C Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog]

Devlin shook his head and growled, but it was a low sound, barely heard over the din of the commotions of the townsfolk around them "My invitation for dinner still stands, for the both of you to come to the house. I am sure that Kai's mother would be pleased to meet with you." Devlin said - not knowing that Kai's mother had already met Tobias and absolutely approved of their relationship.

Kai's mother was a gentle soul, a younger woman than Devlin himself and - would have been perfect for breeding strong alpha's, but after Kai was born, she was unable to get pregnant again. Out of obligation and commitment, Devlin had stayed with her, but he still did his dirty work around the town.

"She has been quite noisy about wanting to find out the reason why her son has moved out, and why she hardly ever gets to see her son anymore. You've been depriving my Kathy of her son." Yet another thing that Devlin knew nothing about - Kai and Kathy being together almost every weekend. It seemed Devlin was left out of the loop about of lot of things going on in his family life.

"Dinner would be a spectacular event, on any evening - It does not have to be a holiday. We are always prepared to serve food, even if you just come by unannounced one evening." Devlin was trying too hard, but those sinister eyes were starting to turn hard, angry, glaring at Tobias like he was the next meal.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias enjoyed meeting Kai's mother, she reminded him of his own mother, and he told her that. She had been out to see the cabin, a nice quiet visit. And they had told her about the loss of their first child. To which she shared her sympathy and hoped they would be able to try again in the future.

Tobias gave a small sigh, sensing Devlin wouldnt back down any time soon. "I'll have to see when a good time would be. But I have an interview to be at." He said, pulling out his phone to check the time. "And being late will ruin first impressions." He said, giving the man a look.

He had no reason to fear Devlin, and if he stayed out in public, he doubted the man would try anything reckless. So he bid him goodbye and turned to head for the grocery store. He knew turning his back on a "higher rank" was a bad idea...but he wasnt part of Devlin's pack...

Devlin reached out and clamped a hand down over the back of Tobias' neck, thumb on one side of his pulse point and fingers digging into the other side - It was a hold that no Alpha should do on another's mate, like a Cardinal Rule among shifters, and Devlin, in plain daylight, broke that rule -- Should Tobias fight back, it would be a perfectly legitimate and sanctioned kill among their kind.

Devlin growled loudly, this time, his sound rumbling over the din of the town. Everyone and everything seemed silent as Devlin moved in close behind Tobias "Do not ever turn your back on me, you are a lesser man than me and I am your elder. You will show respect to me, boy." Devlin growled, his fingers digging in deeper against the tissue of Tobias' neck.

Devlin may have been a strong man, a large man, even an Alpha of his kind, but he was also older, slower, and unprepared for a fight that he did not know would probably occur. Kai seemed to appear out of nowhere, was there in a flash or a blink of an eye, standing with Tobias, but he did not fight his father - He seemed to be waiting for something, something that Devlin himself would have no idea to expect.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias' whole body went stiff when Devlin grabbed him, hands lifting as if he was going to try and pull the hand away, but freezing half way there. The way the man's fingers dug into his skin seemed to paralyze him, a look of shock and fear on his face.

He didnt even see Kai when he appeared, his wide eyes staring ahead. Tobias couldnt shift at will, but his body wasnt going to let him go down without a fight. He gave a strained noise, hands tensing as fingers spread as far as they could go naturally...then a sickening popping noise as the joints came loose, fingers twisting and hands deforming as bone and tendon changed beneath the skin. The whites of his eyes turned black as he gave another strained cry as the rest of his body began to change, forced by adrenaline and fear.

Devlin would feel the bones and muscles in Tobias' neck change, spreading down his spine and around his ribs. A cry of pure agony tore from him, echoing through the streets as everyone stopped and stared. Clothing began to tear, shoes splitting and falling away as his feet changed much like his hands. His face pushed outwards while larger teeth forced their way through his gums. A distorted scream turned into an animalistic howl. All happening within a few short minutes. He twisted in the man's grip, swinging his clawed hand at Devlin's face, a wicked snarl following.

Devlin actually stumbled back, fear in his own eyes as he watched Tobias shift before him. He had never seen someone sound so pained when they shifted, it felt like knifes slicing through his guts as he watched Tobias transform before his eyes. He took a few more steps back, fearing for his life "Wh-...What kind of monster are you?!" he shouted.

His eyes flitted up to Kai's eyes "This is what you've been sleeping around with!? Some underling fucked up specimen?!" The words were meant to cut deep into the heart, but Kai stood his ground; pissed off with his father and worried for his mate. He would remain silent, too, giving Tobias the chance to defend himself.

