falling from Hitsugi's lovely wings, and the cat sniffled and sneezed lightly before he got lifted up to the Avian's arms. Lucien looked at the little bird look around, like he was assessing his surroundings, proudly showing his tails and wings like peacock - a dishivelled peacock with his feathers quite messy - and nodded trying to hide the smile.

"Ype this is my home... feel free to look around. I could also bring you to the atrium at the back wehre you could get some fresh air. Hmm mind if i lookat your wounds? I do have some medicine around.. and bandages that could help. The blood has stopped right?" He asked getting onto his foot to fetch his medicine box. He had removed his shoes on his way in and groaned when he found he had omitted Hitsugi's feet were dirty and he had made tiny little footrpints on the carpet while he walked around. "err... can you stay there first? I am going to need to wipe your feet as well...."

The feathers falling from his wings was the first step of replacing them. His body knew they were damaged, so got rid of them. The long flight feathers would be more difficult to regrow, and were the most important for flying. He hadn't been showing off, simply settling his feathers comfortably. His feathers weren't true black, but actually an iridescent blue, shimmering with other colors under the right light. Though, the fluffy ones on his head were more black...

"Its very big." He said, tilting his head slightly. "Oh...I have a few cuts, and some of the blood came from the feathers they pulled out." He said, shrugging. He lifted his wings, checking the missing feathers and wincing, but paused when Lucien told him to stay there. "Huh? Oh....ah." He gasped, lifting one foot to see the dirt on it. "I'm sorry."

Lucien had limited knowledge on Avian habits, so he was just interpreting Hitsugi's actions on his own - and perhaps he laso quite like the idea of Hitsugi thinking htis would be his home later on, so he had conveninetly misjudged an innocent and neutral action as something with other meaning in it.

"No poblem... i hadn't been thinking through." Lucien waved. He just didn't want to change his carpet, it was from Angora and he quite liked it. taking a twoel, he wiped down on his clawed feet. It was fun seeing Hitsugi balancing on one feet. When he was switching feet, he looked up and again came to look between Hitsugi's legs. He didn't wnat to creep him out, but he saw some tiny trace of blood as well on him. He stroked his inner thighs. "Did that egg just now tear you...?"

Hitsugi nodded and stood still as Lucien cleaned his feet. He was quite good at balancing on one foot, toes spread evenly to bear his weight. He held back a giggle as his foot was wiped, toes twitching in Lucien's hand. He was a bit ticklish, especially between those long bird-like toes.

He paused at the man's question, cheeks flushing when he rubbed his thighs. "I, umm...m-maybe?" He said, brows raised. "There was some blood on the egg....and it kind of stings...." He mumbled, looking down himself. He took a step back, reaching to tug at the loose fabric between his legs, seeing a few little blood stains and paling slightly.

"Is.....is it bad if I tear?" He asked, brows raised and a look of worry on his face.

With the Avian's giggle, his foot shake in his hand and somehow it ilicited a smile from Lucien as well while he paid extra attention to thr area between his toes - just to make the Avian giggle even harder.

"Hmm.. i think i should take a closer look at see how's rhe damage. I dont think stitches should be required, but at least we have to disinfect thr area. We wouldnt want any scars there, would we?" Lucien suggested and already he was lifting Hitsugi up like a child, or more like a koala as he sat on his arm.

"You better not movr too much or it could pull on your wound." Lucien warned and carried him to the bedroom upstairs. He sat him down on the duvet. With the lights on, he pulled down Hitsugi's pants. He didnt have the chance to inspect his anatomy all that clearly just now, Lucien was also quite curious to see it.

Hitsugi tried to hold back his laughter when Lucien continued cleaning his feet, wiggling his toes and shifting his weight on his foot.

But with the focus shifted to the damage he may have done to himself, he was nervous again. He nibbled his lip, wings curling closer to his body. He shook his head when Lucien mentioned scars, making a face at the idea. He squeaked in surprise when he was picked up again, clinging to the man and biting at his lip.

"Okay...it doesn't hurt much....just a little sting..." he muttered as he was carried to the bedroom. He laid down on the bed, wiggling himself before gasping when Lucien tried to pull his pants town. The button for the strap over his tail popped off, allowing his pants to be removed...but would need to be fixed later.

The little bird squirmed, closing his legs to hide himself. The feathers on his legs went from above his ankles to half way up his thighs, poof in up with the rest of the larger feathers on his body. His slit was hidden by the dark feathery hair between his legs, his balls were small and tucked up close to his body.

Spreading his legs, his slit would be exposed. No visible bleeding, so it was probably just because he was an unprepared virgin that he bled...

Lucien chuckled seeing how defensive Hitgusi was. He looked at the bird and waited until he relented and spread his legs hesitantly. It was fun seeing his feathers all spread out to hide himself, but in the end he did under the unwavering look of Lucien. The half-devil did have his way of getting others to listen to him.

