C Have My Baby Pt. II [Closed with Hockeypreg2]

Gio looked up at Sirius, stiffening slightly and shaking his head "I don't want to go to fancier restaurants... I like cooking for you, its... fun - and no one said we had to *stay* at home to eat these meals... We could always take them and eat on the roof of your building... Have you ever been up there before when the sun is setting? It's really very romantic..." Gio said quietly, biting on his bottom lip as he looked down at the napkin again "I do still want dessert here though - you really can't mess up authentic Italian desserts.. the bread was good, so they at least know baking."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius looked at him a little curiously. "Did I say something you didn't like? It sounded like you would like to eat at a few restaurants that normally you wouldn't go to and I offered to take you to them. I would definitely like to stay home and eat with you. I enjoy cooking with you as well."

Gio looked up and shook his head slowly "No. That's not it - It's just... I don't like going out to restaurants, Sirius... I grew up in one, I work in one... I'm just tired of the atmosphere of restaurants... When I'm dating, I rather stay in and cook or be cooked for - not that that has happened often... And that's how I end up single... guys don't understand that I don't like being in restaurants all of the time." Gio said and kept looking at Sirius, wondering if this was going to put a wrench in their plans to keep dating or not; it wouldn't be the first time, and while he would be upset and maybe even heartbroken, he would understand if Sirius couldn't handle that one rule he had so far.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius smiled easily at that. "Is that all? Gio, that's not asking a lot. If you don't want to go out to restaurants, that's fine. All I've asked is that you be honest with me about what you like and what you don't like. If you don't like going out to eat at restaurants, then I want to know that."

Gio nodded and smiled. He brought his fresh cup of tea up to his mouth and took slow sips of the hot liquid; he could not express how relieved he felt to know that Sirius wasn't going to break up with him over this... "I appreciate it, Si. I cannot tell you how many guys stopped wanting to see me, after I told them I don't like going out to restaurants... I do like going to clubs, or bars... but yeah." He shrugged slightly and reached up to gently tug at the piercing in his ear.

"I just wish more guys were like you, Sirius... but, none of that matters now - I do have you, and I don't think I'll trade you for anyone else."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius reached down and rubbed Gio's ankle soothingly. "So we can do some stuff like that. Not all the time because I am old and I don't fit in well at clubs. But I'm also not worried if you decide to go out on your own. I believe in trusting the person I date unless you give me a reason not to. Chances are we won't be dating after that though."

Gio giggled and blushed slightly, turning his foot just enough to rub the inside of Sirius' wrist with his toes "You're not old, Si... Besides, I don't usually go to very rowdy clubs - The place I go is more... Laid back. I mean, there is dancing... lot of tattoos and piercings... but its more..." he shrugged and tugged at the napkin again "It's a live-band club, lots of lounging areas and just places to chill and relax... It's hardly even loud." Gio said quietly.

"I also wouldn't ever do anything to break your trust. It took me three and a half years to finally get one date with you, no way am I going to throw that away now... But, I probably should warn you - some of my friends, mostly the girls, like kissing me... I don't know why and it's really annoying, I've asked them to not do it, but they don't listen."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"We can try your club then," Sirius said easily. "That sounds more my speed. I can even act intimidating to get your friends to stop kissing you."

He finished up his wine, thinking about something else Gio had said. "Three and a half years? Really? Why didn't you ever say anything?"

Gio frowned and looked down into his tea, stirring the spoon slowly in the cooling black liquid "Every time I got up just an ounce of courage to ask you out... You were dating someone else - even if Silas didn't know about it. You were always bringing someone new into the restaurant... they were looking at you like you were some sort of chew toy or slab of meat... So I knew you were off limits." Gio said quietly, biting his lip and glancing up at Sirius with a bit of tears glittering in his eyes.

He had watched a relatively long line of revolving door boyfriends go in and out of Sirius' life, and each time it was more and more heartbreaking. Gio dropped his chin to his chest and shrugged, watching as a tear dripped into his tea "I tried not to feel affected by it, since we hardly knew each other back then... but... It hurt, seeing all those guys, and wishing I was one of them - even if only for a little while."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius reached his hand over and squeezed Gio's hand. "I didn't know so I'm not going to apologize for dating other people. I will say that I am more serious about you than I was with pretty much anyone I've dated since I've been in this country. I dated someone for a few years back home that was pretty serious but I still chose to come here over staying with him."

