Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

Jared muttered a curse when he rushed out to the carpark and realised he didn't drive here - thereby they obviously wouldn't have a vehicle. He looked around and pressed a kiss on Finn. "Shh i'm bringing us back to the clinic. No matter what happened, don't scream ok?" he said hurrying over to a backstreet. He made sure there was no camera around or anyone watching them, then quickly apparated away.

It wasn't a ocmfortable way of travelling, even for Jared. but it was quick, and in minutes they were spinning towards the diagnostic room Jared was thinking of. He quickly lowered Finn onto the examination table. "Shh baby this is going to be ok. you'd be fine..." he worked on removing Finn's pants - and found to his horror blood had soaked through it. this could be very bad...

Find whimpered, but didn't scream. His face was pale from the blood loss, and he squirmed when he felt Jared removing his blood-soaked pants. He felt as if he couldn't focus on anything, even Jared's words, as he struggled to keep himself awake.

"Please...please be okay." He focused on muttering small prayers under his breath. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please be okay." He tried to hold back tears.

Jared just threw the blood soaked pants at the side. He should have known it would have scared Finn even more had he saw it, but right now he was too preoccupied by the situation to think of much else. He unbuttoned Finn's shirt quickly and feels along his bump.

"Finn don't be scared ok? deep breathes... i'm going to check the babies." he quickly move the machine towards the bedside. He wasn't feeling much movement from within and he found himself trembling as well.

The ultrasound started working and Jared squirted a large lump of gel on Finn and quickly moved to check for heartbeats. He moved the wand around the belly and held Finn's hand. "Shhh Finn, look at me...." he said, trying to not let the pregnant man lose consciousness. Then there was heartbeating coming through from teh machine. "That's baby A...." Jared said with a bit of relief, then moved on to search for the other baby. Another heartbeat came through as well - but this was a distinctly slower. "Alright Finn i would need to work on baby B. Can you please stay with me?" he asked anxiously. Baby B was in some kind of distress and Jared had to work on him.

(i'm thinking we would do a pelvic exam of sorts after Jared would use a spell on Finn's belly. is that gonna be alright coz i remember you'd rather skip the smut?)

Find struggled to stay awake. Somehow he managed to hear Jared's words though, and nodded his head.

"Whatever you have to do. Please just save them." He fought as hard as he could to keep his eyes open, the only thought racing through his mind were hoping his mistakes hadn't hurt his and Jared's children.

(I'm good with that! Also I'm actually totally okay with shut and stuff!)

(oops haha so am i missing all the fun here! i'd have devoured Finn's body so much ;) let's do it later, after this scare. Finn would need some comforting first but afterwards some lovely sex to console him and telling him everything's still ok?)

"good boy, you're doing so good for us." Jared comforted him lovingly. Retrieving his wand, he waved it over Finn's belly muttering out a long and intricate string of ancient text. A faint blue light enveloped Finn's bump and words started appearing with the diagnosis. Jared's face tensed up seeing the texts, and summoned a bottle of potion that's hidden within the deepest of cabins. "Drink this.. this could taste bad but it's going to help the babies." he said gently lifting Finn up from the bed. It's a full bottle of greenish blue liquid, but much to his relief, Finn took it without furhter question. He felt along his belly and asked. "There can be some tingling... is it still painful now?"

Finn drank the liquid without questions or hesitation. He coughed at the terrible taste, but finished it and breathed a small sigh of relief. At hearing Jared's questioning, Finn shook his head, some color returning to his face.

" doesn't hurt." He held onto Jared's hand for dear life. "Did it work?"

"i will have to check. Look Finn i'm going to check your opening. It's just for safe measures and to make sure the blood's stopped. Relax and keep your breathing steady. If there's any pain, let me know at once." Jared nodded noting the color returning to Finn. "you're doing good baby." he said, though there was still tension in the air that told Finn the danger was still not entirely over.

Jared sat on the stool between Finn's legs , his face hardened seeing the blood smeared on his bottom. His heart ached for the suffeirng his partner had endured, but steeled himself knowing he was the one giving Finn support and care now. "Shhh Finn, relax." he pressed a kiss on Finn's knee and gently entered him, making it as quick as he'd dare to reach in deep within him. "i'm goign to check your cervix." the insides of Finn was still wet wtih blood,. to keep Finn steady, Jared splayed his hand on his bump to caress it, monitoring the babies' movement as well.

Find gasped at Jared's probing, but remained as calm as he possibly could. He let out a pained moan though as one of the babies decided to kick at feeling Jared's touch. He motioned for Jared to keep going though, breathing as he tried to hold back tears.

Finn's moan stalled Jared immeidately, but he continued with the probing once he got the reassurance from Finn. He moved along his walls and feel around his cervix. It's been moist with blood, and it's not a good sign that he was feeling some slight dilation. "shit." he muttered under his breath and reached for his wand again, needing another spell on him feeling the power of magic coursing through from his body, via his fingertip, to the deeplaid womb of Finn's.

there was pain, but as the repai went on, Jared could withdraw his bloodstained finger from Finn. He wiped himself clean and quickly gathered Finn into his arms as he, too, snuggled onto bed. "Shhh baby, it's alright now. we just have to wait..." he slipped in behind Finn and cupped his belly, rubbing soothing circles on it while the magic worked its way into the babies. With this incident, Jared was afraid baby B could have sustained some damage and lose his magical ability when he grew up, but either way, he'd be loving both children. and therw as no point letting Finn know on that bit of detail, his lover's been stressed enough already.

