Fluffer nutter

A young anthro named bermes has been abandoned on the street I a neighbor good he don't know by a later who no longer wants him. He's drugged and horibbly beaten and has no idea where he is will he run in to help or trouble you decide.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Name bermese
Age 18
Height 5" 3'
Weight 92 because he was starved
Eyes jade green
Hair hair strawberry blonde
Fur ears and three fluffy tails black with blonde tips
Extra has a scar on his left cheek from being struck with a knuckle ring that busted it years ago

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Name Squeaks
Race: Anthro, rat
Appearance: 19 years old, 4'8", light build but decently fed, dark brown, matted fur, 5 months pregnant (looks 8 months due to small size) , rough appearance, shirt is a couple sizes too small which exposes his belly
Info: gay, has a boyfriend but not "married"

Squeaks was making his nightly scavenging run through the back alleys. Although he a feral anthro, his kind were tolerated in the rougher parts of the city. The police had more important issues to worry about, and animal control would rather occupy themselves somewhere else. Squeaks disliked dealing with humans, but was always careful to maintain a servile friendliness. For that reason, he always wore a shirt with some political slogan or another to feign solidarity with the humans, and he always wore a cross necklace to appeal to their religious sentimentalizes. It wasn't as though he hated humans in particular, but he did resent always acting like their inferior. To be fair, the anthros were hardly any better, due to their small size, the rat anthros were near the bottom of the pecking order.

Squeaks, his boyfriend, and their young child lived in an abandoned dumpster in a back alley. They paid a rent to the local slum lord (or maybe it was just the building manager) so that he would look the other way. Squeaks mainly lived by scavenging garbage, hunting pigeons and cats, and doing the occasional odd job.

As Squeaks looked for a dumpster, he saw an anthro laying on the street. He looked like he was in bad condition, but did not look like any feral anthro he had ever seen. Squeaks figured that he might be a pet, and his return might net him a few bucks. "Hey, you OK?" he said, shaking the anthro.

The furry fox anthro turned his head. His face was badly swolen. His eyes were unable to focus. One of his feont fangs had been cracked. He was covered in laseration across his torso. Just as he was coming to another anthro came into view. He looked rather scruffy. He wanted to talk but olny managed slurred words. The drugs in his system were meant to keep him imobile. He couldnt move a limb.
He was so confused he had no idea where he was. The anthro before him frightened him. He was sure the was what his master called feral. His mind was hardly even able to process his suroudings. His head was throbing as if his skull its self was pulsing.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


The fox anthro looked disoriented. Normally, Squeaks would normally have tried carrying him home, but his condition prevented it. He leaned down and checked over the anthro, he was in bad condition. Squeaks couldn't quite figure out what was up with the anthro. He was too clean to be a feral, but too underfed to be pet. Maybe a drug overdose, Squeaks thought. It looked a bit like a "bad trip" but that still would not explain the injuries. Maybe he was assaulted after getting high.

Squeaks kneeled down, and put his arm around the anthro. "Calm down, it will be OK," he said, "Just let yourself fall asleep, don't fight it." Squeaks knew that he probably shouldn't be doing this. Although the fox anthro was small, it was still bigger than he was, and he didn't know how the fox anthro would react. Still, Squeaks was too low in the pecking order to make unneeded enemies or reject potential friends, and he might make some money out of this.

The anthro fox was already going back into a sleep like state. He wasnt about to fight even if he could. He wasnt a soul who could hurt another. He slipped into the lake of numb darkness and awaited his fate.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Some time later, the Anthro fox slowly awoke inside an empty dumpster. There are dirty rags spread out over the floor, except near the far back corner, in which a small fire burns in a coffee can mounted on top of cinder blocks, with stones and flower pots blocking off the area. Bermese is covered with several old blankets. Against the back wall are backpacks, buckets, and gallon jugs filled with various junk and substances. The lid of the dumpster is cracked open, letting in a little light and allowing the smoke to escape. The inside is small, being no bigger than a bathroom, and not high enough to stand up in.

Beside him sits the feral anthro he saw that night, if he can recall last night. "Hi, Squeaks is the name, what happened last night?" said the anthro rat, extending his paw. Squeaks was not sure what the feral would do when he woke up, and send his baby out with his boyfriend. His boyfriend was not happy with Squeaks bringing home a drugged-out stranger. And to be fair, Squeaks would not have been happy had he done the same thing. "You are in my umm.... house, it is a re-purposed dumpster. It ain't much, but we get by," Squeaks said.