While HItgusi's legs were spreading slowly, Lucien already snaked his hand through and parted his feathers slightly. He was in touch with a warm, the most decliate part fo Hitsugi that was not unlike a flower hidden within thorns - which was what his black feathers looked like. He push them away from his slit and saw the lovely pinkish line.

WIth his thumbs, he spread his thighs while swallowing hard himself. The Avian was trembling lightly, possibly from nervousness. Lucien was looking between hsi legs closely, scrutinizing the lovely part and took in the anatomy. There wasn't a clit like in human females, but the balls were just like 2 little pebbles half tucked up within Hitsugi's body, leaving just a slight tip out. he stroked the two balls positioned just above his slit, his mind no longer on checking for signs of cuts or tears.

Of course Hitsugi was nervous, exposing himself to a stranger like this was far beyond the young avian's comfort zone. Yet something about the man compelled him to slowly spread his legs for him. His hands held onto his shirt, looking down himself at Lucien with worried eyes.

He bit his lip when Lucien's hands moved to part the feathery hair, making a soft noise at the feeling. He had never had someone touch him like this before, it was strange, and he couldn't help feeling very nervous. It showed in how his wings trembled, spread slightly on either side of him.

He whimpered softly when Lucien stroked his balls, closing his eyes and shifting his legs. His slit flushed, lips growing puffy from arousal while his cock twitched and slowly began to relax out of hiding. "Is....is it ok?" He asked in a worried tone, nibbling his lip again as he held onto his shirt.

"I think I need to see deeper in.... Let's see if I can spread this wider..." Lucien had been mesmerized by his cute little pebble-like balls. Hitsugi's question startled him awake and he once again focused back on his slit, and wa ssurprised to see it getting puffier. He could guess there must be something going on with his little prick coming out of its hiding place as well. His slit had also become a shade darker, now more red than pink, like it was inviting for more attention.

Lucien's thumb moved to press on the edge of his lips, then pressed them apart to look deeper within. He was curious as well as to why would there be blood when he couldn't see any visible open wounds. His breath was brushing against the feathery hari around his genitals, giving a touch of extra sensation on hsi prick and balls.

Hitsugi lifted one hand, biting at his knuckle as Lucien examined him closer. He could feel blood rushing south while his cheeks burned from embarrassment. He whimpered softly, feeling Lucien spreading him more, legs twitching slightly.

Like a human female, he had a hymen...and since he wasn't prepared properly for the egg, it had torn. The wound itself had already closed, thanks to the Avian species' quick healing. But now Hitsugi had a new problem...

His inner walls twitched, becoming shiny with slick while his cock slowly rose to attention above. He made a soft noise, feeling Lucien's breath on his sensitive flesh while arousal coiled in his groin. He was an adolescent, having no control over his own body...and clearly part of him liked the attention.

The avian was too sweet for his own good indeed. Lucien was finding himself hardening up just by the sight of Hitsugi biting.on his knuckle and blushing so pretty. He took shifted closer to Hitsugi so his thigh would get in touch with his trembling legs.

By this time.Lucien was quite sure there shoukdnt be any open wounds, but he wouldnt have missed this rare chance of closely observing such an amazing crratire ij his most intimate parts.

Lucien spotted the gradual change in Hitsugi's canal as it flushed and slickened up. It had a sweet aromatic smell to Lucien. He was quite atteacted to that unique scent of arousal, and with a finger, he inserted into.his canal to dip into the squirt - the moment he touched the inflammed wall, Hitsugi squealed in such a high-pitched sound it did remind him of some birds.

Hitsugi wasn't even trying to be cute, this was just how he was. Shy and too innocent for his own good. Lucien had such control over him already, the little bird couldn't really protest. His legs shifted as the man moved closer, toes curled and feet held up off the bed as he trembled.

He bit at his knuckle more as he watched Lucien, his own eyes dilated until the gold color was a thin border around his dark pupils. He wasn't expecting the feeling of lightning shooting up his spine when Lucien dipped his finger into his slit, a sharp noise escaping him before he slapped his hands over his mouth.

"Is....is it okay?" He asked, biting his lip. "I....I can't control what's happening." He added, closing his eyes as his cock twitched. His scent was quite strong, probably because he was only days away from coming into season for the first time.

"You looks ok .. but the blood had to come from somewhere so I am checking deeper within." Lucien smiled at Hitsugi so gently he was takiny full advantage of the.innocence of the avian.

He sank deeper into Hitsugi, pressed around on his canal testing, making.his slow way deeper into Hitsugi. The throbbing cick making its way out of Hitsugi was obscuriny his view. Lucien pushed it up to remove it from hiding the slit.

"Hmm yep i know you couldnt control.. but just bear with me for this little bit." Lucien hid his smirk with a small smile.

Hitsugi nibbled his lip at the man's words, taking him for his word and giving a nod. He didn't think the man was taking advantage of his submissive behavior.

He whined softly as Lucien's finger slid deeper, closing his eyes and shifting his hips. He whimpered when his cock was pushed out of the way. It twitched and grew harder, standing up proudly on its own, throbbing and oozing pre.

"Aah, ah...Nnh." he moaned, leaning his head back.

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