Find was a wreck. He was exhausted beyond belief, sore, and still in tears. He was relieved to have Jared holding him in his arms, but Finn was still shaken up by everything that had happened. Sniffling, he buried his face in Jared's shirt, feeling like he'd fall apart without him there.

"I shouldn't have been there." Finn sobbed. "I almost hurt the babies. I shouldn't have been so stubborn about working. I'm so sorry...please forgive me."

"shhh it's alright Finn. you're good.... i know you didn't do it intentionally, you fell, and that's not something you can help with. it's alright now, everything's alright..." Jared muttered, desperately wanting to sooth his partner in distress. Following his hiccups, his belly jiggled and there was no mistaking he was really pregnant now. He caressed his bump so gently as the potion worked hand in hand with his restorative spell to help repair the blow his belly suffered.

The babies were soon recovering - and perhaps with the help of the spell, they were growing a slight bit faster than before. Jared noted the little fluttering resuming within Finn's belly and sighed a breath of relief as well. Just for safe measure, he reached down to feel around Finn's opening and was reassured with the lack of blood. "Alright... everything's really fine now. Finn, everything's fine now. you are, the babies are , and so am I." he smiled and kissed Finn on his lips, swallowing whatever apology he was going to say.

Finn kissed Jared back, before letting out a sigh, and once more burying his face in Jared's shirt. Though he was glad to hear, and feel that things were okay, he still felt immensely guilty for what had happened. Unable to find the right words, the pregnant man cried quietly and shook as he tried to calm himself, but instead found himself feeling exhausted.

Jared might be able to swallow the apologies from Finn, but he couldn't quite stop his tears. He rubbed Finn's arm gently as the pregnant man sobbed away on his shirt. "Shh finn.. this is not really your fault. I just couldn't understand why your manager would think it's a good idea to askyou to do stocktaking... it's his fault. not yours." he pressed another kiss on Finn. "please don't blame yourself... " he rubbed his face against Finn's. "let's head back home? how about a bubble bath?" he asked, gently lifting Finn up to apparate together - he'd come back to drive away the car later.

Finn was exhausted. He managed to nod his head though at Jared's suggestion, and wrapped his arms around the other man's shoulders as they began to disappear from the office.

Once they were back home, Finn still seemed tense, though he began to relax as Jared helped fit the two of them into the massive bathtub. Still, he wouldn't say much, simply washing himself, as he pressed small kisses against Jared when he could. That done, the pregnant man was soon wrapped up in several towels, changed into some clean clothes, and left to rest and recover.

Jared found Finn still brooding the next morning. Jared brought Finn breakfast on bed, but the pregnant man was still not very responsive, just looking at him with sad and guilty eyes. Jared tried staying with him as much as possible. "please Finn... this is not your fault. You didn't want to fall... it's an accident. Besides, the babies are fine right? so there's nothing to worry about." Jared tried comforting Finn, but his words just drew more of Finn's tears.

"Finn... don't cry." he muttered, kissing away the tears. Then he captured his lips and gradually deepened it cupping his face.

Find couldn't help but continue to feel responsible for what had happened. Even as Jared tried to reassure him, the pregnant man could only focus on how much worse things could have been. As he cried, and Jared kissed him, Find sighed heavily, before moving to press his forehead against the other man.

"I just...I don't want anything bad to happen to them." Find reached for Jared's hand, pressing it to his belly. " When this started, I was freaked out and I didn't know how to react. But the fact I almost lost makes me think about how much I want them with us now, and how we came so close to losing that."

"Shh... they will know. They will knwo their father had been trying so hard to do good for them. It's an accident and no one wanted that to happen... stay strong Finn. they need you to stay strong to nurture for them." Jared comforted him gently, taking the smaller man in his arms as he interalced thier hands on his rather prominent bump now.

They laid there and Jared kissed him again on his cheeks. He kissed away his tears and murmured. "don't cry baby... your tears are like daggers in my heart. Can you feel how wounded my hear tis now? it's tellming me i am doing a bad job taking care of you when you're crying like that..." He whispered and pressed more kisses on him. he storked his swell and moved to caress it at the bottom half, moving his hand across it to comfort him.

"No! You've been nothing but great about everything!" Finn shook his head, almost in shock at Jared's words. "Honestly, I am sorry. I'm not crying because of anything you've done. I just can't help but feel scared. If you hadn't shown up to help when I fell...I don't even want to think bout what could have happened."

(hey! welcome back ;))

"if you want me to feel less guilty, then please stop crying my love. You didn't expect to fall, and certainly our little ones are making you off balance. It's an accident... if we have someone to blame, taht's going to be your manager, asking you to do stocktaking in such a dangerous place when he KNEW you aren't feeling too well lately." he stroked his lower belly and pressed him closer. "it's in the past now. There's no 'ifs'. I showed up, you and our babies are fine as well. that's all that's important." he comforted Finn, eventually stopping him from saying anything else by pressing a kiss on him.

He cupped his face, his hands roamed over Finn's body and squeezed playfully at his meaty bottom.

Finn kissed Jared back, holding him close to try and feel more safe and secure. He jumped a little at the other man grabbing his behind, but soon relaxed, and kissed him a bit more. Soon the pair moved, and Finn let out a small sigh. He motioned for Jared to hold him close, and moved his head against the wizard's chest.

"Alright. I'll try not to beat myself up too much. It's just hard, you know? I've been on my own for a long time before you came into my life and...I don't want to mess any of this up. You or the babies."

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