Desert Birth (closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!

"No problem, but the tea will wear out sooner or later." Joel informed him as the man cried out and grabbed his stomach, trying to give birth to the next egg.

Adam nodded knowing nothing that good would last long. Grabbing his stomach, Adam gave a huge push feeling the egg exit him, as the other man cleaned it off putting it with the rest. Adam continued this for a couple more eggs, as they were medium and slide out easily. However Adam felt at least five gushes leave him, figuring they were small. However when he started pushing, he knew these small ones were coming out together piled on top of each other.

"Nnnnnghhh.....aaahhhh....god!!!!" Adam screamed gripping his stomach feeling the five eggs stretching his opening as they were coming out.

Joel heard the man scream and turned around. The man was red-faced and breathing harshly as five small eggs tried to push out of his opening at the same time. Joel wanted to see how the man would handle it and sat down on his chair, not offering any help.

Adam continued to push and push screaming with each one, until he was able to gasp as the five small eggs came out landing on the bed. The man took them cleaning them off, placing them with the others.

Becoming curious, Adam looked to the man knowing it wouldn't belong before another gush would come, "What happens to the eggs afterwards? What do you do with them?"

Adam managed to ask that before a huge gush came out as Adam knew this one was big, probably huge. Wanting to change positions, Adam got on the bed, on all fours, allowing his ass to be up in the air for the man to see, knowing he was enjoying watching this. Groaning with pushing, Adam felt the egg starting to crown, able to feel the rest inside him huge. After a few pushes, Adam barely felt the egg a little ways out. Turning his head to see the man sitting there, Adam had to know.

"!!!!!" Adam screamed with a push unable to stop as the egg was stretching him wide.

Joel was stunned by the man's question. He certainly didn't want the man knowing about what he does with the eggs the man birthed. After all, the man was sort of a breeder to him.

"That's private information." he answered instead, hearing the man scream and try to push the large egg out of him. The man was on all fours so that Joel could see his heavily dilated hole. Joel smirked as the man grunted, trying to push out the huge egg. This egg must be at least twice the size of an ostrich egg, Joel thought.

Adam screamed and pushed off an on, trying to get the egg out as fast and easily as he could manage while on all fours. Keeping one hand on the bed to steady him, Adam felt behind him to see how far the egg had came out, feeling it slowly coming out, but he could still feel it wasn't the half way point yet.

Groaning and pushing, Adam yelled as the egg was sliding out, feeling the egg was very wide and large, "Nnnnnghhh....aaahhhh....ooohhhhh.....arrgghhhh!!!!!"

Joel watched the man grip his legs and yell out as he bore down, and the huge egg inched its way out. However, when the man stopped pushing to breathe, the egg slid back into his body and he groaned, grabbing his tense belly as it contracted again, trying to birth the large egg.

Although Adam could feel the egg coming out when he pushed, he also felt it sliding back in when he had no choice to stop and catch his breath. Grabbing onto the bed, Adam screamed as he pushed feeling the egg coming out, reaching its widest part. Reaching down between his legs, Adam felt the huge egg as it was huger than his hand. Catching his breathe, Adam felt the egg sliding in slowly, as Adam shook his head not taking any time to start pushing again.

"Arrrghhhh.....ahhhhhh......Get out!!!!!" Adam screamed and pushed, until he felt the huge egg slide out of him, as he collapsed against the bed catching his breathe.

Joel took the huge egg and cleaned it, setting it on the table. He watched as the man huffed and panted before gasping, gushes of fluid exiting him. The man groaned and grabbed his huge, sweaty belly and bore down, birth fluids trickling out of him.

Adam glad that the huge egg was gone, groaned when he felt gushes of fluids coming out of him unable to keep count of how many was coming. Unable to take a breath, Adam screamed when five small eggs came out of him in a role. As the other man went to get them, Adam didn't get a break as another egg was coming however, he knew this one wasn't coming out quite right.

"Aaaahhhhh.....aararrghhhh...." Adam screamed and pushed with all his might feeling the egg stretching him wide. Already feeling it, Adam reached behind him feeling this egg was coming out sideways, as his hole was stretching as far as the medium egg was long. Feeling his opening stretched fully, Adam screamed before trying to reach to keep the egg from going back in.