Bermese woke his face wasnt as swollen he peeled the blankets away from him wincing. "Im bermese thanks for your help." He curled into a ball his tails coveting his body as he wirked on cleaning his wounds. The stinging in his side was the worst. He had no idea why his master had left him let alone been so harsh. Surley hed done somthing wrong.
He uncurled then looked at the stranger. His figure was very feminine. He looked quite like a young teen even though he was a adult. His green gaze looked around. He was sure he was probaly hurt pretty bad.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Squeaks was happy that the fox anthro was in his right mind again. He really didn't need a drugged out person knocking over the makeshift hearth and setting all his worldly possessions on fire. "Water?" he said, offering a gallon jug, "It is clean, we get it from the hose outlet on the side of the building." "So, how did you wind up drugged out in an alley, if you remember. And where do you live?" asked Squeaks, as his hand gently rubbed his pregnant belly. He wanted to make sure Bermese knew that he was pregnant, Squeaks had being pregnant tended to elicit a good deal of sympathy.

He was curious to find out where the stranger came from, and more importantly, how to collect any potential reward for his return. Also, he wanted to what kind of food to offer Bermese. If he was a lost pet from the suburbs, he might take offense to dried-out stale trash-bread and cat-jerky, but if he was just a drug-using feral, he didn't want to waste the barely expired crackers.

He noticed the tummy and smiled. "I was a pet but for reason my own gave me a strange drink then every things a blank. I have a feeling i was dumped. I dont know what i did wrong my master loved me." He started to cry. He took the water and drank a couple small sips then handed it back. Tears were welling and spillimg.
He was sure this kind anthro wouldnt hurt him. He was pregnant and he seemed quiet nice. He teary jade hues scaned the antbro. He seemed to be a rat. He gussed by his appetence hed been on the streets a while ir his whole life. He hugged one of his fluffy taails to his chest. His mind was reeling. The pain in his body was nothing compeared to thr pain in his heart.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Squeaks put his arm around Bermese, his pregnant belly pressing against Bermese's side. "Why would your master just dump you?" asked Squeaks, surprised that human would do such a thing, as pets cost money. Then again, Squeaks and his family literally live off of what humans throw out. Squeaks really had no idea how the anthro market worked. He knew enough that a feral like himself wasn't worth anything, and neither was his son. (If push came to shove, Squeaks had explored the possibility of selling his infant son if things got tough, so his child would be fed and housed, but no human would want a feral rat anthro.)

"If you master loved you, he would not just dump you, drugged in an alleyway. Ya' wouldn't happen to know where your master lives?" asked Squeaks. He was not one to give up easily on the possibility of a reward.

"I have no idea till today ive never left the house. I have no idea where i am where it is." His jade eyes flashed as a fragment memory rplayed. "H-he said i was to old for his taste." His eyes widened he realy was dumped. His hand reached up and placed a palm on the anthros belly stroking it gently.

He was self calming as he gently stroked the orb. His mind finaly started to collect its self. His skull throbed less but it still hurt. His eyes wondred as he took in his surroundings. His stomache growled startling him. He looked around for the sound ears swivling widleym

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Squeaks hugged the Bermese, as the fox rubbed his pregnant belly. He could sense that Bermese was calming down, belly rubbing calmed down Squeaks' boyfriend too. Squeaks knew that pets lived very sheltered lives, but could not comprehend what it must be like to literally never leave a house from early childhood. Squeaks thought about his childhood home he had left behind a few years ago, and felt a tinge of homesickness, which quickly dispersed. True, Squeaks missed his parents and siblings, but he left for a better life, which he found. Food was abundant here, unlike his former home, and he even had a semi-legit residence. Although humble by human standards, the dumpster kept Squeaks and his family warm and dry in even the worst weather.

He was reminded about food, and remembered that his guest must be hungry. He leaned over, and looked through is food stock for something suitable. He pulled out a box of saltine crackers, probably a bit fancier than appropriate, but why not. "Crackers?" he offered.

"We can't give up that easily. Did you have any anthro friends or family? Or a chip... A chip, did your master say anything about a chip? The humans can track anthros with those somehow," said Squeaks. He knew that Bermese would not be fit for life on the street, few pets were. Squeaks was moved as much by sympathy as a desire to gain a reward.

"By the way, what did your master use you for?" he asked.

"I have no chip. And i was the only pet in the entire house. I was my masters confort animal i was to lay next to or sit by him. I was to make him happy with being held and hugged and on rear ocadions hed give me gifts like a rhine stone collar. He never did more than kiss me he must be mad at me for sone reason. I have no clue what being to old is. I cant rember anything after taking the glass he gave me and drinking it. Why cant i remember." Bermese was flustered. He took the crackers and ate a couple. He didnt eat any further as the chewing made his jaw hurt.

