A Holiday Weekend to Remember

Iggy felt the places again, "That's one of the babies moving through your hips. She's not far in yet but she's moving along... the pressure is probably your body trying to dialate and let your water break,"

"I hope so, I think this balloon is going to pop any second." he said. David moved over to the couch where he put a towel down to sit on. "You know, I remember being in labor with you. I was at the grocery store and I started having contractions. Verna had to send someone to pick me up!" it was quite the experience. As his sentence ended another contraction pounded on his belly. radiating up and down, throughout his body. Iggy rushed over and offered her hand to squeeze.

Iggy stayed by his side and had him do some slow, deep breathing that Verna had taught her, "Well when you do pop try to hold it in alright," she said after the contraction ended. She rubbed his belly gently while the first twin dropped lower in his hips suddenly.

"Ooofff" David groaned as the contraction released him. With Iggy's help David was about to get into a standing position. He was walking around for a few minutes pacing back and fourth. "I want to take my pants off, keep my underwear on though." he said to Iggy. The two managed to get David out of his pants, it gave him a minor sense of relief.

Iggy let her dad lean on her for support, "We should check to see how dialated you are sometime..." she suggested.

"Okay, that sounds fine. Do you want me to take these off or just pull them down." he said refering to his underwear. "I don't know if I can lay on my back right now though.

"Well you could kneel on the floor and lean against the ball so you're kinda on all fours, that helps some I've heard.. and just pull them down is all," Iggy said, not letting her nerves show. She had to be cobfident for her father and her sisters.

Allen pulled down his underwear to his knees and just stood there for a second. There was some strong movement in his belly that put an enormous amount of pressure on his prostate, popping up his penis. David felt very weird to say the least. after a few deep breathes, Iggy helped him on to his hands and knees. "Give me a second." he said as a loud fart blew out of his anus. "Sorry, I've been waiting for that."

Iggy, having been desensitized by Verna, smiled a bit, "It happens," she said, fetching some gloves from her bag. She was very careful and considerate during the exam and seemed a bit surprised, "Wow you're really dialated..." she said as she pulled her finger free.

David winced when Iggy's finger went in, "Ig, warn me before you do that. My hole is pretty sore." he said farting again. "That popcorn must have done a number on my insides." said David pulling his underwear back up. "Help me up, Iggy" he said from his kneeling position. "I don't mean to be gross, but do your patients always get as 'excited' when they're in labor?" he asked motioning to his overstuffed briefs, his swollen testicles almost spilling out of the sides.

Iggy turned a faint pink despite herself, "I have no patients of my own, but yes, this is common among male pregnancy patients... some women feel arousal during labor even," she assured, helping him stand. His belly had dropped dramatically by now, and he looked less round and more oblong with one of the girls in his hips. She threw her gloves away, "uhm.... you should go sit in the bathroom for a bit... I could feel your water... its super close to-" she held him upright when a stron contraction hit him and his water broke, some of it dribbling down his legs even though he clenched his hole tight.

"Oh my, Iggy, I need a toilet, NOW! Help me to the bathroom." he stammered "I don't know if I'm going to make it." he continued. "How long do I hold it for?"

"Hold it for as long as you can," Iggy said, helping him to the bathroom, somehow with no accidents, "Just hold it for a bit longer,"

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