Joel smirked when he saw that a medium egg was coming out sideways from the man, and it was stretching the man wide. The man squatted down and put both hands on the birthing bar before bearing down, pushing on the egg that was coming out of him slowly. One tip of the egg started to come out and now it was coming out of the man diagonally, stretching him even wider.

Adam screamed when he felt the egg coming out however it was turning inside him so that it was going come out diagonally making his hole stretch wide. Gripping the birthing bar, Adam let out a scream and huge push before the medium egg finally slipped free onto the bed. Sighing and glad it was out Adam took a break waiting for the next gush of fluids to come out of him. Having not to wait long, three gushes came out in a role, as Adam felt the eggs already coming to his opening.

Giving a good push, Adam pushed hard, "Nnnghh....aaahhhh!!!!" Then in a swift movement three small eggs were forced out of him, glad that he was having a chance to do small ones.

Joel cleaned up the three small eggs and when he returned, a large egg was already crowning. This egg was definitely larger than the previous ones and the man seemed to be having a lot of trouble birthing this one. Joel went up to the man and pressed a hand to his huge stomach and felt maybe ten to fifteen eggs still in there, and all of them were either medium sized or large.

Adam couldn't help but scream as he pushed and pushed the egg that was coming out, knowing this was a huge egg that was going to come out, but going take some time. While he continued to push, the other man came over touching his stomach trying to figure out how many more he was going to have. Knowing there was probably ten or more left, Adam knew they were all medium or large ones.

Gripping the bar hard, Adam screamed again, "Ahhhhh!!!!!" Adam pushed and pushed feeling the large egg coming out but wasn't even close to its medium spot yet.

Joel smiled when the man continued to push as the egg inched it's way out. It stopped at the halfway mark abruptly and stayed there no matter how hard the man pushed.

Adam knew he had pushed the egg out at least half way as he felt the egg stretching him wide. However at that part, Adam continued to push but the harder he pushed, it wasn't coming out. Not sure why, Adam squatted far down holding onto the bar, pushing hard.

Still nothing was happening as Adam screamed, "Ahhhhh.......gawd......why isn't it coming out!!!!!" Adam reaching behind him grabbed the egg trying to pull it out himself. Looking toward the man, Adam pleaded, "Please just pull it out for me!!! Give me something that will force it out....gawd.....aaahhhh!!!!!" Adam screamed again with pushing hard.

Joel rubbed his hard, sweaty belly. "The egg's huge. You need to deliver it on your own this time. Nothing's going to get you out of this. Now hurry up and deliver it before the next few come!"

The man groaned and pushed hard, all the while trying to pull out the huge egg with his own hand. Joel knew that this would take a really long time and smiled when the man moaned and decided to squat down, panting.

Adam couldn't believe when the man told him he be pushing this egg out on his own. As he continued to groan pushing his hardest, Adam barely felt the egg inching its way out of him. Even though he was trying to pull it out also, Adam felt it wasn't helping as he could only squat and push. Between pushes, Adam felt his anger rise up in him from the man's words.

"Arrghhh....aahhhhh.....gawd.....come out.!!!!!" Adam screamed with pushing before looking towards the man, "Look...if you want this egg delivered quickly move your ass over here and do it yourself. If not shut the hell up!!!" Adam yelled at the man in hopes it would anger him and he would actually help. "Ohhhhh!!!! Damn...come out!!!!"

Joel ignored the man's shouting and went back to his chair, watching as the man desperately tried to birth the huge egg.

After a while, the man - tired out - started to lie down on the bed and groan, holding his legs up as he pushed on his back.

Adam had hoped his shouting would get the man to do something, but it only got him to go back to his chair to sit and watch. Tired of squatting to try get this egg out, Adam had only one way to do this, and that was to lay down on his back and push. Laying down, Adam held his legs apart as he continued to push the egg out.

Pushing his hardest again, Adam managed to get the egg sliding out more and more, "!!!!!" Adam screamed his loudest before finally falling back against the bed as the huge egg came flying out onto the bed.

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