C Have My Baby Pt. II [Closed with Hockeypreg2]

Gio floundered slightly after Sirius left, leaving his mouth to wanting more of that kiss. He whimpered and turned back to his locker, grabbing all of his piercings, deodorant and his change of clothes. He quickly changed into a pair of black slacks, a deep purple button down shirt, and a black vest over top that clung to his lithe frame perfectly, accentuating his every curve from muscular chest down to his skinnier waist. He started methodically putting in his piercings, although he left his eyebrow, nose, and lip piercing out - despite being given permission, he'd rather not look too crazy going to the restaurant that Sirius had chosen for their first date.

Silas nodded and hugged his brother back "I will speak with him... and I may need you to baby sit this weekend, just the three older ones. The triplets will be having their first check-up to see how they are doing." Silas said as he pulled back and slung his bag over his shoulder, starting to walk away from his brother "Enjoy your date with Gio... and expect a call from Sidney later tonight to see how it went."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Tell him to call tomorrow," Sirius called after him with a smile. "I'd rather not be interrupted. And I can definitely watch the kids this weekend."

Sirius turned back to see Gio and his eyes widened. "Wow. You look gorgeous." He offered him his arm. "Are you ready for your date?"

Gio smirked and nodded, pushing up on his tip toes to press a kiss to Sirius' lips "Definitely ready." he said confidently and hooked his arm with Sirius' offered arm.

The duo started out of the restaurant together, garnering stares of appreciation from wait staff and customers alike "So, what do you think you'll be doing later tonight that you don't want getting interrupted?" Gio asked with an impish little smile on his face as they exited the restaurant and stood in the parking lot.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Spending time with you," Sirius said easily as he opened the door for Gio. "Whatever we're doing is more important than being grilled by Sidney about dating you especially if I'm going to see them this weekend. They might need me to watch the older kids while they take the triplets to the doctor."

Sirius leaned in to kiss Gio again once he was in the car. "We could be sleeping, we could be fucking, we could be playing chess. It doesn't matter to me. I don't want to be interrupted by him if I'm with you."

Gio laughed and held onto the lapels of Sirius' shirt lightly, kissing him a little deeper and letting his tongue ring flick out to play against Sirius' lips and tongue. He pulled back with a cheeky grin "If we're sleeping or fucking, I'd rather not be interrupted... but if we're playing chess - I definitely want someone to interrupt that." Gio said as he slowly released Sirius and straightened his lapels back, patting both of his pectoral muscles afterwards.

"If you need help babysitting the older three this weekend - Do you think Silas and Sidney would mind if you had a tag-along babysitter? Hanging out with them is always fun, and seeing you with them just..." he shrugged and blushed lightly, looking down at his lap "It sends a warm tingly feeling through my body, seeing you take care of your niece and nephews."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius started the car, not meeting Gio's eyes for the moment. He should probably ask this, find out where they stand. "So you like kids?"

Sirius pulled out of the restaurant parking lot, taking Gio's hand once he was on the road. They didn't have that far to go to the restaurant for the date. It was a little Italian place that he was fond of. They served authentic Italian food and only had ten tables total. It took a little time to get a table which was why their date wasn't until now.

Gio shrugged lightly and adjusted himself more comfortably in the seat "Sure, I like kids. I am from a big family after-all... I just don't see them very often." Gio said quietly and rubbed the back of Sirius' hand with his thumb "If you're asking do I one day want to have kids? I don't know yet. I never really put thought into it..."

But now he was indeed thinking about it - and the words that Sirius spoke on their first day hanging out together flitted through his mind 'I would have Gio's babies' - He looked over at the man sitting beside him and bit his lip lightly "What about you, Sirius? What is your stance on having kids?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius kept his eyes on the road as he drove. "It's not a secret that I'm a carrier. Silas and I are identical twins. If he can have babies, I can. I ... uh. So not many people know this. I only told Silas recently, but I had a baby when I was in university. She was adopted because I was not in a place to have a child. So I've done it before. At least the being pregnant part."

"I don't know if I want kids," Sirius admitted. "I definitely haven't found someone I wanted to have a child with before now."

Gio nodded slowly and lifted Sirius' hand up, kissing the back of his hand lightly "That was a very admirable thing for you to do, giving that child up and giving her a life that you knew you wouldn't have been able to provide her with." Gio said softly and sincerely, kissing his knuckles once again "I don't know if I would have ever been able to do it..."

Gio laid his cheek on Sirius' hand as they continued driving slowly through the city - even for only a few short blocks to go, the city was *always* jam-packed with cars and people, making it almost impossible to get anywhere. "This is technically only our first date, Sirius... We may have been hanging out with each other for a month, know enough about each other... but I'm not thinking about having a kid with you, or anyone for that matter, for at least a year of dating - possibility of getting engaged and married... Things like that... So we're still a ways off in making that decision."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius smiled at him warmly. "Definitely not time to think about having kids. Let's learn about each other first."