Gio looked around for a brief second and then focused back on Sirius; he had a light blush creeping up on his nose and cheeks "I'm happy that you're more serious about me - those other guys looked kind of... Not your type? Like you were just indulging them a chance to be with such a powerful and muscular guy?" Gio asked curiously, head tilted to the side.

"I think we should get out of here - the waitress has completely forgotten that I ordered dessert and that just spells bad waiting for me..." Gio said in exasperation "Not that this place isn't charming, but its not exactly... there, for me."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


The waitress came by just then, clearing away their plates. "I'll be bringing out your dessert in a moment. Did you decide what you wanted, sir?"

Sirius smiled at her. "We'll actually take the dessert to go and the check please."

She nodded and headed off again with their plates. Sirius looked at Gio. "I figure we can eat dessert at home. That way we can relax a little, talk some more about what we both like about dating."

Gio nodded his agreement and smiled; he brought their linked hands up and kissed Sirius' knuckles lightly "And you can take that phone call from Sidney - you know he'll probably just keep calling until you've answered." Gio said with a smirk.

The waitress came back quickly with the check in a black billfold and three take-out boxes "I added an extra slice of Tiramisu, and its on me... My service tonight was rather terrible, and I realize that you didn't eat a lot of your Cotoletta so I had the manager reduce the charge on that as well..." she said rather apologetically, looking between both men.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius slid his card into the billfold without looking at it, handing it back to her. "It's fine. He's a chef so he doesn't eat much. We do appreciate the extra tiramisu. It's one of my favorites."

She took the billfold and quickly headed off to run the card, leaving them alone. "I'm still going to tip her well. Wait staff is criminally underpaid and she at least recognizes she wasn't at her best."

Gio nodded and smiled warmly "I know that wait staff is underpaid..." Gio said quietly, having been a waiter himself when he was young - he knew the struggle of making just a few dollars "This is why I like working at Silas' restaurant... He does not underpay anyone there. Even just the dishwasher gets paid handsomely." Gio said and licked his lips slowly.

"But... I guess he has the money to pay everyone ten dollars as the minimum starting pay." Gio shrugged and looked up at the waitress when she returned with the billfold that held Sirius' card "Thank you for all of your hard work tonight." he told her with a smile.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


She smiled back at him, patting Gio's shoulder. "Thank you. I know I wasn't at my best and I'm sorry you got subpar service because if it."

Sirius watched her go before adding the tip and singing the bill. He slid his card back into his pocket and smiled at Gio. "Ready to go? Time to put your shoes back on."

Gio frowned at that, he hated wearing shoes, but... He had too. He nodded and slipped his shoes back on slowly and then looked up at Sirius with a bright smile "I'm definitely ready. This cake smells absolutely delicious! And you better not feed any of it - or the Cannoli - to Misha. I'll snap your fingers in half." Gio threatened, although they both knew that it would never physically be possible, considering how small Gio was compared to Sirius.

Gio stood up and held his hand out for Sirius "Let's go big daddy, we've got cake!" Gio said with a teasing smile on his face.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius laughed at him and ushered him back to the car. The rest of the evening passed in a very fun manner, Gio making good on all of the teasing he had done at the restaurant and Sirius reciprocating in a very enthusiastic manner. After that they ate the cake in the kitchen, naked and teasing each other.

It just figured that once they were settled in bed for the night, the phone rang. Sirius wanted to let it go to voicemail but it was Sidney and he would just call back. Apparently Silas didn't tell him to call in the morning.

"Hi Sid," Sirius said with a sigh.

"Aw. Did I interrupt something?" Sidney asked with a tease to his voice. "So, how did the date go? Tell me everything! Silas was actually quite happy when he got home from work - a great change in his attitude as of late; he said he was happy to see his brother finally taking his advice!"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"You interrupted us going to sleep. I told him to tell you to call tomorrow morning. Did he forget to tell you that?" asked Sirius. He looked at Gio, shaking his head a little. "What is up with him anyway? When I got there he was yelling at everyone and acting like an asshole."

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