And he did, swinging his claws wildly into Devlin's face - slicing the man's features apart with sharper than nails claws. Devlin cried out and held his bloodied face, his eye torn straight through - He now had marks, when once healed, would look a lot like the scars across Tobias' face, except his eye was now completely and utterly obliterated.

Devlin was pissed - there was no doubt about that - his body vibrated and he wanted to shift, but the pain was too intense. He turned away from Tobias, Kai, and all the onlookers that had stopped to gawk at the action - He would get his revenge, he knew. He would kill Tobias, after using his body for what he needed, and he would get his son back in the process - it would just take some time, some planning, and some healing.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


The pain was even worse than during a full moon. Tobias wasnt mentally prepared for it, so in his fear, he resisted...only furthering the pain. It was even more obvious after he slashed at Devlin's face. He stumbled and dropped to the ground, back arching painfully.

Wide eyes looked around at the crowd that had formed, snarling at them out of fear. Fur hadn't covered his body, leaving him looking like a horrible cross between a man and a wolf. His torn clothes hanging from his body. This was why deltas were so rare. Few survived past childhood. The pain of shifting often drove them to end it...or worse, become mindless beasts like bitten wolves...killed by someone else before they caused too much harm.

Tobias stood on all fours, growling at the crowd. He snarled when he saw Kai, unable to recognize him...he felt trapped by all the people, fear and adrenaline clouding his mind.

Kai noticed the fear in Tobias' eyes, he didn't know what to do but he knew he had to do something to stop his mate from tearing the town into shreds "YOU ALL NEED TO LEAVE!" he shouted, using the most-alpha voice he could muster. Everyone seemed to dazed by the spectacle "GO NOW!!" Kai roared, charging at a few of the bystanders to actually make them see him.

Everyone seemed to snap out of it after that, running in different directions or heading back inside of shops, locking the doors behind them to somehow keep themselves safe.

Kai turned back to Tobias and bit his lip, "Tobias... I know you're afraid... but I need you to calm down..." Kai tried to reason, but he doubted Tobias could even hear him - there was only one way he knew how to get Tobias back into his right mind.

He didn't bother stripping his clothes, and his change from human form to wolf form was effortless, still a bit painful to bones, but not nearly as bad as what Tobias experienced. He growled at Tobias, trying to provoke his mate into a fight -- it was the only way he knew that he'd be able to pin and win.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias stood hunched, trying to make himself look larger. Without his fur, he looked almost emaciated in this imperfect shift. He snarled and snapped at people before cowering when Kai shouted. He turned about as people rushed away, snarling and lunging at a few.

Only Kai was left, and Tobias cowered away from him as well. Lips pulled back to show even his teeth hadn't grown in right. But they were still strong and sharp enough to cause a lot of damage. He backed away when Kai shifted as well, snarling and snapping at him.

He shifted his weight before leaping at Kai, mouth wide and eyes almost glowing. He roared as he attacked, twisted hands reaching with sharp claws to grab at his mate, ready to defend himself.

Kai was stronger and faster than Tobias, they both knew that - but with Tobias in this half-shifted state, he was lethal. Kai dodged the lunge and quickly spun himself around - almost skidding on the sidewalk in his attempt to be facing Tobias.

He had to time himself perfectly for this. He took a deep breath and built himself up, growling as he did - his body seemed to be larger than normal, now, with his fur puffed outward. He snarled at Tobias and lunged after his mate, intent on knocking him to the ground using all of his body weight.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias was dangerous, but awkward. He stumbled when Kai darted out of his way, nearly falling over. But he regained his footing only to have Kai plow into him. He helped and rolled, struggling to get back up. A perfect opening to pin him to the ground.

Kai was panting from having to use a lot of his strength just to knock Tobias around, but finally his mate was losing energy. He saw him stumbling and struggling and quickly launched himself on top of Tobias.

His paws were locked over his mate's wrists and he planted his hips wide but firm against Tobias' stomach, staring straight down into his mate's eyes. They had not tried this form of communication often - but he knew that somehow it would work, it was the only way.

'Tobi, you have to stop... Relax and shift back for me, or shift fully so we can get home... Please, Tobias.' even in his own mind he sounded desperate - he was worried, he had every right to be.

His father was pissed, hurting, and dangerous. Kai did not know what the man could be planning, and it worried him, because this was his mate and he wanted no harm to come to Tobias, not when things were really starting to look up for them as a couple.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias yelped and snarled when he was knocked to the ground, squirming beneath Kai, trying to kick at him and even snapping at him.

But when his voice filtered into his chaotic mind, he stopped and stared up at him. He gave a long mournful whine, feeling trapped in this painful half-shift. 'it hurts.....so much.....' he managed to respond, sounding frightened and desperate. But he finally closed his eyes and focused on his human form.