Sirius maneuvered into a parking space, taking one that was one the same block as the restaurant. "This is pretty close." He leaned over to kiss Gio again, cupping his chin. "I'm taking you to Tre Familiga so I hope you like Italian. I like this place a lot so I had to wait for an opening. They're small so they don't have a lot of seatings per night."

Gio laughed softly and pecked at Sirius' lips with his own "I grew up in Greece, just like you did, Sirius... If there is one thing we know, it is Italian food, just as well as we know Greek food." Gio said softly and kissed Sirius' lips once more before he slipped out of the seat and moved to stand and wait for Sirius on the sidewalk.

Once there, Gio slipped his hand into Sirius' hand again and squeezed lightly "Are you sure that I am appropriately dressed to get in there? I mean... Rings and all? I know my clothes are fine..." Gio asked a little nervously.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius squeezed his hand. "You could have put them all in. No one is going to turn us away." He swung their joined hands between them as they walked down the street to the restaurant. Sirius opened the door to the cozy restaurant when they got their, ushering Gio inside.

They were shown to a small table in the corner where Sirius had to figure out how to cram his legs under the table and still give Gio room as well. He was used to it though so he knew how to contort his legs.

Gio giggled and shook his head "How about you use the space underneath the table for your legs... and I do this;" Gio said as he easily pulled his legs up into the chair, crossing one over the other. He looked completely comfortable even in what looked like an uncomfortable position. Leaning his elbow on the table he smirked at Sirius "Did you forget that I was *really* flexible in the space of twenty four hours, Sirius?"

Considering just last night they were together and Gio had his legs practically wrapped around Sirius' neck, it would be a wonder for the tall man to forget just how flexible Gio really was and what he was capable of doing with his legs alone. Gio grasped the one-sided menu and started reading through the options "Mmm, what's your recommendation? Veal Chops or the Cotoletta with Potatoes?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius stretched his legs under the table, taking the room offered him. He definitely did remember last night and would love to repeat it again. He shifted a little in his chair, getting a little turned on just thinking about it.

"I remember last night," he grinned devilishly.

The waitress came by in time to hear both Gio's question and the food and Sirius's low comment about the night before. She only answered Gio's question, smiling wide.

"I personally love the veal chop, but the cotoletta is very popular. My name is Lola and I'm your waitress for the evening. May I start you gentlemen off with some wine? We're pouring wine from a boutique maker from outside Tuscany."

Gio bit his lip lightly and shook his head "I don't drink alcohol, but thank you." Gio said politely and smiled up at the waitress, even as a blush crossed his cheeks "but..." he looked at Sirius "If you want to try it, I wouldn't be opposed to you drinking it, Sirius."

Gio looked over the menu again and sighed happily "I think the Caprese salad and breadsticks to start sounds good. For the main course I would like to try the Cotoletta, definitely, and for dessert I think I'll have the Tiramisu and one authentic Cannoli." Gio set the menu back into its holder that was on the edge of the table and smiled up at the waitress "And a glass of hot green tea, if you have it - if not black tea is fine."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius smiled at him, bemused. He always found it interesting how Gio ordered everything at once, very sure of his choices and expecting all kitchens to act exactly like the way his does. Sirius knew that wasn't the case most of the time.

"I will try a glass of wine," said Sirius easily. "Please pick whatever goes best with the bolognese. I'll have the balsamic mushrooms as the appetizer. And I'll decide on the dessert after I eat."

The waitress bobbed her head and smiled warmly at the two men; she quickly jotted down everything that they ordered "Not a problem, your drinks will be out shortly! Enjoy!" and with that she bounced off back to the kitchen, hips swaying and blonde hair flowing as she moved.

Gio eyed her curiously for a few seconds before turning back to Sirius "Was she flirting with you, or was she flirting with me?" Gio asked curiously, taking the napkin-wrapped silverware and undoing the cloth napkin to lay it in his lap. He set the silverware out on the table in proper order and then looked up at Sirius.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I don't think she was flirting with either of us," Sirius said, sliding his feet under Gio's chair. "She did hear the comment about last night. Some people are just really friendly. Though," said Sirius with a grin. "I would flirt with you given the chance so maybe she was flirting with you."

Gio giggled and shook his head, he slipped off his shoes quietly and set them on the unoccupied chair beside them. He slipped his socked feet across the table and onto Sirius' thighs, lightly rubbing up and down "You already do flirt with me, so... I don't see the point." Gio said, sticking his tongue out and flicking his tongue ring back and forth.

He glanced in the direction the waitress had skipped off to and shrugged his shoulders "She was cute though... If I weren't completely gay and in a relationship - I'd date her..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"You are so bad," Sirius said with a shake of his head, putting one hand on Gio's ankle. He didn't stop him, just rested a hand there. His other hand he used to take a sip of water, watching him. "I've had sex with a woman before. It wasn't awful but yeah, definitely confirmed for me that I'm gay."

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