Closed Livestock
In a land where mythical creatures live alongside humans, some find themselves under their control. Tough centaur captured to be used as working animals. Being smarter than horses meant they could do more complex tasks. Often while shackled or with arms restrained...

Tobias was a young male, resembling a draft horse. He had been housed with much larger stallions, and with the humans being unaware of his unique anatomy, he was raped and impregnated. Months went by and the young stallion was still used for work...even when he tried to tell the humans about his condition, he was ignored. 

When he refused to work, he was beaten and tied up in a barn. Arms tied behind his back and legs shackled too close together to allow him to lay down or even walk...what's worse, he felt the first tightening of his womb.....he leaned against the wall, quietly panicking...he didnt know how to do this...
Zyler was one of the knights that had been sent here where some people knew that the owner was one of the biggest dealers in the black market. Everyone in this land including human or magical creatures was under the law of the first king. ฺboth human and magical creatures had been protected by law, and no one was on top of each other.

A large group of knights had been sent here by the king himself after many people had reported the lots of things which was against the law. They took hours until the owner of his place was arrested along with a large number of the guard. He was walking around when Zyler heard something. No one cared about this old barn, but he was sure that he could hear something inside.

He slowly opened the door, looking around the barn. It was quite dark inside with only small holes on the wood. He was walking inside when he heard a small sound. "Anyone here?" Zyler shouted, hoping fr the response.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias had no idea what else had gone on around him. All he knew was the abusive training he went through and the cruel treatment he got from the larger stallions. He was actually glad to be alone for once, even if he was tied up. But now he was terrified....the foal he had been carrying for nearly a year had chosen the worst time to want out.

He made a startled noise when he heard the door creak and a voice, stomping heavy hooves as he tried to turn and see. His lower body was pitch black, with white feathering around poorly maintained hooves. His tail was cut short to keep it from getting caught in anything, but none of his hair was properly cleaned. His hair was black with streaks of white, tied back in a matted ponytail. The skin of his torso was tan, covered in faded scars. And around his torso was a harness to hold his arms behind his back, equip with a bridle to keep him quiet and tie points to keep him in place.

He couldn't speak with that piece of metal in his mouth, but he could make a distressed cry, hoping for some kind of help.
The noise was getting louder as he walked closer, and Zyler could finally see something after he opened another old door, revealing the decent size of the centaur being tied in the cage. "Hey," He shouted, running to the centaur, trying to get something that closed his mouth off. "Are you okay? I'm here to help you. Don't worry, the owner is arrested now." He said, looking at the centaur. Zyler didn't really notice the large belly on the house part, and he was just focussing on talking everything off now.

He could see how the centaur was really tired. Tobias was really skinny compared with any centaurs he had ever seen. "Everything is fine now. Don't cry" He tried to sooth the centaur not knowing what was really happening now. Other people had departed already, and there was only him left, waiting for another group of the knight for the cleaning tomorrow. "Sorry!" He said, seeing how the centaur was hurt by him trying to take the harness off.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
A pair of horse ears perched atop his head swiveled around to the noise, trying to turn and see what was going on. He shifted and snorted when the man ran up to him, pulling at his restraints. He couldn't help being afraid of humans, even one saying he was here to help.

But he quickly calmed when the bit was taken out of his mouth, panting softly to try and relax. He leaned down a bit so the other could reach the buckles. But some of them had padlocks on them, meaning the leather needed to be cut. And there were those heavy shackles on his legs. He made a pained noise as Zyler tried to undo the harness, but it wasn't from that, it was a stronger contraction gripping his middle.

"Dont worry about the my legs." He muttered, stomping a hoof to make the chain clang against itself. He needed to move around more. Get out of the filthy stall he was tied to.
Zyler didn't really understand when Tobias asked that since he would take everything off anyway, but there was no point for the argument now. He reached the back of the house part and reached down to the shackles until he could see the huge belly of the house part. "Urr, what happens here?" He asked, trying to open the lock there. Luckily, the shackles were quite old, and he might be able to unlock it only with the pocket knife he had. "This may take some time, but I'll do its fast as I can." He said, trying to cut it open, but it wasn' that easy. Zyler could hear the painful noise from the Tobias but he didn't really understand why.