Upon cearful thought he recalled a noise a snaping or cracking like thunder. It was the only thing his mind could defog from the time he took the glass till now. He tryee to remeber but all that came was the noise. He placed his head on his knees. He was at a loss. He had no memory of anything that occured to him after his master spoke those words and gave him the glass. Why why couldnt he remebet?

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Squeaks pondered the situation. "I'm sorry to say this, but I think that your master doesn't want you noymore. Even if we found him, he wouldn't want you back, and tryin' to contact might do more harm than good. It sounds like he only wants young anthros," he said, letting out a sigh. "What we need to do is find you a new owner. I don't think you'd make it as a feral. Do you know any tricks, or do you have any skills Also, are you still intact? You know what that means, right?" asked Squeaks, hoping the Bermese had some skills that would make his adoption easier.

"I sing realy well i have minor cooking skills and i am well veresed in being cute. What dose in tackt mean?" He asked he was hoping this strange anthro could help him find some one.
(If we find an owner will you play him?)

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"I mean..." Squeaks said, being cut off by the feeling of his unborn baby shifting onto his bladder. He put his hand on his belly, as he winced in discomfort. "Excuse for a minute, call of nature," he said, as he opened the dumpster lid. "You know what, might as well show ya' now, follow me, it's just behind the dumpster," he said.

Squeaks lead Bermese out of the dumpster and into the alley. The alley was poorly lit, with no lights. Tall, old brick buildings flanked the narrow, trash-ridden path. Many of the windows were boarded up, particularly on the the first floor. Others had metal bars. Trash cans, trash bags, cardboard boxes, and loose trash littered the alley. The pavement has rough and pot-holed. Bermese could see out into the street, which was better looking, but still very dingy.

"It's just back 'round here," said Squeaks, leading him behind the dumpster. The space was barely wide enough to walk through. On the street-ward side were a stack of boxes. There was a bucket with a lid with a wide hole, a couple old, torn-up books, and a dirty blanket, even worse than anything in the dumpster. "This is our bathroom area, so to speak. The bucket is the toilet, pages are toilet paper, the blanket is to cover up with, just in case someone comes from the other direction. That don't happen much, though. Now, if you'll excuse me," Squeaks said.

Before Bermese had a chance to react, Squeaks had discreetly covered himself with the blanket, and Bermese could hear the sound of water hitting metal. "Sorry 'bout that, pregnancy issue," he said, "Have you even seen a pregnant person before?" asked Squeaks, wondering how sheltered Bermese was. He didn't want Bermese to get any longings for the feral life, he would never adapt to it, and an occasional culture shock was probably good for him.

"Anyway, I mean, do you still have all your reproductive parts? Pets sometimes undergo a process of neutering, so that they can't have babies. I assume you know where babies come from, right?" asked Squeaks, still sitting on the improvised toilet. He recalled that Bermese did touch his pregnant belly, but he was not completely sure that Bermese even knew what pregnancy was. "Anyway," Squeaks continued, "The balls of males are often removed, along with the womb, or sometimes just the womb. Ball removal is fairly obvious, but womb removal is harder to spot. If you still have a womb, you should get periods of cramping, and a release of blood from your butt every month or so.

<I'll rp Bermese's owner, if the RP goes that way>

"Oh that weird time when yes but i have no balls they were removed when i was a pup. Abd yes my masters mistress had two pups of her own pregnacy is weird it makes you all swollen and in mistresses case crabby. I would have liked to have pups but my master never bred me. Thats when somthing snaped in the back of his head. I did leave the master house once to go to a party with him to a place on a street that waa cobled and the houses were brightly colored and big. The owner of the home was very king the house was bright blue. The owner was fond of me there it made my master slightly angry but the other didnt seem to notice. He feed me treats and let me sleep in a real bed."
His mind waa remebering things. He reached over the brush his tail out with his finger tips when he winced. His middle tail was tender. He looked between his fur to find a red angry knot at its base. He wasnt uncobfortable in this situation. This wasnt what he was used to but it didnt bother him.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"We better get back inside," said Squeaks, as he pulled his pants up, and led Bermese back into the dumpster. He sat with his back against the wall, as Bermese snuggled up beside him. Squeaks took Bermese's paw, and placed it on his pregnant belly. "Humans like neutered pets for some reason, do ya' know if ya' still got a womb or not? If they removed your balls, they probably removed your womb too, but not always. Sometimes they just remove the balls to make the pets easier to manage, or so I've been told," asked Squeaks. Squeaks has hoping that Bermese was completely neutered, it would make him a bit easier to adopt out.

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