Fluffer nutter

"I have some cooking skills and some painting skills but nothing realy extrodinary. The lash wounds had long since healed leaving dark pink scars on his left side. He cuddled one of his tails nervouly.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"I didn't think you would," said Brandon, as he pulled the car into a driveway. "Let me show you your new room," he said, leading Bermese into a bedroom. It looked like a typical anthro room, it had giant pet-bed up against a wall, some anthro toys, and its own separate bathroom. It was probably less than what Bermese was used to, but far better than the dumpster.

Beremese looked around eyes wide. "This is mine?" He whent over to the bed and paced a circle then layed down his tails over the front of his frame. He made small chirps of exciment.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Yes," said Brandon, "Do you like it?"

"Yes very much i love it!" He looked up eyes sparkling hed never been so happy in quite a long time. He noticed his messy fur and started to finger comb it.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"So um.... are you a virgin?" asked Brandon nervously. The question was a bit awkward, but he was talking to a pet, not a boyfriend.

"Virgin?" He asked head cocked. He didnt know what that meant. There were lots of funny words he didnt know.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"I mean, how you ever had sex before?" said Brandon, somewhat annoyed that his new pet was overly sheltered.

"Oh no atleast i dony think so whats sex?" He adked inocently. He noticed brandon being upset and imedatly sat up right looking from side to side. If he was mad bermese didnt want to be the puchinh bag as hed always bern.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Do you know where babies come from?" asked Brandon.

Kind of my old miss had pups they came out of her thays all i know.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"OK, do you know what pregnancy is?" asked Brandon.

When the babies inside you?" He seemed rathe aloaf to this only having a borderline undestanding. He looked at brandon with soft eyes. His emrald hues showed fasination.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"OK, what did your old master use you for?" asked Brandon. He assumed that Bermese probably worked for a prudish old lady as a maid or something, based on his ignorance.

"I was her capanionanimal her cuddle buddue as she dubed me." He was wondering why brandon was asking his ears whent back.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Well, lets get you washed, you have taken a bath before, right?" said Brandon. Bermese's personal hygiene had been somewhat neglected in the past few days. Some people didn't bathe anthros that frequently, because it was thought was too washing did more harm than good.

"Yes miss often bathed me she was very kind." His voice trailed off. He loojed kind of sad as though he was remebering somthing painful.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Brandon could tell that Bermese seemed upset. "What is wrong?" he asked.

"Its nothing i just rembered somthing and it kinda made me sad." He said trying to smile.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Brandon put his arm around Bermese. "What is it, my pet?" he asked.

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