"What's your name? Can you tell me about your condition? I'm the only one here, and I don't know anything much, but I'm here to help." He said gently, trying to make everything better. He could see the dead ski everywhere on Tobias body, especially around his legs where it was locked together.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias twitched as Zyler moved down his body, so used to being abused that he was ready to kick even when the man was here to help. He groaned softly, leaning his head back and squirming in the harness as his belly tightened. His short tail whipped back and forth behind him as he worked through the pain.

"Tobias..." he muttered, not wanting to say anything about his condition. He was ashamed, having been forcefully bred by the larger stallions, he wanted to run at the first chance he got.
"Okay, Tobias. I know you're not in the good condition now. Don't need to say anything if you're not willing to, but let me help. It's my duty, and no one is here. Calm down, I know you've suffered a lot from your owner, but he's gone now." He said, trying to slowly calm Tobias down. He could understand why Tobias was so scared of him now, but there was no way he could leave the centaur alone.

Zyler could see something was happening here. The floor was wet from some liquid, but he still didn't really understand. He slowly unlocked the shackles, and he finally did it. "Oh, this is bad." He said, seeing the red skin and some flesh under the shackles. "I just want to help you. anything I can do for you now?" He said, looking up at the centaur.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"I....I understand. I cant help it." Muttered Tobias, his voice shaking slightly. He shifted awkwardly as Zyler worked to undo the shackles, unable to keep still. His tail whipped about behind him as he groaned again, fluid dripping from his backside, clearly not from his male anatomy, so it wasn't urine....hiding under his tail was his female anatomy, dripping a clear fluid.

He jerked away from Zyler once his legs were free, stopped only by the rope connecting his chest harness to a pole in the stall. His hooves scraped on the filthy floor as he tried pulling free, only stopping as another harsh pain gripped his belly. He trembled and lowered his head, more fluid gushing from his female anatomy.
"I can't help if you tell me nothing." Said Zyler, looking t the centaur. "I'll free you from that harness, so you can move around easily, but you should tell me. What can I do to help?" He said as Zyler stood up and moved to the harness. He gently took it off, trying to not hurt the centaur too much. He could see Tobias f, inched and moved around when from time to time when the contraction hit. "This will take a bit more time, but feel free to move around, I can handle that." He said, trying to cut the harness with his knife. He was a knight and fast enough to avoid hitting by the centaur's movement, especially Tobias' case. Lots of fluid was gushing from Tobias opening, but Sm didn't know how to handle that. The centaur was the special race, and they didn't really allow other races to learn much about them. Zyler knew more about werewolf or orc compared to the centaur.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias squirmed and whimpered as Zyler cut the harness, ears pinned back as he avoided looking at the man. He was clearly in pain, but unwilling to say anything until a strong contraction hit.

"I.....I'm with foal." He muttered through grit teeth, spreading his back legs more as the urge to push hit hard.
Zyler wasn't really surprised as he heard that. It happened with any races in this world for men to carry their heir, even in the human. "I don't really know much about it, but I'm here to help. What should I do now?" He said, looking back to Tobias. Zyler could see his body was trembling under the strong contraction. He only knew that the baby needed to be pushed out, but it might take some time. "Do you need to push now? I mean, Just push hard if you can" He was trying to guide Tobias, but also made sure that he didn't say anything bad to him. He finally cut the harness and let the centaur free from the imprisonment. "I'll do anything if it's helpful." He knew that the pain would get worse after this, and he just wanted to help as much as he could.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias just groaned through the contraction, unable to answer until it passed. He stumbled back out of the stall when he was cut free, collapsing in a pile of hay nearby. He laid there panting for a moment, looking over his rounded belly and reaching to touch it. He could feel the foal within shift and squirm, making him wince.