Shifting back was every bit as painful as before, crying out in agony until he was fully human again. He looked thinner, the panic-shift draining so much from him that it consumed what little body fat he had. He laid there, panting and shaking. Devlin had only touched him once, yet he did so much damage. Much more than a few slashes and a lost eye.

Kai covered Tobias with his own fur covered body and nuzzled underneath his mate's chin lightly once the shift finished; he could feel his mate shaking and knew he was not in a good way at all "It's okay, Toby. I'm right here." Kai said quietly, still in his wolf form and shielding Tobias from the world around them with his large body.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias clung to Kai's fur, whimpering pathetically. "Take me home.....please." he muttered, voice raspy and quiet from all of his screaming. Thankfully most of his clothes survived enough to still cover him, preserving his modesty.

Kai wasn't so lucky, as he usually wasn't when he shifted when he was fully clothes. Kai shifted back to his human form and lifted Tobias up into his arms easily. He was glad his car was only around the corner, not really caring that he was completely naked and walking through the streets of Stapleton.

Kai loaded Tobias up into the passenger seat, found a pair of shorts that had been in there from one of many swimming trips, and then he was sitting in the driver's seat, cracking the engine and turning the heat up to full-blast, despite it being mid-fall and still quite warm outside.

Kai drove back to the cabin in relative silence, but when he parked, he turned to Tobias "Are you okay?" he asked quietly, reaching a hand up slowly, he set his hand close to the bruises on Tobias' neck, rubbing the impressions of his father's fingers on his mates flesh "I am going to kill him..." Kai muttered, it was mostly to himself, but no doubt Tobias would have heard.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias held onto Kai, reminded of how he was carried after they had lost their first child. But, he was thankful for his strength. He buried his face in the crook of his neck, closing his eyes until he was placed in the car.

He pulled his knees to his chest, curling up to try and warm up. He whimpered softly as they drove, sitting there with his eyes closed, still trembling. A forced shift like that was so detrimental to shifters like him because the beast wasnt so close to the human part...they fought for control.

He looked to Kai when they stopped, frowning. "I dont know....everything hurts..." he mumbled, closing his eyes again.

Kai nodded solemnly as he turned the engine off; he quickly got out of the car and went to Tobias' side, once again lifting his mate from the vehicle. He carried Tobias into the house and straight into the bedroom, laying his love down in the pile of pillows. Kai pulled the large comforter over Tobias and tucked him in tight before laying down beside him.

Heat was radiating off of Kai's body like a furnace and he made sure to keep most of his body almost right on top of Tobias, wanting to warm his mate back up "I'm sorry you had to do that... He should have known better not to touch you like that..." Kai kissed the top of Tobias' head, twisting strands of his hair around lightly with his fingers.

Kai didn't know what else to do or say; he wanted to tell Tobias that they would get revenge on his father, but it was an unlikely prospect - his father was powerful and had more allies than enemies in this fucked up town. "I wish we could move somewhere else... somewhere nice, decent... maybe a deserted island where it can just be the two of us and our children, should we have some one day."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias curled up against Kai under the blankets, nuzzling against him. He was soaking up his body heat, slowly relaxing from the ache and tension he had earlier.

"I turned my back on him." He mumbled. Devlin's words echoing in his mind, he was a monster...he wasnt supposed to exist. He could only whimper and cling to Kai. It would take a while to recover from the physical trauma, and even longer to recover from those words.

"Please don't do anything reckless." He muttered, looking up at Kai. His eyes were bloodshot, the blue had dulled. But the look in his eyes was pleading Kai not to risk himself.

Kai slid his hand along the side of Tobias' face, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth "I won't do anything reckless..." he promised quietly, the 'but' hanging in the air, but he didn't let it hang long "Unless he does something else to harm you - I will not do anything reckless." Kai kissed the top of Tobias' head and laid his mate back down.

Kai ran his fingers up and down Tobias' back and sighed "What he said about you, by the way? None of it is true, Toby... You cannot help what you are. It was not your fault, nor your mother's... He does not know you like I know you - like my mother knows you." Kai kissed Tobias again softly "You are absolutely perfect to me, flaws and all."

His voice and his eyes were so sincere as he looked down into Tobias' eyes - everything he said was true, and he would put shame to the next person who thinks that they could bully his mate. It would not happen again, he would make sure of this.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Tobias managed a small smile, glad Kai wouldnt rush into anything. He could understand the exception, he would do the same if Kai or anyone important to him was threatened...he would protect them with his life.

He sighed as Kai spoke about him, closing his eyes. "But in a way he was right...." he muttered. "I can't help what I am, but it doesn't change the fact I'm a danger." He said, opening his eyes again. "I've tried to be a good person all my life, but there's something deep down...you saw it today. That monster. It's always there....always here." He said, gently tapping his head.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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