"I dont know...i... I didnt even want this. They wouldn't listen when I told them what happened." He said, looking to the man with frightened eyes. "I.....I have no idea what to do." He whimpered, kicking his legs.
"Okay, that's totally fine. I'm here to help and no one can hurt you now. I just want you to relax now. Breathe in and out slowly." Zyler was trying his best to guide Tobias through the pain. He didn't really know much about the labor except one of his friend told him about his story with his man giving birth to their twins. "Just let it flow. I believe that you'll know how to do this soon." He believed in the maternal instinct and Zyler knew that the natural would bring the way out to them.

"First of all, I need you clean you for a bit now. Can you wait for me here? I'll bring some wet fabrics here." He said, knowing that this labor would take some time, and getting refreshing was really important. He couldn't imagine Tobias would do this while he was tired like this.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias shifted awkwardly on the pile of hay, laying down more on his side and just trying to breathe. The position just made his belly more obvious, heavy and round, such a contrast to his malnourished horse body. Watching a centaur breathe was a strange thing, having two sets of lungs, the human zeta used mostly for talking and the horse set used the rest of the time. But in times of stress, both sets were used.

Tobias was afraid he wouldn't know by instinct what to do. Some centaur just didnt get it, and needed the herd to help them. But Tobias was alone with a human that didnt seem to know either. He looked up when Zyler said he would clean him up, giving a hesitant nod. He laid there for a little while after he left, but something told him to get up. After struggling to his feet, he anxiously paced the barn, stopping only when a contraction hit. His body told him to push, but something deep down told him he wasn't he waited and paced, whining in pain.
Zyler got back a moment later, seeing Tobias walking around the barn, trying to calm himself down. He could see how the centaur was struggling a lot with the pain, but Zyler didn't really know how to do with that. "Is that better than laying down? I mean, you can do anything you want here, but remember that we still have a long way to go." He said, placing the bucket of the water down while grabbing a large piece of fabric before soaking it with the water. "Where should I clean you first? Your horse part, maybe?" He asked, trying to not be too intimate with the stranger. He knew that Tobias might be still afraid of him now.

Zyler could hear lots of painful wincing and hiss from Tobias and he knew that this could be even worse. He grabbed the soaking water before starting to clean the horse part. Zyler tried to avoid touching wound as much as he could.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias paused when he heard Zyler return, slowly walking back over to him. "Moving around helps distract me." He muttered. He saw the water and leaned down, cupping his hands and scooping some up before it got dirty. He quickly drank some before freezing as Zyler started to wipe him down.

His short black fur was filthy, but wiped clean quickly. The worst was his lower legs, especially the long hair around his hooves. It took so much self control not to kick as the raw spots on his legs were cleaned, stomping the foot furthest from the man instead. " a bit." He muttered before gasping and whimpering through another contraction. His low hanging belly visibly shifting, making him cry out. "So much pressure!" He gasped, still unable to push.
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(It's close rp, sorry,)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"I know, and it's okay, I understand. I won't ask anything now, okay? but I need you to relax. Breathe through the contraction. You may not be able to push now but you will when you're more relaxed." He tried to guide as much as he could. Zyler had never seen the real labor better, but thanks to his friend who told him a lot about it. Although it was the labor in the human male, Zyler believed that it had something similar.

"Okay, I'll clean you for a bit more but I won't touch that part, okay? Don't want to make you afraid of me for too much." He said, looking at the Tobias. Tobias's opening was wet and had some fluid leaking out but Zyler knew that he shouldn't though and even moved closer to it. He just wiped the wet towel around all 4 legs and moved up a bit before stopping as it was close to Tobias's huge belly. "I've heard that the pressure is normal during the labor, and I believe that you can do this"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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